
How to Import JIRA data in Power BI

Introduction In our previous blog we saw how to import rest api in Power BI. We recommend you go through that article first. In this article, we will learn how to Import JIRA data in Power BI. For that, we will create a successful HTML Connection then request for reading JIRA data and loading into Power […]

Power BI Integration

Push data into a Power BI dataset from SQL Server

Introduction In this article, you will learn how to push data into a Power BI dataset from SQL Server. Power BI is a Microsoft reporting product that can get data from virtually any source and display it nicely in a report or a dashboard. Among its dataset types, it has a streaming dataset into which […]


Load JIRA data into SQL Server with ODBC – Call REST API

Introduction In this blog, we will learn How to Load JIRA data in ODBC and load JIRA data into SQL Server Table, along with few other topics such as how to generate an API Token using Atlassian Account for JIRA REST API Call, how to read all Issues data from JIRA with ODBC. We will go through […]

Tableau Parameters – Fix Metadata / Dynamic SQL Columns Issue

Introduction Many time you have to use Dynamic SQL in your Stored Procedure but some tools (e.g. Tableau) may reject it because metadata is not returned when sp_describe_first_result_set is called in SQL Prepare phase. You may see error like below in that case.     Metadata Prepare Call

Error due to Dynamic SQL Msg […]

Import REST API in Tableau – Read JSON, SOAP XML, CSV

Introduction Tableau is one of the most popular Reporting / Visualization tool for BI / Data analytics. It comes with many out-of the box connectors to pull data from some popular data sources but still it seriously lakes capability to consume data from millions of other REST / SOAP data sources out there for which […]

MicroStrategy logo

How to call REST API in MicroStrategy (JSON / XML SOAP)

 Introduction In this new article, we will show how to call REST API in MicroStrategy. MicroStrategy is a Business Intelligence company that provides powerful software to create nice charts, reports to take decisions. It started in 1993 and now it is one of the most popular Business Intelligence tools in the world because it is simple, intuitive and friendly. […]

Import REST API in MS Access (Load JSON / SOAP XML)

Introduction In this post, we will learn how to import REST API in MS Access (JSON or SOAP XML data).  We will use ODBC PowerPack to connect and query a JSON file / URL. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it is an Open and Standard format to read an object with attributes and values.  JSON […]