How to Read / Write Amazon Redshift Data in SSIS

Introduction ZappySys provide high-performance drag and drop connectors for Amazon Redshift Integration. In our previous post we saw how to bulk load SQL data into Redshift using S3 staging technique (COPY command). Now in this post, you will see How to Read / Write Amazon Redshift Data in SSIS Data flow without need for S3 Staging. […]

Execute SQL query against PostgreSQL in SSIS

Introduction ZappySys provides high-performance drag and drop connectors for PostgreSQL Integration. In this post you will see how to Execute SQL query against PostgreSQL in SSIS, in various SQL commands such as SELECT, INSERT, DROP, COPY, CREATE, etc using PostgreSQL Execute SQL Task can be used to execute DDL and DML statements for PostgreSQL without needing any […]

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How to read and write data to HTML in SSIS

Introduction to read and write data to HTML in SSIS In this article, we will show how to send values from an SSIS Variable to an HTML file. We will use the SSIS Advanced File System Task to store the list of system files of a folder into a variable and then we will use […]