New Features/Improvements
- NEW: Dynamics CRM Destination – Add Support for Multiple Threads for faster performance (Added EnableParallelThreads, MaxParallelThreads Properties)
- NEW: General – Add new functions LOWER, UPPER, FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_TO_DATE (When input is Seconds format) and FUN_UNIX_TIMESTAMP_MS_TO_DATE (When input is Milliseconds format)
- NEW: General – Add product Update notification (Show release notes when new available)
- NEW: General – Enforce License manager to run as Admin to avoid license activation issues
- NEW: HTTP Connection – Provide option to generate Hash only signature without HMAC (Password Digest style Hashing)
- NEW: HTTP Connection Manager – Add support for [$nounce$], [$timestamp$], [$userid$] tags in HTTP Request Body (NetSuite Scenario)
- NEW: HTTP Connection Manager – Add support for Digest Authentication (URL With Query Parameter Still NOT Supported)
- NEW: HTTP Connection Manager – Provide a way to insert Token in AuthScheme for Dynamic Token Method (i.e. Allow use of [$token$] placeholder in AuthScheme)
- NEW: HTTP Connection Manager – Provide a way to Pass UserID / Password inside Body (Placeholders [$userid$] and [$password$] should be allowed)
- NEW: JSON Source – Add new Array Transform Option – Pivot Columnless Array (e.g. [“red”,”blue”,”yellow”] )
- NEW: OAuth Connection Manager – AWS v4 Provider – Allow to Supply Custom Region
- NEW: OAuth Connection Manager – Update Google Scope Selector Entries for Calendar API
- NEW: REST API Source, JSON, XML, CSV Source, Web API Destination – Provide a way to submit BODY with GET request
- NEW: REST API Task, JSON / XML / CSV Source – Allow to pass non standard date format for If-Modified-Since Header (Xero API Usecase) – suffix date with -raw to allow custom format
- NEW: REST API Task, Web API Destination – Add Support for GZip Compressed Request for better speed (useful for large data transfer)
- NEW: Salesforce Destination – Add Support for ConcurrencyMode to control Serial / Parallel execution of batches in Bulk API (Needed to avoid UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW error)
- NEW: Salesforce Destination, Dynamics CRM Destination – Add Support for Deleted Rows Output
- NEW: Salesforce Destination, Dynamics CRM Destination, Upsert Destination – Add Support to disable Outputs (To prevent unused columns warnings) – New Property DoNotCreateOutputs
- NEW: Secure FTP Task – Add support for advanced filter (Where, OrderBy, Top Clause) just like Advanced File System Task – Upload, Download, Delete, Get List as ADO Table operation
- NEW: SMTP Connection Manager – Change default timeout to 30 seconds, Also Show Timeout as Seconds rather than Milliseconds on User Interface to avoid confusion
- NEW: XML Source – Provide an option to set culture (Helpful to parse culture specific Number formats)
Bug fixes
- FIX: Upsert Destination – Sync option for PostgreSql, Redshift doesnt work – It deletes data from target table for matching rows in source rather than non-matching rows
- FIX: Excel Source – In some cases wrong precision / scale detected for decimal type and you get error at runtime – SqlTruncateException: Numeric arithmetic causes truncation
- FIX: Export CSV Task, CSV Generator – Quote around Number / DateTime value if Format contains comma (e.g. MMM, dd yyyy or ##,0)
- FIX: Export JSON Task – DateTime, Real type from SQL query / Table is not exported correctly for some cultures (e.g. fl-FL – Finland) – (For number output has comma instead of dot and in datetime dot instead of colon)
- FIX: Export JSON Task – DateTimeOffset and Time SQL datatypes are exported without double quotes around it and causing bad JSON output
- FIX: Export JSON, XML Task – Live preview of Custom Layout fails when ODBC Connection is used with UserId and Password
- FIX: Export JSON, XML, CSV Task – Add new dataset for Custom Layout doesnt list Views when you choose Tables / Views dropdown (Only tables are listed there)
- FIX: General – Various components using ISO date formats may use wrong date format for some cultures where Time Separator is dot (i.e. Finland Culture fi-FI)
- FIX: Google Data Connection – Add Option to use V2 App
- FIX: HTML Table Source – When you check Include Column Link Option and ColSpan Attribute found in some row then you might get – System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
- FIX: JSON Source, XML Source, JSON Parser Transform, XML Parser Transform – When –FAST Property supplied it may throw Failed to locate property xxxxxxx even though you check continue if property is missing option
- FIX: JSON, XML, CSV Source – Local Zip File is locked until package is finished so accessing same file in package in next step throws – The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
- FIX: JSON, XML, CSV, MongoDB, Azure Table, Excel, DynamoDB Source – Column DataType is detected as String When value in the first row is NULL
- FIX: MongoDB Source – ISO DateTime is not exported correctly for some cultures (e.g. fl-FL – Finland) – (instead of dot and in datetime dot instead of colon)
- FIX: MongoDB Source – Provider row number / fragment of document to find _id when certain error happens (E.g. An item with the same key has already been added.’)
- FIX: MongoDB Source, JSON Source, XML Source, CSV Source – Error Redirect doesnt work on some errors like item with the same key has already been added
- FIX: OAuth Connection Manager – Select Scope may remove user defined entries if not found in the predefined list
- FIX: PostgreSql Destination, Redshift Destination – Error Handling is not working
- FIX: REST API Task, JSON / XML / CSV Source – Some API Call might fail on Windows 2012 R2 (or other older OS) with error – Changing Security Protocol Setting on Advanced Tab has no effect on SSIS 2014 or higher) – Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
- FIX: Salesforce Destination, Dynamics CRM Destination – Update Mode should remove New Rows output to avoid some confusion
- FIX: Secure FTP Connection Manager – Add support to use If Possible Use Single File Operation (iSeries FTP Server Usecase – Where CWD command fails to determine Folder existence)
- FIX: Send HTML Email Task – When you send Email using NORMAL priority it always set as HIGH
- FIX: SMTP Connection Manager – Test Connection should use From same as Entered as UserName to avoid error
- FIX: Timer Task – For some cultures (i.e. Finland) where Time Separator is dot ( . ) rather than colon ( : ) you might get error – Failed to Load task “ZS Timer Task” – Exception “String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.” occurred during “LoadFromXML”
- FIX: Upsert Destination – Index Creation fails if your column name has space when you save UI
- FIX: Xml File Destination, CSV File Destination – CharacterSet Property is ignored for all CSV / XML Destinations