DropBox Connector for SSIS

Read / write DropBox data inside your app; perform many DropBox operations without coding, just use easy to use high performance API Connector for DropBox
You can use this connector to integrate DropBox data inside SSIS and SQL Server. Let's take a look at the steps below to see how exactly to accomplish that.

Download Documentation

Video Tutorial - Integrate DropBox data in SSIS

This video covers following and more so watch carefully. After watching this video follow the steps described in this article.

  • How to download / install required driver for DropBox integration in SSIS
  • How to configure connection for DropBox
  • Features about API Source (Authentication / Query Language / Examples / Driver UI)
  • Using DropBox Connection in SSIS


Before we perform steps listed in this article, you will need to make sure following prerequisites are met:
  1. SSIS designer installed. Sometimes it is referred as BIDS or SSDT (download it from Microsoft site).
  2. Basic knowledge of SSIS package development using Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services.
  3. Make sure ZappySys SSIS PowerPack is downloaded and installed (download it). Check Getting started section for more information.
  4. Optional (If you want to Deploy and Schedule ) - Deploy and Schedule SSIS Packages

How to read data from DropBox in SSIS (Export data)

In this section we will learn how to configure and use DropBox Connector in API Source to extract data from DropBox.

  1. Begin with opening Visual Studio and Create a New Project.

  2. Select Integration Service Project and in new project window set the appropriate name and location for project. And click OK.

  3. In the new SSIS project screen you will find the following:

    1. SSIS ToolBox on left side bar
    2. Solution Explorer and Property Window on right bar
    3. Control flow, data flow, event Handlers, Package Explorer in tab windows
    4. Connection Manager Window in the bottom
    SSIS Project Screen
    Note: If you don't see ZappySys SSIS PowerPack Task or Components in SSIS Toolbox, please refer to this help link.

  4. Now, Drag and Drop SSIS Data Flow Task from SSIS Toolbox. Double click on the Data Flow Task to see Data Flow designer.
    SSIS Data Flow Task - Drag and Drop

  5. From the SSIS toolbox drag and API Source (Predefined Templates) on the data flow designer surface, and double click on it to edit it:
    SSIS API Source (Predefined Templates) - Drag and Drop

  6. Select New Connection to create a new connection:
    API Source - New Connection

  7. Use a preinstalled DropBox Connector from Popular Connector List or press Search Online radio button to download DropBox Connector. Once downloaded simply use it in the configuration:

    DropBox Connector Selection

  8. Proceed with selecting the desired Authentication Type. Then select API Base URL (in most cases default one is the right one). Finally, fill in all the required parameters and set optional parameters if needed. You may press a link Steps to Configure which will help set certain parameters. More info is available in Authentication section.

    Steps to get DropBox Credentials : User Account [OAuth]

    To use OAuth authentication, firstly, you need to create OAuth application:

    1. Log into your DropBox account.
    2. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps.
    3. Press Create app button to create a new app.
    4. Once a new page opens, select Scoped access option.
    5. Next, select Full Dropbox to access all files and folders or App folder to access specific folder's files and folders option
    6. Give your app a name
    7. Click create app
    8. Once a new page opens, click Scoped App in Permission type line to select application scopes.
    9. Select all Individual Scopes and Team Scopes if you want to manage team data. Click Submit button.
    10. Select Settings tab, scroll down to App key and App secret and copy paste them into Notepad.
    11. Then in OAuth 2 section add a URL as Redirect URI. If you don't have a working Redirect URI, you may add https://zappysys.com/oauth as Redirect URI

    Use App key and App secret and Redirect URI for use in Connection String when connecting or in UI.

    NOTE: If you are planning to use your current data connection/token for automated processes, we recommend that you use a generic account for token generation when the login box appears (e.g. sales_automation@mycompany.com instead of bob_smith@mycompany.com). When you use a personal account which is tied to a specific employee profile and that employee leaves the company, the token may become invalid and any automated processes using that token will fail. Another potentially unwanted effect of using a personal token is incorrect logging; the API calls (e.g. Read, Edit, Delete, Upload) made with that token will record the specific user as performing the calls instead of an automated process.
    User Account [OAuth]
    Required Parameters
    UseCustomApp Fill in the parameter...
    ReturnUrl Fill in the parameter...
    Optional Parameters
    ClientId Fill in the parameter...
    ClientSecret Fill in the parameter...
    Scope Fill in the parameter...
    RetryMode Fill in the parameter...
    RetryStatusCodeList Fill in the parameter...
    RetryCountMax Fill in the parameter...
    RetryMultiplyWaitTime Fill in the parameter...
    ZappySys OAuth Connection

  9. Select the desired endpoint, change/pass the properties values, and click on Preview Data button to make the API call.

    API Source - DropBox
    Read / write DropBox data inside your app; perform many DropBox operations without coding, just use easy to use high performance API Connector for DropBox
    API Source - Select Endpoint

  10. That's it! We are done! Just in a few clicks we configured the call to DropBox using DropBox Connector.

    You can load the source data into your desired destination using the Upsert Destination, which supports SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Amazon Redshift. We also offer other destinations such as CSV, Excel, Azure Table, Salesforce, and more. You can check out our SSIS PowerPack Tasks and components for more options. (*loaded in Trash Destination)

    Execute Package - Reading data from DropBox and load into target

Load DropBox data in SQL Server using Upsert Destination (Insert or Update)

Once you read data from the desired source, now let's see how to Load DropBox data in SQL Server using Upsert Destination. Upsert Destination can Merge/Synchronize data from source to target for Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSql and Redshift. It supports very fast Bulk Upsert (Update or Insert) operation along and Bulk delete.

  1. From the SSIS toolbox drag and drop Upsert Destination on the dataflow designer surface

  2. Connect our Source component to Upsert Destination

  3. Double click on Upsert Destination component to configure it.

  4. Select the desired Microsoft SQL Server/PostgreSql/Redshift Target Connection or click NEW to create new connection. Select Target Table or click NEW to create new table based on source columns.
    Configure SSIS Upsert Destination Connection - Loading data (REST / SOAP / JSON / XML /CSV) into SQL Server or other target using SSIS
    Configure SSIS Upsert Destination Connection - Loading data (REST / SOAP / JSON / XML /CSV) into SQL Server or other target using SSIS

  5. Set Action to Upsert => (insert if not matching in target else update). Select Target Connection and Target Table. Check on Insert and Update. Click on Map All to Mappings all columns and check on Only Primary Key columns.
    SSIS SQL Upsert option

  6. Click on OK to save Upsert Destination settings UI.

  7. That's it. Run the SSIS Package and it will read the data from the DropBox and load the data in the SQL Server/PostgreSql/Redshift using Upsert Destination.

    Execute Package - Reading data from API Source and load into target

Video Tutorial - Write or lookup data to DropBox using SSIS

This video covers following and more so watch carefully. After watching this video follow the steps described in this article.

  • How to download SSIS PowerPack for DropBox integration in SSIS
  • How to configure connection for DropBox
  • How to Write or lookup data to DropBox
  • Features about SSIS API Destination
  • Using DropBox Connector in SSIS

How to write or lookup data to DropBox in SSIS (Import data)

In upper section we learned how to read data, now in this section we will learn how to configure DropBox in the API Source to Post data to the DropBox.

  1. Read the data from the source, being any desired source component. In example we will use ZappySys Dummy Data Source component.

  2. From the SSIS Toolbox drag and drop API Destination (Predefined Templates) on the Data Flow Designer surface and connect source component with it, and double click to edit it.
    SSIS API Destination (Predefined Templates) - Drag and Drop

  3. Select New Connection to create a new connection:

    API Destination - DropBox
    Read / write DropBox data inside your app; perform many DropBox operations without coding, just use easy to use high performance API Connector for DropBox
    API Destination - New Connection

  4. Use a preinstalled DropBox Connector from Popular Connector List or press Search Online radio button to download DropBox Connector. Once downloaded simply use it in the configuration:

    DropBox Connector Selection

  5. Proceed with selecting the desired Authentication Type. Then select API Base URL (in most cases default one is the right one). Finally, fill in all the required parameters and set optional parameters if needed. You may press a link Steps to Configure which will help set certain parameters. More info is available in Authentication section.

    Steps to get DropBox Credentials : User Account [OAuth]

    To use OAuth authentication, firstly, you need to create OAuth application:

    1. Log into your DropBox account.
    2. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps.
    3. Press Create app button to create a new app.
    4. Once a new page opens, select Scoped access option.
    5. Next, select Full Dropbox to access all files and folders or App folder to access specific folder's files and folders option
    6. Give your app a name
    7. Click create app
    8. Once a new page opens, click Scoped App in Permission type line to select application scopes.
    9. Select all Individual Scopes and Team Scopes if you want to manage team data. Click Submit button.
    10. Select Settings tab, scroll down to App key and App secret and copy paste them into Notepad.
    11. Then in OAuth 2 section add a URL as Redirect URI. If you don't have a working Redirect URI, you may add https://zappysys.com/oauth as Redirect URI

    Use App key and App secret and Redirect URI for use in Connection String when connecting or in UI.

    NOTE: If you are planning to use your current data connection/token for automated processes, we recommend that you use a generic account for token generation when the login box appears (e.g. sales_automation@mycompany.com instead of bob_smith@mycompany.com). When you use a personal account which is tied to a specific employee profile and that employee leaves the company, the token may become invalid and any automated processes using that token will fail. Another potentially unwanted effect of using a personal token is incorrect logging; the API calls (e.g. Read, Edit, Delete, Upload) made with that token will record the specific user as performing the calls instead of an automated process.
    User Account [OAuth]
    Required Parameters
    UseCustomApp Fill in the parameter...
    ReturnUrl Fill in the parameter...
    Optional Parameters
    ClientId Fill in the parameter...
    ClientSecret Fill in the parameter...
    Scope Fill in the parameter...
    RetryMode Fill in the parameter...
    RetryStatusCodeList Fill in the parameter...
    RetryCountMax Fill in the parameter...
    RetryMultiplyWaitTime Fill in the parameter...
    ZappySys OAuth Connection

  6. Select the desired endpoint, change/pass the properties values, and go to the Mappings tab to map the columns.

    API Destination - DropBox
    Read / write DropBox data inside your app; perform many DropBox operations without coding, just use easy to use high performance API Connector for DropBox
    API Destination - Select Endpoint

  7. Finally, map the desired columns:

    API Destination - DropBox
    Read / write DropBox data inside your app; perform many DropBox operations without coding, just use easy to use high performance API Connector for DropBox
    API Destination - Columns Mapping

  8. That's it; we successfully configured the POST API Call. In a few clicks we configured the DropBox API call using ZappySys DropBox Connector

    Execute Package - Reading data from API Source and load into target

Advanced topics

Actions supported by DropBox Connector

DropBox Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.
 Make connection test
Makes a connection test    [Read more...]
 List folder
Lists folder    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Option Value
true true
false false
 Download a file
Downloads a file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
 Download a folder and folders/files within as ZIP archive
Downloads a folder with all the files and folders it contains as ZIP file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
 Upload a file
Upload a file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
TargetFilePath Specify a file path in DropBox to save file to
SourceFilePath Specify a disk file path to upload
 Create folder
Creates folder    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Deletes file or folder    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
 Generic Request
This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Url API URL goes here. You can enter full URL or Partial URL relative to Base URL. If it is full URL then domain name must be part of ServiceURL or part of TrustedDomains
Body Request Body content goes here
IsMultiPart Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value) ==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\myfile.zip ) ==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored). file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
Filter Enter filter to extract array from response. Example: $.rows[*] --OR-- $.customers[*].orders[*]. Check your response document and find out hierarchy you like to extract
Headers Headers for Request. To enter multiple headers use double pipe or new line after each {header-name}:{value} pair


In this article we discussed how to connect to DropBox in SSIS and integrate data without any coding. Click here to Download DropBox Connector for SSIS and try yourself see how easy it is. If you still have any question(s) then ask here or simply click on live chat icon below and ask our expert (see bottom-right corner of this page).

Download DropBox Connector for SSIS Documentation 

More integrations

Other application integration scenarios for DropBox

Other connectors for SSIS

Download DropBox Connector for SSIS Documentation

  • How to connect DropBox in SSIS?

  • How to get DropBox data in SSIS?

  • How to read DropBox data in SSIS?

  • How to load DropBox data in SSIS?

  • How to import DropBox data in SSIS?

  • How to pull DropBox data in SSIS?

  • How to push data to DropBox in SSIS?

  • How to write data to DropBox in SSIS?

  • How to POST data to DropBox in SSIS?

  • Call DropBox API in SSIS

  • Consume DropBox API in SSIS

  • DropBox SSIS Automate

  • DropBox SSIS Integration

  • Integration DropBox in SSIS

  • Consume real-time DropBox data in SSIS

  • Consume real-time DropBox API data in SSIS

  • DropBox ODBC Driver | ODBC Driver for DropBox | ODBC DropBox Driver | SSIS DropBox Source | SSIS DropBox Destination

  • Connect DropBox in SSIS

  • Load DropBox in SSIS

  • Load DropBox data in SSIS

  • Read DropBox data in SSIS

  • DropBox API Call in SSIS