Zendesk Connector
Zendesk Connector Help
Version 8
ZappySys Logo File Version: v8
Supported Engine: 7

Release Notes

On this page you can find what's new in Zendesk Connector.
Date Description
2024-01-08 New - Added CRUD operations (Insert, Update, Delete and Upsert) for Users and Organizations table. For Users table you can do Upsert in Bulk mode.
2023-11-15 Modified - Added API call delay property NextUrlWaitInMs to avoid error 429 (too many requests) during Pagination
2023-10-30 Modified - Change Domain Label to Sub Domain to avoid confusion
2022-11-22 Fix - Added MaxRows=1000 for get_search endpoint to avoid error when more than 1000 rows returned in search
2022-10-27 New - Updated Read Tickets (Incremental) endpoint to support functions in Start Time Parameter. Now you can use date time function (i.e. yesterday, monthstart etc) along with static date (i.e. 2021-01-01 or 2021-01-01 23:59:59) to set incremental extract date.
2022-10-27 New - Added support for separate columns for custom_fields (Previous approach was limited to 5 fields only)
2022-08-16 New - Added comment feature on existing ticket along with html body (e.g. Update Tickets SET comment_body='Closing this ticket' where Id=1234 - you can also set comment_body_html, comment_author_id, comment_public)
2022-02-15 Fix - Tickets (Incremental) endpoint doesnt stop pagination
2022-02-15 New - Added Retry for API Limit errors (status code 429)
2022-01-31 New - BREAKING: renamed some parameters, Added support for adding - removing tags in Bulk UPDATE operation using additional_tags, remove_tags input property
2022-01-31 New - BREAKING: Added support for Updating, Creating, Deleting Single Ticket without using Bulk mode (faster)
2021-03-25 New - Added new endpoint get_ticket_attachments, updated many ticket endpoints to use static columns
2020-12-01 New - Initial version