XML Connector for SSIS

XML Connector can be used to extract and output XML data coming from REST API web service calls (Web URL) or direct XML String (variables or DB columns) or local XML files data. XML Connector also supports Path expression to extract data from any level. This Connector is optimized to work with very large XML string.
You can use this connector to integrate XML data inside SSIS and SQL Server. Let's take a look at the steps below to see how exactly to accomplish that.

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Video Tutorial - Integrate XML data in SSIS

This video covers following and more so watch carefully. After watching this video follow the steps described in this article.

  • How to download / install required driver for XML integration in SSIS
  • How to configure connection for XML
  • Features about XML Source (Authentication / Query Language / Examples / Driver UI)
  • Using XML Connection in SSIS


Before we perform steps listed in this article, you will need to make sure following prerequisites are met:
  1. SSIS designer installed. Sometimes it is referred as BIDS or SSDT (download it from Microsoft site).
  2. Basic knowledge of SSIS package development using Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services.
  3. Make sure ZappySys SSIS PowerPack is downloaded and installed (download it). Check Getting started section for more information.
  4. Optional (If you want to Deploy and Schedule ) - Deploy and Schedule SSIS Packages

How to read data from XML in SSIS using XML Source (Export data)

In this section we will learn how to configure and use XML Connector in the API Source to extract data from the XML using XML Source.

  1. Begin with opening Visual Studio and Create a New Project.

  2. Select Integration Service Project and in new project window set the appropriate name and location for project. And click OK.

  3. In the the new SSIS project screen you will find the following:

    1. SSIS ToolBox on left side bar
    2. Solution Explorer and Property Window on right bar
    3. Control flow, data flow, event Handlers, Package Explorer in tab windows
    4. Connection Manager Window in the bottom
    SSIS Project Screen
    Note: If you don't see ZappySys SSIS PowerPack Task or Components in SSIS Toolbox, please refer to this help link.

  4. Now, Drag and Drop SSIS Data Flow Task from SSIS Toolbox. Double click on the Data Flow Task to see Data Flow designer.
    SSIS Data Flow Task - Drag and Drop

  5. From the SSIS toolbox drag and drop XML Source on the dataflow designer surface
    SSIS XML Source - Drag and Drop

  6. Double click on XML Source component to configure it.

  7. From the Access Mode dropdown select [File path or web Url] and paste the following Url for this example.

    NOTE: Here for demo, We are using odata API, but you need to refer your own API documentation and based on that you need to use your own API URL and need to configure connection based on API Authentication type.

  8. Now enter Path expression in Path textbox to extract only specific part of XML string as below ($.CATALOG.PLANT[*] will get content of plant attribute from XML document. Plant attribute is array of XML documents so we have to use [*] to indicate we want all records of that array)

    NOTE: Here, We are using our desired filter, but you need to select your desired filter based on your requirement.

    Click on Preview button to view the parsed XML string response data and click OK.

    Read XML data from Web Url Example in SSIS
  9. That's it; we are done. In a few clicks we configured the call to XML using ZappySys XML Connector

Read large XML string in SSIS (3 Million Rows in 3 Mins)

Using ZappySys SSIS XML Source you can read large XML String data (Process 3 Million rows in 3 minutes – 1.2 GB file). Using --FAST Expression and other options.

If you use default settings to read data then it may result into OutOfMemory Exception so we will outline few techniques which will enable high performance Streaming Mode rather than In-memory load of entire data.

Please refer to this article for the same: How to read large XML / JSON file in SSIS

Configuring pagination in the XML Source

ZappySys XML Source equips users with powerful tools for seamless data extraction and management from REST APIs, leveraging advanced pagination methods for enhanced efficiency. These options are designed to handle various types of pagination structures commonly used in APIs. Below are the detailed descriptions of these options:

  1. Page-based Pagination: This method works by retrieving data in fixed-size pages from the Rest API. It allows you to specify the page size and navigate through the results by requesting different page numbers, ensuring that you can access all the data in a structured manner.

  2. Offset-based Pagination: With this approach, you can extract data by specifying the starting point or offset from which to begin retrieving data. It allows you to define the number of records to skip and fetch subsequent data accordingly, providing precise control over the data extraction process.

  3. Cursor-based Pagination: This technique involves using a cursor or a marker that points to a specific position in the dataset. It enables you to retrieve data starting from the position indicated by the cursor and proceed to subsequent segments, ensuring that you capture all the relevant information without missing any records.

  4. Token-based Pagination: In this method, a token serves as a unique identifier for a specific data segment. It allows you to access the next set of data by using the token provided in the response from the previous request. This ensures that you can systematically retrieve all the data segments without duplication or omission.

Utilizing these comprehensive pagination features in the ZappySys XML Source facilitates efficient data management and extraction from REST APIs, optimizing the integration and analysis of extensive datasets.

For more detailed steps, please refer to this link: How to do REST API Pagination in SSIS / ODBC Drivers

ZappySys Authentication

ZappySys offers various authentication methods to securely access data from various sources. These authentication methods include OAuth, Basic Authentication, Token-based Authentication, and more, allowing users to connect to a wide range of data sources securely.

ZappySys Authentication is a robust system that facilitates secure access to data from a diverse range of sources. It includes a variety of authentication methods tailored to meet the specific requirements of different data platforms and services. These authentication methods may involve:

  1. OAuth: ZappySys supports OAuth for authentication, which allows users to grant limited access to their data without revealing their credentials. It's commonly used for applications that require access to user account information.

  2. Basic Authentication: This method involves sending a username and password with every request. ZappySys allows users to securely access data using this traditional authentication approach.

  3. Token-based Authentication: ZappySys enables users to utilize tokens for authentication. This method involves exchanging a unique token with each request to authenticate the user's identity without revealing sensitive information.

By implementing these authentication methods, ZappySys ensures the secure and reliable retrieval of data from various sources, providing users with the necessary tools to access and integrate data securely and efficiently. For more comprehensive details on the authentication process, please refer to the official ZappySys documentation or reach out to their support team for further assistance.

For more details, please refer to this link: ZappySys Connections

Load XML data in SQL Server using Upsert Destination (Insert or Update)

Once you read data from the desired source, now let's see how to Load XML data in SQL Server using Upsert Destination. Upsert Destination can Merge/Synchronize data from source to target for Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSql and Redshift. It supports very fast Bulk Upsert (Update or Insert) operation along and Bulk delete.

  1. From the SSIS toolbox drag and drop Upsert Destination on the dataflow designer surface

  2. Connect our Source component to Upsert Destination

  3. Double click on Upsert Destination component to configure it.

  4. Select the desired Microsoft SQL Server/PostgreSql/Redshift Target Connection or click NEW to create new connection. Select Target Table or click NEW to create new table based on source columns.
    Configure SSIS Upsert Destination Connection - Loading data (REST / SOAP / JSON / XML /CSV) into SQL Server or other target using SSIS
    Configure SSIS Upsert Destination Connection - Loading data (REST / SOAP / JSON / XML /CSV) into SQL Server or other target using SSIS

  5. Set Action to Upsert => (insert if not matching in target else update). Select Target Connection and Target Table. Check on Insert and Update. Click on Map All to Mappings all columns and check on Only Primary Key columns.
    SSIS SQL Upsert option

  6. Click on OK to save Upsert Destination settings UI.

  7. That's it; we are done. Run the SSIS Package and it will read the data from the XML and load the the data in the SQL Server/PostgreSql/Redshift.


In this article we discussed how to connect to XML in SSIS and integrate data without any coding. Click here to Download XML Connector for SSIS and try yourself see how easy it is. If you still have any question(s) then ask here or simply click on live chat icon below and ask our expert (see bottom-right corner of this page).

Download XML Connector for SSIS Documentation 

Other App Integration scenarios for XML

Other Connectors for SSIS

Download XML Connector for SSIS Documentation

  • How to connect XML in SSIS?

  • How to get XML data in SSIS?

  • How to read XML data in SSIS?

  • How to load XML data in SSIS?

  • How to import XML data in SSIS?

  • How to pull XML data in SSIS?

  • How to push data to XML in SSIS?

  • How to write data to XML in SSIS?

  • How to POST data to XML in SSIS?

  • Call XML API in SSIS

  • Consume XML API in SSIS

  • XML SSIS Automate

  • XML SSIS Integration

  • Integration XML in SSIS

  • Consume real-time XML data in SSIS

  • Consume real-time XML API data in SSIS

  • XML ODBC Driver | ODBC Driver for XML | ODBC XML Driver | SSIS XML Source | SSIS XML Destination

  • Connect XML in SSIS

  • Load XML in SSIS

  • Load XML data in SSIS

  • Read XML data in SSIS

  • XML API Call in SSIS