ZappyShell - Command Line (CLI) tools for Azure, AWS S3, Amazon Redshift,Data Export JSON,Excel,CSV,PDF ZappyShell is a collection of fast and compact command line tools to automate most difficult or time consuming tasks in one line. ZappyShell contains following command line tools at this moment.

ZappyShell Overview

ZappyShell contains following command line applications

Command line Description
Command line tools for Data Export to JSON, Excel, CSV, PDF from MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle ZappyShell for DB Commands to export data from relational source. You can export data in JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, PDF. Read More
Command line tools for Amazon Redshift Database ZappyShell for Redshift Commands to import on-premises data to Amazon Redshift. You can import huge amount of data to Redshift from any relational database such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server in just one line. Read More
Command line tools for Amazon S3 Storage ZappyShell for AWS Must have command line utility to interact with Amazon S3 Storage. 20+ commands with 100+ options to adjust your need. Most of operations are multi-threaded with pattern search support. Easily sync files between local machine and Amazon S3. Read More
Command line tools for Azure Blob Storage ZappyShell for Azure Must have command line utility to interact with Azure Blob Storage. 25+ commands with 100+ options to adjust your need. Most of operations are multi-threaded with pattern search support. Easily sync files between local machine and Azure Storage. Read More


Export multiple tables to JSON / CSV / XML / Excel File (Simple Mode ) – Command line builder UI

Command Line Builder - Export Data to JSON, XML, CSV, Excel from multiple SQL Tables (ODBC, OLEDB, Connection)

Command Line Builder – Export Data to JSON, XML, CSV, Excel from multiple SQL Tables (ODBC, OLEDB, Connection)

Command Line Builder for JSON, XML, CSV, Excel - Target Options (Append, Compress to GZip)

Command Line Builder for JSON, XML, CSV, Excel – Target Options (Append, Compress to GZip)

Command Line Builder - Additional Options for Export JSON, XML, CSV, Excel File

Command Line Builder – Additional Options for Export JSON, XML, CSV, Excel File

Generate Complex JSON / XML using Custom Layout – Command line builder UI

Using Custom Layout for Complex JSON / XML Output

Using Custom Layout for Complex JSON / XML Output

Layout Editor to define Structure of JSON / XML Output

Layout Editor to define Structure of JSON / XML Output

Exported JSON File Output - Generated from ZappyShell db.exe command line (Using Custom Layout File)

Exported JSON File Output – Generated from ZappyShell db.exe command line (Using Custom Layout File)

Export and Split Files By Row Count / Size – Command line builder UI

Split CSV, JSON, XML, Excel Data into Multiple files (Split by Rowe Count or Size)

Split CSV, JSON, XML, Excel Data into Multiple files (Split by Rowe Count or Size)

ZappyShell Command line tools for Amazon S3

Command line tools for Amazon S3

Upload local files to Amazon S3 from command line

ZappyShell Command line tools for Amazon Redshift

Redshift Data Load – Amazon Redshift Import Command line tools (COPY, S3, AWS Redshift)

Redshift Data Load – Amazon Redshift Import Command line tools (COPY, S3, AWS Redshift)


Export table or query output to JSON files (automatically split into multiple files)

Export SQL Server Table to JSON files (split automatically using group by column)


Export table or query output to Excel files (automatically split into multiple files)

Export SQL Server Table to Excel files (split automatically using group by column)

DB Shell – Command Line tools for Data export to JSON, CSV, Excel, PDF and HTML

Feature FREE Edition Standard Edition

Commands for Data Export [4 commands]

Click here to see all commands

Premium support (Phone call, Web meeting) Export MySql data to JSON,excel,csv,pdf,html Export MySql data to JSON,excel,csv,pdf,html
Advanced options (not available in FREE version):

  • Support for splitting data in more than 25 files
  • Support for files bigger than 100MB
  • Support for multi threaded operations
Export SQL Server data to CSV, JSON, Excel, PDF, HTML Export SQL Server data to CSV, JSON, Excel, PDF, HTML
Data Export commands:

Export oracle data to CSV, JSON, Excel, PDF, HTML Export oracle data to CSV, JSON, Excel, PDF, HTML

Azure Shell – Command Line Tools (CLI) for Microsoft Azure Cloud Services

Feature FREE Edition Standard Edition

Commands for Azure Blob Storage [25 commands]

Click here to see all commands

Premium support (Phone call, Web meeting) azure blob free command line azure blob free command line
Advanced options (not available in FREE version):

  • Upload/Download only modified files (–sync option)
  • Multi threaded operations (–thread option)
  • Transfer entire folder structure (including nested folders/files) (–struct option)
  • Support for files bigger than 100MB
azure blob free command line azure blob free command line
Upload/Download commands:

azure blob list azure container list azure blob list azure container list
List commands (with export to json,xml,csv options):

azure blob list azure container list azure blob list azure container list
Copy/Move/Rename objects:

azure blob delete azure container delete azure blob delete azure container delete
Delete commands for blobs/containers:

Show information commands for blobs/containers (with export to json,xml,csv options):

Make/Create commands for blobs/containers:

Grant permission commands:

Snapshot commands:

Shared access signature URL commands:

Server side copy commands:

Misc commands:

Aws Shell – Command Line Tools (CLI) for Amazon AWS

Feature FREE Edition Standard Edition
Premium support (Phone call, Web meeting) aws s3 free command line aws s3 free command line
Advanced options (not available in FREE version):

  • Upload/Download only modified files (–sync option)
  • Multi threaded operations (–thread option)
  • Transfer entire folder structure (including nested folders/files) (–struct option)
  • Support for files bigger than 100MB
aws s3 free command line aws s3 free command line

Commands for AWS Redshift [1 command]

Click here to see all commands

Import data to redshift:

  • import (imports data to AWS Redshift database from any source)
  • Load local flat files to Redshift in one single command (option to compress data files to *.gz to speed up transfer)
  • Load data from any data source (ODBC, or OLEDB) using sql query to extract data
  • Import compressed data files (*.gz) to redshift
  • Archive files, error reporting, file splitting, many other features….
aws s3 list aws bucket list aws s3 list aws bucket list

Commands for AWS S3 Storage[25 commands]

Click here to see all commands

Upload/Download commands:

aws s3 list aws bucket list aws s3 list aws bucket list
List commands (with export to json,xml,csv options):

aws s3 list aws bucket list aws s3 list aws bucket list
Copy/Move/Rename objects:

aws s3 file copy move rename aws s3 file copy move rename
Delete commands for s3 files/buckets:

Show information commands for s3 files/buckets (with export to json,xml,csv options):

Make/Create commands for s3 file/bucket:

Grant permission commands:

Misc commands:


DownloadFree 30 days trial


Export JSON Command Line | Export XML Command Line | Export CSV Command Line | Export Excel Command Line | Azure Command Line (CLI) | AWS Command Line (CLI) | AWS Redshift Command Line | Free Azure 3rd party Tools | Free AWS 3rd party tools