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  • Overview
  • Syntax
  • Arguments
  • Notes
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  • Overview

    Bulk import data from existing files or from any relational database source to redshift in single command. Command supports ODBC, OLEDB and drivers to consume source data

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    import {Db|File}<SOURCE_TYPE> [--enc-key ENCRYPTION_KEY_PATH]
               [--load-options INPUT] [--maxthreads INPUT] [--source-compressed]
               [--source-driver {ADONET_MSSQL|ODBC|OLEDB|ZS_REDSHIFT}]
               [--source-path INPUT] [--source-recursive] [--source-stagepath INPUT]
               [--source-query INPUT] [--archivemethod {Delete|Move}]
               [--source-archivemethod {Delete|Move}]
               [--source-stage-archivemethod {Delete|Move}]
               [--source-archivefolder INPUT] [--source-stage-archivefolder INPUT]
               [--escapechar] [--target-stage-archivemethod {Delete|Move}]
               [--target-stage-archivefolder INPUT] [--target-stagepath INPUT]
               [--target-table INPUT] [--no-split] [--maxrows-perfile INPUT]
               [--maxrows-all INPUT] [--logfile INPUT] [--firstrow-has-colnames]
               [--target-truncate] [--target-truncate-fast] [--nullas INPUT]
               [--treat-empty-asnull] [--target-columns INPUT] [--cleanup-onerror]
               [--treat-blank-asnull] [--coldelimiter INPUT] [--quotedvalue]
               [--dateformat INPUT] [--allow-invalidchar]
               [--invalidchar-replacement INPUT] [--maxerrors INPUT] [--testload]
               [--rows-to-skip INPUT] [--ignore-invalid-date] [--truncate-to-fit]
               [--roundec] [--identinsert] [--ignore-blank] [--trimend]
               [--no-compress] [--updatestats] [--allow-missing-cols]
               [--source-connstr INPUT] [--target-connstr INPUT]
               [--accesskey YOUR_ACCESS_KEY] [--secretkey YOUR_SECRET_KEY]
               [--serviceurl INPUT] [--region INPUT] [--consoleout FILEPATH]
               [-v|--verbose] [-w|--wait] [-i|--interactive] 


    Parameter Description
    Type of source from where you want to read data. Valid options are DB or FILE . If input files are already compressed in gz format then use --source-compressed option. Possible values are [Db | File]
    Specifies AES 256 encryption key file path. This encryption key is used to encrypt data before uploading to S3. Data is decrypted automatically by Redshift while loading S3 files into target table. To create new encryption key use mkkey command.
    Additional load options for Redshift Copy
    Maximum parallel threads
    Specifies whether source file(s) already compressed
    Driver type (e.g. ADONET_SQL, ODBC, OLEDB)
    Source file(s) path (e.g. c:\cust*.txt --or-- c:\cust001.txt
    Include source files from sub directories
    Source stage path
    Source data query
    Default Archive method for source and target stage file
    Archive method for source file(s)
    Archive method for source stage file(s)
    Archive folder path for source file(s)
    Archive folder path for source stage file(s)
    Allow escape sequence character
    Archive method for target stage file(s)
    Archive folder path for target stage file(s)
    Target staging folder path
    Target table where you want to load data
    Do not split data into multiple files. If you don't specify this option then data is exported to stage into multiple files (default rows per file can be set using --maxrows-perfile option (default is 1000000 per file)
    Max rows per file when splitfiles option is enabled
    Max rows to load from input dataset
    Log file path
    Truncate target table before load
    Truncate target table before data load using transaction with rollback support
    Truncate target table before data load without using transaction (not recommended. Cant rollback delete if data load fails)
    Null indicator string in data
    Treat empty string as NULL
    List of columns to load in target table (input data must be in the same order)
    Always make sure stage files cleaned up when archive method is set to Delete. When this option is not set files are left in stage area if error occurs.
    Treat blank string (empty or only spaces) as NULL
    Field separator character for data files. (NOTE: use \t for tab)
    Wrap quotes around value in data files
    Date format in data file (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MI)
    Allow invalid UTF8 character in input data files
    Replacement char for invalid char
    Maximum allowed errors before failing data load
    Load data in test mode. This option validates full load without actually loading it
    Number of initial rows to skip from data file
    Ignore invalid date
    Truncate extra chars to fit target column
    Round decimal values rather than truncate
    Enable identity insert
    Enable identity insert
    Trim trailing blanks
    Do not compress files before transfer. If this option is not specified then files are always compressed
    Update statistics after load
    Allow missing columns at the end in source file
    Source DB connection string
    Target DB connection string
    --accesskey YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
    Cloud account access key
    --secretkey YOUR_SECRET_KEY
    Cloud account secret key
    Service url for Amazon S3 service. Leave blank to route requests to default endpoint.
    Region of your S3 Bucket used for staging area for Redshift. Specify this option if S3 bucket is in different region than your redshift cluster.
    --consoleout FILEPATH
    Captures console output and saves to file
    -v | --verbose
    Log verbosity level. -v means detailed, If you don't specify this option then minimum logging will be done.
    -w | --wait
    Wait for user input before exit
    -i | --interactive
    Continue in interactive mode after this command is completed. This switch is not applicable if you already in interactive mode


    How to Setup Amazon Redshift Cluster

    Click here to learn more


    Import SQL Server records to Redshift Cluster using minimum default options

    import Db 
    	--source-driver ADONET_MSSQL 
    	--source-query "select ROW_NUMBER()Over(order by a.CustomerID) Id, a.*,b.*,c.OrderID,c.OrderDate,c.Freight  from customers a,products b,orders c" 
    	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
    	--target-table "customerdata" 
    	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
    	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
    	--region us-east-1 
    	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
    	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
    	--source-connstr "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
    	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"
    Import SQL Server records to Redshift Cluster using minimum default options

    import Db 
    	--source-driver ADONET_MSSQL 
    	--source-query "select ROW_NUMBER()Over(order by a.CustomerID) Id, a.*,b.*,c.OrderID,c.OrderDate,c.Freight  from customers a,products b,orders c" 
    	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
    	--target-table "customerdata" 
    	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
    	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
    	--region us-east-1 
    	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
    	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
    	--source-connstr "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
    	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"
    Import SQL Server records to Redshift Cluster - With Encryption turned on

    #Step-1 : Create your encryption key (This step only required first time. Once encryption key is generated you can reuse it)      
    mkkey "c:\private.key" --aes
    #Step-2 : Load your data to redshift
    import Db 
      --enc-key "c:\private.key"
    	--source-driver ADONET_MSSQL 
    	--source-query "select ROW_NUMBER()Over(order by a.CustomerID) Id, a.*,b.*,c.OrderID,c.OrderDate,c.Freight  from customers a,products b,orders c" 
    	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
    	--target-table "customerdata" 
    	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
    	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
    	--region us-east-1 
    	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
    	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
    	--source-connstr "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
    	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"
    Import SQL Server records to Redshift Cluster

    import Db 
    	--source-driver ADONET_MSSQL 
    	--source-query "select ROW_NUMBER()Over(order by a.CustomerID) Id, a.*,b.*,c.OrderID,c.OrderDate,c.Freight  from customers a,products b,orders c" 
    	--source-archivemethod None 
    	--source-stage-archivemethod Delete 
    	--target-stage-archivemethod Delete 
    	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
    	--target-table "customerdata" 
    	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
    	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
    	--maxrows-perfile 100000 
    	--region us-east-1 
    	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
    	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
    	--source-connstr "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
    	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"
    Import local flat files to Redshift cluster

    import File 
    	--source-path "c:\data\files\*.part" 
    	--source-archivemethod None 
    	--source-stage-archivemethod Delete 
    	--target-stage-archivemethod Delete 
    	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
    	--target-table "customerdata" 
    	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
    	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
    	--maxrows-perfile 100000 
    	--region us-east-1 
    	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
    	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
    	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;" 
    Import local compressed gzip files to Redshift cluster

    import File 
    	--source-path "c:\data\gzip\*.gz" 
    	--source-archivemethod None 
    	--target-stage-archivemethod Delete 
    	--target-table "customerdata" 
    	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
    	--coldelimiter "|"
      --logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
    	--maxrows-perfile 100000 
    	--region us-east-1 
    	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
    	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
    	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;" 
    Import data from any ODBC data source to Redshift cluster. Use tab for column seperator

    import Db 
    	--source-driver ODBC 
    	--source-query "select ROW_NUMBER()Over(order by a.CustomerID) Id, a.*,b.*,c.OrderID,c.OrderDate,c.Freight  from customers a,products b,orders c" 
    	--source-archivemethod None 
    	--source-stage-archivemethod Delete 
    	--target-stage-archivemethod Delete 
    	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
    	--target-table "customerdata" 
    	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
    	--coldelimiter "\t"  
    	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
    	--maxrows-perfile 100000 
    	--region us-east-1 
    	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
    	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"   
      ## Approach-1: Below syntax is for Odbc connectivity using DSN approach
      ## --source-connstr "Dsn=MyDsn;Uid=MyUser1;Pwd=MyP@ssword;"  
      ## Approach-2: Below syntax is for Odbc connectivity using DSN less approach. Refer vendor connection string documentation for valid Driver name/Attributes
      --source-connstr "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=localhost;Database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=yes;"  
      ## Adjust CommandTime out for long running Load. Default is 1 hr for command timeout and 30 seconds for connect timeout
    	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"      
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