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  • Overview

    sets permission for azure container

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    setacl <CONTAINER> [--region NAME] [--read-container] [--read-blob]
               [--private] [-y|--noprompt] [--exclude-olderthan INPUT]
               [--exclude-newerthan INPUT] [-r|--recursive] [-c|--continue-onerror]
               [--auth NAME] [--accesskey YOUR_ACCESS_KEY]
               [--secretkey YOUR_SECRET_KEY] [--serviceurl URL] [--threads COUNT]
               [--consoleout FILEPATH] [-v|--verbose] [-w|--wait] [-i|--interactive] 
    Alias: setper, setpermission


    Parameter Description
    Container name for which you want to grant permission
    --region NAME
    Region where requests should be redirected. If you don't specify region then all requests are first directed to US Standard Region (us-east-1) for name resolution. If you want to create new bucket in a specific region or you want to reduce latency in name resolution then specify this parameter.. Possible values are [us-west-1 | us-west-2 | eu-west-1 | eu-central-1 | ap-southeast-1 | ap-southeast-2 | ap-northeast-1 | sa-east-1]
    Make container content publicly accessible. Anonymous clients can read blobs and metadata of blobs and container.
    Make container content publicly accessible. Anonymous clients can read blob and its metadata but cannot read metadata of container.
    No anonymous access allowed except account owner. This is default permission when container is created.
    -y | --noprompt
    Do not prompt
    Exclude files if they are older than specified period. You may use format specifier or exact date/datetime. Period format specifiers are d,h,m or s (days, hours, minutes or seconds). Example: 5d = (5 days), 5h=(5 hours), 5m=(5 hours), 5s=5s=(5 second), "2015-12-31 11:59:59"=(exact date+time), "2015-12-31"=(exact date)
    Exclude files if they are newer than specified period. You may use format specifier or exact date/datetime. Period format specifiers are d,h,m or s (days, hours, minutes or seconds). Example: 5d = (5 days), 5h=(5 hours), 5m=(5 hours), 5s=5s=(5 second), "2015-12-31 11:59:59"=(exact date+time), "2015-12-31"=(exact date)
    -r | --recursive
    Scan recursive
    -c | --continue-onerror
    Continue on error such as specified file is missing at source
    --auth NAME
    Credential entry name. This entry name must exist (previously saved using setauth command)
    --accesskey YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
    Cloud account access key
    --secretkey YOUR_SECRET_KEY
    Cloud account secret key
    --serviceurl URL
    Service url for cloud service e.g. --serviceurl
    --threads COUNT
    Number of concurrent operations. If you don't specify then system will use default settings to optimize transfer.
    --consoleout FILEPATH
    Captures console output and saves to file
    -v | --verbose
    Log verbosity level. -v means detailed, If you don't specify this option then minimum logging will be done.
    -w | --wait
    Wait for user input before exit
    -i | --interactive
    Continue in interactive mode after this command is completed. This switch is not applicable if you already in interactive mode



    Change mycontainer permission to public read for all blobs so anonymous client can read it

    setacl mycontainer public-blob
    Make container private

    setacl mycontainer private | Products | All copyrights reserved. ZappySys LLC.