Command line tools for Azure Blob Storage

Command line for Azure Blob Storage

  • 25+ commands to perform various operations on Azure Blobs
  • Multi threaded fast Download/Upload files to Azure
  • Sync folder structure between local storage and Azure storage
  • Upload/download entire folder structure
  • Start server side copy and monitor using listcopy command
  • Delete Azure blobs/containers
  • Most of commands support wild card pattern for search
  • Create new files with simple one line command
  • Assign Permissions to container
  • Support for creating SAS (Shared access signature)
  • List properties of blobs, containers
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Commands for Azure Blob Storage [25 commands]

Click here to see all commands

Premium support (Phone call, Web meeting) azure blob free command line azure blob free command line
Advanced options (not available in FREE version):

  • Upload/Download only modified files (–sync option)
  • Multi threaded operations (–thread option)
  • Transfer entire folder structure (including nested folders/files) (–struct option)
  • Support for files bigger than 100MB
azure blob free command line azure blob free command line
Upload/Download commands:

azure blob list azure container list azure blob list azure container list
List commands (with export to json,xml,csv options):

azure blob list azure container list azure blob list azure container list
Copy/Move/Rename objects:

azure blob delete azure container delete azure blob delete azure container delete
Delete commands for blobs/containers:

Show information commands for blobs/containers (with export to json,xml,csv options):

Make/Create commands for blobs/containers:

Grant permission commands:

Snapshot commands:

Shared access signature URL commands:

Server side copy commands:

Misc commands:

List of Azure Blob Commands

Command Alias Description
continfo bktinfo, infobkt, infocont Displays container properties
info blobinfo Displays most properties about storage blob
cd change current directory for commands. If path starts with / then its treated as absolute path otherwise its treated as relative path from current directory.
copy cp perform copy of azure blobs from one cloud location to another cloud location
delcon rmc, rmb, delbkt delete blob container from azure storage
del rm delete blob(s) from Azure storage
get dow, download downloads cloud storage file(s) to local machine
getsas get shared access signature(s) for specified blob(s) or container
lsauth List all saved credentials
lsc lsb List containers from cloud storage
ls list List file(s) from cloud storage
killcopy Terminate server side copy for specified file(s). File name must be target file name used in copy command.
lscopy List all server side copy
loadauth load specified credentials into memory and set as default credentials for any operation in current context
mkcon mkc, mkb, mkbkt create new container
mkfile mkf create new storage file
mkfol create new folder. Empty file which ends with slash [/]
move mv Move blob(s) from one cloud location to another cloud location
put up, upload uploads local file(s) to cloud storage
ren rename rename cloud storage files
setacl setper, setpermission sets permission for azure container
setauth set authentication information to connect storage account
setprop sets file(s) properties
setopt set set azure option related to storage commands
snap Create snapshot of specified file(s)


ZappyShell Command line tools for Azure Blob Storage

Command line tools for Azure Blob Storage


Upload enire folders or selected files to Azure Blob Storage from command line

Upload enire folders or selected files to Azure Blob Storage from command line


Upload files to Azure blob storage on command line (using script file with exec command)

Upload files to Azure blob storage on command line (using script file with exec command)


List available Azure Storage Commands

List available Azure Storage Commands


List Azure blob storage files using command line

List Azure blob storage files using command line

  • .net framework 4 or higher must be installed
  • Supported Client Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11