FTP/SFTP XML File Connector for SSAS

In this article you will learn how to integrate FTP/SFTP XML File data in SSAS without coding in just a few clicks (live / bi-directional connection to FTP/SFTP XML File). FTP/SFTP XML File Connector can be used to read XML Files stored on FTP Sites (Classic FTP, SFTP or FTPS). Using this you can easily read FTP/SFTP XML File data. It's supports latest security standards, and optimized for large data files. It also supports reading compressed files (e.g. GZip /Zip)..

Using FTP/SFTP XML File Connector you will be able to connect, read, and write data from within SSAS. Follow the steps below to see how we would accomplish that.

Download Documentation

Create Data Source in ZappySys Data Gateway based on

  1. Download and install ZappySys ODBC PowerPack.

  2. Search for gateway in start menu and Open ZappySys Data Gateway:
    Open ZappySys Data Gateway

  3. Go to Users Tab to add our first Gateway user. Click Add; we will give it a name tdsuser and enter password you like to give. Check Admin option and click OK to save. We will use these details later when we create linked server:
    ZappySys Data Gateway - Add User

  4. Now we are ready to add a data source. Click Add, give data source a name (copy this name somewhere, we will need it later) and then select Native - . Finally, click OK. And it will create the Data Set for it and open the ZS driver UI.

    Native -
    ZappySys Data Gateway -

  5. Create and configure a connection for the FTP/SFTP storage account.

    Create FTP/SFTP Storage Connection
  6. You can use select your desired single file by clicking [...] path button.

    Read FTP/SFTP XML File data


    You can also read the multiple files stored in FTP/SFTP Storage using wildcard pattern supported e.g. dbo.tblNames*.xml.

    Note: If you want to operation with multiple files then use wild card pattern as below 
    (when you use wild card pattern in source path then system will treat target path as folder regardless you end with slash)
    mybucket/dbo.tblNames.xml (will read only single .XML file)
    mybucket/dbo.tbl*.xml (all files starting with file name)
    mybucket/*.xml (all files with .xml Extension and located under folder subfolder)

    Use wildcard pattern .* to read multiple FTP/SFTP Files data


    You can also read the zip and gzip compressed files also without extracting it in using FTP/SFTP XML Source File Task.

    Reading zip and gzip compressed files (stream mode)
  7. Now select/enter Path expression in Path textbox to extract only specific part of XML string as below ($.value[*] will get content of value attribute from XML document. Value attribute is array of XML documents so we have to use [*] to indicate we want all records of that array)

    NOTE: Here, We are using our desired filter, but you need to select your desired filter based on your requirement.
    Go to Preview Tab.

    FTP/SFTP XML Driver Select Filter
  8. Navigate to the Preview Tab and let's explore the different modes available to access the data.

    1. --- Using Direct Query ---

      Click on Preview Tab, Select Table from Tables Dropdown and select [value] and click Preview.
      ZappySys ODBC Driver - Preview Data
    2. --- Using Stored Procedure ---

      Note : For this you have to Save ODBC Driver configuration and then again reopen to configure same driver. For more information click here.
      Click on the Custom Objects Tab, Click on Add button and select Add Procedure and Enter an appropriate name and Click on OK button to create.
      ZappySys ODBC Driver - Custom Objects
      1. --- Without Parameters ---

        Now Stored Procedure can be created with or without parameters (see example below). If you use parameters then Set default value otherwise it may fail to compilation)
        ZappySys ODBC Driver : Without Parameters
      2. --- With Parameters ---

        Note : Here you can use Placeholder with Paramters in Stored Procedure. Example : SELECT * FROM $ WHERE OrderID = '<@OrderID, FUN_TRIM>' or CustId = '<@CustId>' and Total >= '<@Total>'
        ZappySys ODBC Driver : With Parameters
    3. --- Using Virtual Table ---

      Note : For this you have to Save ODBC Driver configuration and then again reopen to configure same driver. For more information click here.

      ZappySys APi Drivers support flexible Query language so you can override Default Properties you configured on Data Source such as URL, Body. This way you don't have to create multiple Data Sources if you like to read data from multiple EndPoints. However not every application support supplying custom SQL to driver so you can only select Table from list returned from driver.

      Many applications like MS Access, Informatica Designer wont give you option to specify custom SQL when you import Objects. In such case Virtual Table is very useful. You can create many Virtual Tables on the same Data Source (e.g. If you have 50 Buckets with slight variations you can create virtual tables with just URL as Parameter setting).

      1. Click on the Custom Objects Tab, Click on Add button and select Add Table and Enter an appropriate name and Click on OK button to create.
        ZappySys ODBC Driver - Custom Objects
      2. Once you see Query Builder Window on screen Configure it.
        ZappySys ODBC Driver - Custom Objects : Virtual Table Query Builder
      3. Click on Preview Tab, Select Virtual Table(prefix with vt__) from Tables Dropdown or write SQL query with Virtual Table name and click Preview.
        ZappySys ODBC Driver - Custom Objects : Virtual Table Query Execute

  9. Click OK to finish creating the data source

  10. That's it; we are done. In a few clicks we configured the to Read the FTP/SFTP XML File data using ZappySys FTP/SFTP XML File Connector

Read FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS cube

With the data source created in the Data Gateway (previous step), we're now ready to read FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in an SSAS cube. Before we dive in, open Visual Studio and create a new Analysis Services project. Then, you're all set!

In the example below, we use Multidimensional and Data Mining Analysis Services project, but it should work with Tabular project too.

Create data source based on ZappySys Data Gateway

Let's start by creating a data source for a cube, based on the Data Gateway's data source we created earlier. So, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!

  1. Create a new data source: Create new data source in SSAS to read API data
  2. Once a window opens, select Create a data source based on an existing or new connection option and click New...: Connect to ZappySys Data Gateway in SSAS to read API data
  3. Here things become a little complicated, but do not despair, it's only for a little while. Just perform these little steps:
    • Select Native OLE DB\SQL Server Native Client 11.0 as provider.
    • Enter your Server name (or IP address) and Port, separated by a comma.
    • Select SQL Server Authentication option for authentication.
    • Input User name which has admin permissions in the ZappySys Data Gateway.
    • In Database name field enter the same data source name you use in the ZappySys Data Gateway.
    • Hopefully, our hard work is done, when we Test Connection.
    Configure new data source in SSAS to read API data
    If SQL Server Native Client 11.0 is not listed as Native OLE DB provider, try using these:
    • Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server
    • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
  4. Indeed, life is easy again: Test connection to ZappySys Data Gateway in SSAS to read API data

Add data source view

We have data source in place, it's now time to add a data source view. Let's not waste a single second and get on to it!

  1. Start by right-clicking on Data Source Views and then choosing New Data Source View...: Create new data source view in SSAS to read API data
  2. Select the previously created data source and click Next: Connect to ZappySys Data Gateway in SSAS to read API data
  3. Ignore the Name Matching window and click Next.
  4. Add the tables you will use in your SSAS cube: Select tables to read API data in SSAS cube
    For cube dimensions, consider creating a Virtual Table in the Data Gateway's data source. Use the DISTINCT keyword in the SELECT statement to get unique values from the facts table, like this:
    SELECT DISTINCT Country FROM Customers
    For demonstration purposes we are using sample tables which may not be available in FTP/SFTP XML File Connector.
  5. Review your data source view and click Finish: Successful data source view creation in SSAS
  6. Add the missing table relationships and you're done! Create additional table relationships in SSAS to read API data

Create cube

We have a data source view ready to be used by our cube. Let's create one!

  1. Start by right-clicking on Cubes and selecting New Cube... menu item: Create new SSAS cube to read API data
  2. Select tables you will use for the measures: Choose measure tables in SSAS to read API data
  3. And then select the measures themselves: Selecting measures for SSAS cube to read API data
  4. Don't stop and select the dimensions too: Choosing dimensions for SSAS cube to read API data
  5. Move along and click Finish before the final steps: Read API data in SSAS cube
  6. Review your cube before processing it: Read API data in SSAS cube
  7. It's time for the grand finale! Hit Process... to create the cube: Process SSAS cube to read API data
  8. A splendid success! SSAS cube processed to read API data

Execute MDX query

The cube is created and processed. It's time to reap what we sow! Just execute an MDX query and get FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in your SSAS cube:

Execute MDX in SSAS cube to read API data

Advanced topics

Create Custom Stored Procedure in ZappySys Driver

You can create procedures to encapsulate custom logic and then only pass handful parameters rather than long SQL to execute your API call.

Steps to create Custom Stored Procedure in ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders anywhere inside Procedure Body. Read more about placeholders here

  1. Go to Custom Objects Tab and Click on Add button and Select Add Procedure:
    ZappySys Driver - Add Stored Procedure

  2. Enter the desired Procedure name and click on OK:
    ZappySys Driver - Add Stored Procedure Name

  3. Select the created Stored Procedure and write the your desired stored procedure and Save it and it will create the custom stored procedure in the ZappySys Driver:
    Here is an example stored procedure for ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders anywhere inside Procedure Body. Read more about placeholders here

    CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_get_orders]
        @fromdate = '<<yyyy-MM-dd,FUN_TODAY>>'
        SELECT * FROM Orders where OrderDate >= '<@fromdate>';

    ZappySys Driver - Create Custom Stored Procedure

  4. That's it now go to Preview Tab and Execute your Stored Procedure using Exec Command. In this example it will extract the orders from the date 1996-01-01:

    Exec usp_get_orders '1996-01-01';

    ZappySys Driver - Execute Custom Stored Procedure

  5. Let's generate the SQL Server Query Code to make the API call using stored procedure. Go to Code Generator Tab, select language as SQL Server and click on Generate button the generate the code.
    As we already created the linked server for this Data Source, in that you just need to copy the Select Query and need to use the linked server name which we have apply on the place of [MY_API_SERVICE] placeholder.

    SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([MY_API_SERVICE], 'EXEC usp_get_orders @fromdate=''1996-07-30''')

    ZappySys Driver - Generate SQL Server Query

  6. Now go to SQL served and execute that query and it will make the API call using stored procedure and provide you the response.
    ZappySys Driver - Generate SQL Server Query

Create Custom Virtual Table in ZappySys Driver

ZappySys API Drivers support flexible Query language so you can override Default Properties you configured on Data Source such as URL, Body. This way you don't have to create multiple Data Sources if you like to read data from multiple EndPoints. However not every application support supplying custom SQL to driver so you can only select Table from list returned from driver.

If you're dealing with Microsoft Access and need to import data from an SQL query, it's important to note that Access doesn't allow direct import of SQL queries. Instead, you can create custom objects (Virtual Tables) to handle the import process.

Many applications like MS Access, Informatica Designer wont give you option to specify custom SQL when you import Objects. In such case Virtual Table is very useful. You can create many Virtual Tables on the same Data Source (e.g. If you have 50 URLs with slight variations you can create virtual tables with just URL as Parameter setting.

  1. Go to Custom Objects Tab and Click on Add button and Select Add Table:
    ZappySys Driver - Add Table

  2. Enter the desired Table name and click on OK:
    ZappySys Driver - Add Table Name

  3. And it will open the New Query Window Click on Cancel to close that window and go to Custom Objects Tab.

  4. Select the created table, Select Text Type AS SQL and write the your desired SQL Query and Save it and it will create the custom table in the ZappySys Driver:
    Here is an example SQL query for ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders also. Read more about placeholders here

    FROM "Orders"
    Where "ShipCountry"='USA'

    ZappySys Driver - Create Custom Table

  5. That's it now go to Preview Tab and Execute your custom virtual table query. In this example it will extract the orders for the USA Shipping Country only:

    SELECT * FROM "vt__usa_orders_only"

    ZappySys Driver - Execute Custom Virtual Table Query

  6. Let's generate the SQL Server Query Code to make the API call using stored procedure. Go to Code Generator Tab, select language as SQL Server and click on Generate button the generate the code.
    As we already created the linked server for this Data Source, in that you just need to copy the Select Query and need to use the linked server name which we have apply on the place of [MY_API_SERVICE] placeholder.

    SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([MY_API_SERVICE], 'EXEC [usp_get_orders] ''1996-01-01''')

    ZappySys Driver - Generate SQL Server Query

  7. Now go to SQL served and execute that query and it will make the API call using stored procedure and provide you the response.
    ZappySys Driver - Generate SQL Server Query


In this article we discussed how to connect to FTP/SFTP XML File in SSAS and integrate data without any coding. Click here to Download FTP/SFTP XML File Connector for SSAS and try yourself see how easy it is. If you still have any question(s) then ask here or simply click on live chat icon below and ask our expert (see bottom-right corner of this page).

Download FTP/SFTP XML File Connector for SSAS Documentation 

More integrations

Other application integration scenarios for FTP/SFTP XML File

Other connectors for SSAS

Download FTP/SFTP XML File Connector for SSAS Documentation

  • How to connect FTP/SFTP XML File Connector in SSAS?

  • How to get FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS?

  • How to read FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS?

  • How to load FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS?

  • How to import FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS?

  • How to pull FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS?

  • How to push data to FTP/SFTP XML File Connector in SSAS?

  • How to write data to FTP/SFTP XML File Connector in SSAS?

  • How to POST data to FTP/SFTP XML File Connector in SSAS?

  • Call FTP/SFTP XML File Connector API in SSAS

  • Consume FTP/SFTP XML File Connector API in SSAS

  • FTP/SFTP XML File Connector SSAS Automate

  • FTP/SFTP XML File Connector SSAS Integration

  • Integration FTP/SFTP XML File Connector in SSAS

  • Consume real-time FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS

  • Consume real-time FTP/SFTP XML File Connector API data in SSAS

  • FTP/SFTP XML File Connector ODBC Driver | ODBC Driver for FTP/SFTP XML File Connector | ODBC FTP/SFTP XML File Connector Driver | SSIS FTP/SFTP XML File Connector Source | SSIS FTP/SFTP XML File Connector Destination

  • Connect FTP/SFTP XML File Connector in SSAS

  • Load FTP/SFTP XML File Connector in SSAS

  • Load FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS

  • Read FTP/SFTP XML File Connector data in SSAS

  • FTP/SFTP XML File Connector API Call in SSAS