Azure DevOps Connector for Talend Studio
In this article you will learn how to integrate Using Azure DevOps Connector you will be able to connect, read, and write data from within Talend Studio. Follow the steps below to see how we would accomplish that. The driver mentioned above is part of ODBC PowerPack which is a collection of high-performance Drivers for various API data source (i.e. REST API, JSON, XML, CSV, Amazon S3 and many more). Using familiar SQL query language you can make live connections and read/write data from API sources or JSON / XML / CSV Files inside SQL Server (T-SQL) or your favorite Reporting (i.e. Power BI, Tableau, Qlik, SSRS, MicroStrategy, Excel, MS Access), ETL Tools (i.e. Informatica, Talend, Pentaho, SSIS). You can also call our drivers from programming languages such as JAVA, C#, Python, PowerShell etc. If you are new to ODBC and ZappySys ODBC PowerPack then check the following links to get started. |
Connect to Azure DevOps in other apps
Create Data Source in ZappySys Data Gateway based on API Driver
Download and install ZappySys ODBC PowerPack.
Search for gateway in start menu and Open ZappySys Data Gateway:
Go to Users Tab to add our first Gateway user. Click Add; we will give it a name tdsuser and enter password you like to give. Check Admin option and click OK to save. We will use these details later when we create linked server:
Now we are ready to add a data source. Click Add, give data source a name (Copy this name somewhere, we will need it later) and then select Native - ZappySys API Driver. Finally, click OK. And it will create the Data Set for it and open the ZS driver UI.
When the Configuration window appears give your data source a name if you haven't done that already, then select "Azure DevOps" from the list of Popular Connectors. If "Azure DevOps" is not present in the list, then click "Search Online" and download it. Then set the path to the location where you downloaded it. Finally, click Continue >> to proceed with configuring the DSN:
AzureDevopsDSNAzure DevOps -
Now it's time to configure the Connection Manager. Select Authentication Type, e.g. Token Authentication. Then select API Base URL (in most cases, the default one is the right one). More info is available in the Authentication section.
Steps how to get and use Azure DevOps credentials
Connecting to your Azure DevOps data requires you to authenticate your REST API access. Follow the instructions below:- Go to to register your app.
Fill in your application and company's information as required, and then select the scopes that your application needs.
This should typically be Project and team (read and write) and Work items (read and write).
Your selected scopes when registering your app must match the scopes you enter here on the connector screen. If they don't match, the connector will not be able to work with your Azure DevOps account!If you need further information about the scopes used in Azure DevOps, or need to see what to enter into the connector screen to match up with your selected scopes, visit
NOTE: For Authorization callback URL use your company's OAuth Redirect URL (if IT administrator provides you one) or you can use
(it's safe). - Select Create Application and then the Application Settings page will be displayed.
Record the App ID for us to use later:
And do the same with Client Secret:
- Then go to and select relevant organization on the left.
Then copy Organization's host name part (e.g.
, if full host name
), save it to a file, and click it: - Back at the connector screen, enter the App ID into the Client Id (App ID) field that was recorded in the previous step.
- Enter the Client Secret that was recorded in the previous step into the Client Secret field. In order to edit the text in this field, select the ellipses (...) button that appears when the textbox is clicked, and edit the Client Secret with the dialog box that appears.
- Enter the organization that was recorded in step 5 into the Organization name or Id for url field.
- Click Generate Token. If proper authentication occurs, you will see a notice saying so. You can click Yes to save a backup file of your generated tokens.
- Select the project you want to connect to by default from the Default Project (Choose after Generating Token) field.
- Select the Security tab.
into the Additional Trusted Domains field. - Select the Test Connection button at the bottom of the window to verify proper connectivity with your Azure DevOps account.
- If the connection test succeeds, select OK.
To edit previously created app you can visit
and see Applications and services section. Click on your desired app name.
Fill in all required parameters and set optional parameters if needed:
AzureDevopsDSNAzure DevOpsOAuth [OAuth] Parameters Client Id (App ID) Fill-in the parameter... Client Secret Fill-in the parameter... Organization name or Id for url (e.g. mycompany) Fill-in the parameter... Return URL Fill-in the parameter... Scopes (Must match with App Registration) Fill-in the parameter... API Version Fill-in the parameter... Optional Parameters Default Project Name (Choose after Generating Token) RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryStatusCodeList 429 RetryCountMax 5 RetryMultiplyWaitTime True Steps how to get and use Azure DevOps credentials
To connect to Azure DevOps using a Personal Access Token (PAT), you must first create a valid PAT:- Start by by going to and selecting relevant organization on the left.
Then copy Organization's host name part (e.g.
, if full host name
), save it to a file, and click it: -
Next, click User settings icon and then click Personal access tokens:
Then click New Token button to create a new personal access token:
Continue by...
- naming your token
- selecting the right Organization
- setting token's Expiration date (it's recommended to use
Custom defined
option and make it expire after one year or later) - and setting the Scopes:
NOTE: You may be restricted from creating full-scoped PATs. If so, your Azure DevOps administrator in Azure AD has enabled a policy which limits you to a specific custom defined set of scopes.
Now click Copy button and save the newly created token into a file for quick access later:
- Go back to the connector screen, input the token you saved in a previous step into the Personal Access Token (PAT) field.
- Then enter the Organization host name part that you noted recorded in previous step into Organization name or Id for url field.
- Enter the name or Id of the project you want to connect to by default in the Default Project (Choose after above fields) field.
- Select the Security tab.
- Enter,,
into the Additional Trusted Domains field. - Select the Test Connection button at the bottom of the window to verify proper connectivity with your Azure DevOps account.
- Done!
Fill in all required parameters and set optional parameters if needed:
AzureDevopsDSNAzure DevOpsPersonal Access Token (PAT) [Http] Parameters Personal Access Token (PAT) Fill-in the parameter... Organization name or Id for url Fill-in the parameter... API Version Fill-in the parameter... Optional Parameters AuthScheme Bearer AuthHeader Authorization UserName Default Project Name (Choose after Generating Token) RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryStatusCodeList 429 RetryCountMax 5 RetryMultiplyWaitTime True -
Once the data source has been configured, you can preview data. Select the Preview tab and use settings similar to the following to preview data:
Click OK to finish creating the data source.
Read Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio
To read Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio, we'll need to complete several steps. Let's get through them all right away!
Create connection for input
- First of all, open Talend Studio
Create a new connection:
Select Microsoft SQL Server connection:
Name your connection:
Fill-in connection parameters and then click Test connection:
If the List of modules not installed for this operation window shows up, then download and install all of them:
Review and accept all additional module license agreements during the process
Finally, you should see a successful connection test result at the end:
Add input
Once we have a connection to ZappySys Data Gateway created, we can proceed by creating a job:
Simply drag and drop ZappySys Data Gateway connection onto the job:
Then create an input based on ZappySys Data Gateway connection:
Continue by configuring a SQL query and click Guess schema button:
Finish by configuring the schema, for example:
Add output
We are ready to add an output. From Palette drag and drop a tFileOutputDelimited output and connect it to the input:
Run the job
Finally, run the job and integrate your Azure DevOps data:
Advanced topics
Create Custom Stored Procedure in ZappySys Driver
You can create procedures to encapsulate custom logic and then only pass handful parameters rather than long SQL to execute your API call.
Steps to create Custom Stored Procedure in ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders anywhere inside Procedure Body. Read more about placeholders here
Go to Custom Objects Tab and Click on Add button and Select Add Procedure:
Enter the desired Procedure name and click on OK:
Select the created Stored Procedure and write the your desired stored procedure and Save it and it will create the custom stored procedure in the ZappySys Driver:
Here is an example stored procedure for ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders anywhere inside Procedure Body. Read more about placeholders here
CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_get_orders] @fromdate = '<<yyyy-MM-dd,FUN_TODAY>>' AS SELECT * FROM Orders where OrderDate >= '<@fromdate>';
That's it now go to Preview Tab and Execute your Stored Procedure using Exec Command. In this example it will extract the orders from the date 1996-01-01:
Exec usp_get_orders '1996-01-01';
Let's generate the SQL Server Query Code to make the API call using stored procedure. Go to Code Generator Tab, select language as SQL Server and click on Generate button the generate the code.
As we already created the linked server for this Data Source, in that you just need to copy the Select Query and need to use the linked server name which we have apply on the place of [MY_API_SERVICE] placeholder.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([MY_API_SERVICE], 'EXEC usp_get_orders @fromdate=''1996-07-30''')
Now go to SQL served and execute that query and it will make the API call using stored procedure and provide you the response.
Create Custom Virtual Table in ZappySys Driver
ZappySys API Drivers support flexible Query language so you can override Default Properties you configured on Data Source such as URL, Body. This way you don't have to create multiple Data Sources if you like to read data from multiple EndPoints. However not every application support supplying custom SQL to driver so you can only select Table from list returned from driver.
If you're dealing with Microsoft Access and need to import data from an SQL query, it's important to note that Access doesn't allow direct import of SQL queries. Instead, you can create custom objects (Virtual Tables) to handle the import process.
Many applications like MS Access, Informatica Designer wont give you option to specify custom SQL when you import Objects. In such case Virtual Table is very useful. You can create many Virtual Tables on the same Data Source (e.g. If you have 50 URLs with slight variations you can create virtual tables with just URL as Parameter setting.
Go to Custom Objects Tab and Click on Add button and Select Add Table:
Enter the desired Table name and click on OK:
And it will open the New Query Window Click on Cancel to close that window and go to Custom Objects Tab.
Select the created table, Select Text Type AS SQL and write the your desired SQL Query and Save it and it will create the custom table in the ZappySys Driver:
Here is an example SQL query for ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders also. Read more about placeholders here
SELECT "ShipCountry", "OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "OrderDate", "RequiredDate", "ShippedDate", "ShipVia", "Freight", "ShipName", "ShipAddress", "ShipCity", "ShipRegion", "ShipPostalCode" FROM "Orders" Where "ShipCountry"='USA'
That's it now go to Preview Tab and Execute your custom virtual table query. In this example it will extract the orders for the USA Shipping Country only:
SELECT * FROM "vt__usa_orders_only"
Let's generate the SQL Server Query Code to make the API call using stored procedure. Go to Code Generator Tab, select language as SQL Server and click on Generate button the generate the code.
As we already created the linked server for this Data Source, in that you just need to copy the Select Query and need to use the linked server name which we have apply on the place of [MY_API_SERVICE] placeholder.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([MY_API_SERVICE], 'EXEC [usp_get_orders] ''1996-01-01''')
Now go to SQL served and execute that query and it will make the API call using stored procedure and provide you the response.
Actions supported by Azure DevOps Connector
Azure DevOps Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.Parameter | Description | ||||||
Project Name |
Team Id or Name |
Use time precision |
Wiql Query |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
Project Name |
Query Id |
Team Id or Name |
Use time precision |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
Project Name |
Team Id or Name |
Use time precision |
Wiql Query |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
Project Name |
Team Id or Name |
Use time precision |
Wiql Query |
Parameter | Description |
WorkItemId |
Project Name |
api-version |
Parameter | Description |
Id |
WorkItemId |
Project Name |
api-version |
Parameter | Description |
Id |
WorkItemId |
Project Name |
Comment Text |
api-version |
Parameter | Description |
Id |
WorkItemId |
Project Name |
Comment Text |
api-version |
Parameter | Description |
Id |
WorkItemId |
Project Name |
api-version |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||
Project Name |
Expand Parameters |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||
Project Name |
Work Item Id List (comma separated) |
As-Of Date |
Expand Parameters |
Error Policy |
Fields |
Parameter | Description |
Project Name |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
Project Name |
WorkItemType |
ByPassRules |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||
Project Name |
Work Item Id |
Operation |
Parameter | Description |
Project Name |
Work Item Id |
Parameter | Description |
Project Name |
Max Depth (items inside nested folders) |
Parameter | Description |
Id |
Parameter | Description |
Project Id |
Parameter | Description |
Project Id |
Parameter | Description |
Project Name |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
API Version |
Team Id or Name |
Project Name |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
API Version |
Team Id |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
API Version |
Team Id |
Parameter | Description |
Text to Search For |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
API Version |
Project Name |
Team Id or Name |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
API Version |
Project Name |
Team Id or Name |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
Project Name |
Team Id or Name |
Itertation Id or Name |
API Version |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Url |
Body |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Parameter | Description |
Url |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Azure DevOps Connector Examples for Talend Studio Connection
This page offers a collection of SQL examples designed for seamless integration with the ZappySys API ODBC Driver under ODBC Data Source (36/64) or ZappySys Data Gateway, enhancing your ability to connect and interact with Prebuilt Connectors effectively.
Get work items for the default project(specified by connection settings). [Read more...]
Get work items for the specific project. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Project='ProductTesting')
Get a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE Id=1001
Get multiple work items by their Ids (Comma-separated) [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_workitems_by_ids WITH (ids='6444,5578,9467')
Search for work items by text contained within the work item. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM search_workitems_by_text WITH (SearchText='Text that I want to search for')
Get a specific work item by its Id, but halt the process if a 404 error is encountered. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE Id='8563' WITH (ContineOn404Error='False')
Create a query to get work items by the Id of the work items in the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
To learn more about Query syntax refer to this link and this link
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems
WHERE [System.Id] > 2000 AND [System.Id] < 7050
AND [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting''
AND [System.ChangedDate] < @Today
AND [System.CreatedDate] > @StartOfYear
AND [System.WorkItemType]=''Task''
AND [System.State]=''Resolved''
AND [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] >= 1
ORDER BY [System.ChangedDate] DESC
Create a query to get work items by the Id of the work items in the specified project for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Project='PosProject', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id] = 2819')
Create a query to get work items by the types of work items in the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.WorkItemType] = ''Task''')
Create a new work item in the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO WorkItems (WorkItemType, Title, [CustomFieldText], [CustomFieldDate], [CustomFieldNumber])
VALUES ('task', 'Fix Issues in System', 'My Custom Text', '2021-01-01T23:59:59.123', 1000)
Create a new work item in a specific project. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO WorkItems (WorkItemType, Title, [CustomFieldText], [CustomFieldDate], [CustomFieldNumber])
VALUES ('task', 'Fix Issues in System', 'My Custom Text', '2021-01-01T23:59:59.123', 1000)
Create a new work with many fields in a specific project. [Read more...]
, [Title]
, [Description]
, [Tags]
, [AreaPath]
, [IterationPath]
, [AssignedTo]
, [Priority]
, [Triage]
--, [StackRank]
, [Blocked]
, [TaskType]
, [RequiresReview]
, [RequiresTest]
, [IntegrationBuild]
, [FoundIn]
, [OriginalEstimate]
, [RemainingWork]
, [CompletedWork]
, [Size]
, [Effort]
, [TargetDate]
, [StartDate]
, [FinishDate]
, [DueDate]
, [StoryPoints]
--, [Discipline]
, [SystemInfo]
, [Steps]
, [ReproSteps]
--, [CustomFieldText] --custom field prefix with CustomYOUR_FIELD_NAME_WITHOUT_SPACE_OR_DASH_OR_DOT
--, [CustomFieldDate]
--, [CustomFieldNumber]
--, [CustomFieldDecimal]
--, [CustomFieldPickListString]
--, [CustomFieldPickListNum]
'Bug' -- Task, User Story -- WorkItemType
, 'My Task Title - Created on <<FUN_NOW>>' --Title
, 'Some Description - Created on <<FUN_NOW>>' --Description
, 'odata; api' --Tags
, 'ProductTesting\SSISPowerPack' --AreaPath
, 'ProductTesting\2021.6' --IterationPath
, '' --AssignedTo
, 1 --Priority
, 'Pending' --Triage
--, ??? --[StackRank]
, 'No' --Blocked
, 'Planned' --TaskType
, 'No' --RequiresReview
, 'No' --RequiresTest
, '' --IntegrationBuild
, '' --FoundIn
, 9999.111 --OriginalEstimate
, 9999.222 --RemainingWork
, 9999.333 --CompletedWork
, 9999.444 --Size
, 9999.555 --Effort
, '2021-01-31' --TargetDate
, '2022-01-31' --StartDate
, '2023-01-31' --FinishDate
, '2024-01-31' --DueDate
, 100.5 --StoryPoints
--, 'Some Discipline' --Discipline
, 'Windows 10' --SystemInfo
, 'Here are steps' --Steps
, 'Here are steps to reproduce' --ReproSteps
--, 'abcd' --CustomFieldText
--, '2021-01-31' --CustomFieldDate
--, 9999 --CustomFieldNumber
--, 9999.123 --CustomFieldDecimal
--, 'BBB' --CustomFieldPickListString
--, '2' --CustomFieldPickListNum
Update a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
Title = 'Renamed Work Item Title',
CustomMyField = 'New Custom Text'
WHERE Id = 7455
Update a work item by its Id (many columns). [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItems
SET [Title] = 'Update-QA Task <<FUN_NOW>>'
, [Description] = 'Updated desc <<FUN_NOW>>'
--, [WorkItemType]='Bug' -- Task
, [State] = 'Active'
, [Tags] = 'odata; api'
, [Revision] = 1
, [AreaPath] = 'ProductTesting\SSISPowerPack'
, [TeamProject] = 'ProductTesting'
, [IterationPath] = 'ProductTesting\2021.6'
, [Reason] = 'Reactivated'
, [AssignedTo] = ''
, [Priority] = 1
--, [Triage] = 'Pending'
--, [StackRank] = ???
, [Blocked] = 'No'
, [TaskType] = 'Planned'
, [RequiresReview] = 'No'
, [RequiresTest] = 'No'
, [ActivatedDate] = '2021-01-31'
--, [ResolvedReason] = 'Complete and Requires Review/Test'
, [IntegrationBuild] = ''
, [FoundIn] = ''
, [OriginalEstimate] = 9999.123
, [RemainingWork] = 9999.123
, [CompletedWork] = 9999.123
, [Size] = 9999.123
, [Effort] = 9999.123
, [TargetDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [StartDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [FinishDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [DueDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [StoryPoints] = 100.5
-- , [Discipline] = 'abcd'
, [SystemInfo] = 'abcd'
, [Steps] = 'abcd'
, [ReproSteps] = 'abcd'
-- , [CustomFieldText] = 'abcd'
-- , [CustomFieldDate] = '2021-01-31'
-- , [CustomFieldNumber] = 9999
-- , [CustomFieldDecimal] = 9999.123
-- , [CustomFieldPickListString] = 'BBB'
-- , [CustomFieldPickListNum] = '2'
WHERE [Id] = 6455
Add Tags to an exising workitem. [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItems
SET Tags = 'newtag1; newtag2'
WHERE Id = 6455
Delete a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM WorkItems WHERE Id = 7455
Delete work items match with Wiql Query. [Read more...]
Where 1=1
WITH(Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems Where [System.TeamProject]=''MyProject'' AND ([System.Id]=6469 OR [System.Id]=6468) ')
Update work items match with Wiql Query. [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItems
Set Title='New Title - Updated on <<FUN_NOW>>'
Where 1=1
WITH(Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems Where [System.TeamProject]=''MyProject'' AND ([System.Id]=6469 OR [System.Id]=6468) ')
Get all comments for all work items [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItemComments
Get all comments for a work item [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItemComments
WHERE WorkItemId=6455
Get a comment by Id for a work item [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItemComments
WHERE WorkItemId=6455 and Id=5283490
Query work items using Wiql. [Read more...]
This example shows how to use WIQL language to query Azure DevOps WorkItems. To learn more about WIQL Syntax you can refer this link
, Title
, Description
, CreatedDate
, Url
FROM WorkItems
--WHERE Id=5283490 -- get just one comment for specific WorkItem Id
WITH(Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting'' and [System.Id]=6455 ORDER BY [System.Id] DESC')
Query work items using Wiql (with #DirectSQL Tag). [Read more...]
This example shows how to use WIQL language to query Azure DevOps WorkItems using #DirectSQL pre processor to invoke server side query engine. This one is same as previous example except simplified SQL. To learn more about WIQL Syntax you can refer this link
#DirectSQL SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting'' and [System.Id]=6455 ORDER BY [System.Id] DESC')
Query Sprint Hours by Team Member - Esimated vs Actual Completed [Read more...]
This query shows how to query total time spent by team members during a specific Sprint (i.e. Iteration Path). This query only works if your team is updating Original Estimate and Completed Hours on work item after they are done with the task.
IterationPath as Sprint
, AssignedToUniqueName as AssignedTo
, SUM(OriginalEstimate) as OriginalHours_Total
, SUM(RemainingWork) as RemainingWork_Total
, SUM(CompletedWork) as CompletedHours_Total
FROM WorkItems
GROUP BY IterationPath,AssignedToUniqueName
--//On Preview UI Change [Max Rows] to use more sample rows - else it will use only 100 rows
,Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.IterationPath] UNDER ''ProductTesting\Sprint 1'' and State IN(''Resolved'', ''Closed'')'
--Use below to query all sprints for this Product
--,Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.IterationPath] UNDER ''ProductTesting\'' and State IN(''Resolved'', ''Closed'')'
Read more than 20000 work items (UNION ALL). [Read more...]
By default Azure DevOps API returns max 20000 items. If you want more than 20000 items then you can try below technique. Run enire query at once. Basically it creates many temp table each consisting 20000 rows each and then in final query we do UNION ALL
SELECT * INTO #t1 FROM WorkItems WITH(Project='ProductTesting', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id]>=1 and [System.Id]<20000');
SELECT * INTO #t2 FROM WorkItems WITH(Project='ProductTesting', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id]>=20000 and [System.Id]<40000');
SELECT * INTO #t3 FROM WorkItems WITH(Project='ProductTesting', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id]>=40000 and [System.Id]<60000');
--//add more temp tables above and update UNION ALL too
Query work item comments using Wiql. [Read more...]
, WorkItemId
, Text
, RenderedText
, Format
, CreatedDate
, CreatedByUniqueName
, CreatedById
, CreatedByDisplayName
, ModifiedDate
, ModifiedByUniqueName
, ModifiedById
, ModifiedByDisplayName
, Url
FROM WorkItemComments
--WHERE Id=5283490 -- get just one comment for specific WorkItem Id
WITH(Query='SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting'' and [System.Id]=6455 ORDER BY [System.Id] DESC')
Create work item comment [Read more...]
INSERT INTO WorkItemComments(WorkItemId, Text)
VALUES(6455, 'Adding <strong>html comment</strong> - created on <<FUN_NOW>>')
Update work item comment [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItemComments
SET Text='Updating <strong>html comment</strong> - updated on <<FUN_NOW>>'
Where WorkItemId=6455 and Id=5284411
Delete a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM WorkItemComments WHERE WorkItemId=6455 and Id=5284411
Upload file (attachment). [Read more...]
FROM generic_request
RequestContentTypeCode='ApplicationOctetStream', --//Binary upload
--Headers='Content-Type: application/octet-stream', --//same as above
Meta='id:string(100);url:string(500)' --response columns you like to display
Add link to an exising WorkItem (add attachment as reference link). [Read more...]
If you know the attachment file URL you can use that in below query and attach a link to an exising WorkItem
FROM generic_request
Headers='Content-Type: application/json-patch+json',
Meta='id:int; fields.System.Title:string; fields.System.State:string; fields.System.WorkItemType:string; relations:string(4000)',
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/System.History",
"value": "Adding the necessary spec"
"op": "add",
"path": "/relations/-",
"value": {
"rel": "AttachedFile",
"url": "",
"attributes": {
"comment": "Error screenshot"
Get a list of projects associated with your Azure DevOps organization. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Projects
Get specific columns from a list of projects associated with your Azure DevOps organization. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, Name, Description, Url, State, Revision, Visibility, LastUpdateTime FROM Projects
Get details about a specific project by its Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE Id='a80fb082-f7c4-4345-911d-1c05ad1b1fc9'
Create a new project for your organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO Projects (Name, Abbreviation, Description, SourceControlType, Visibility)
('My New Project', 'MNP',
'The system we use for implementing point-of-service walk-in payment systems.',
'Git', 'private')
Update an existing project for your organization by referencing its Id. [Read more...]
UPDATE Projects SET Description = 'The system we use for implementing point-of-service walk-in payment systems and phone payments.'
WHERE Id='1be9ccef-45d7-4574-af67-7dc6c0699b6a'
Delete the specified project from your organization. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM Projects WHERE Id='85kd1641-5555-49b1-9c5e-22c22a61d4c4'
Get a list of all teams associated with your organization and default project. [Read more...]
Get a list of all teams associated with your organization and the specified project Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Teams WITH (Project='841e1641-325d-49b1-9c5e-22c11a61d4c4')
Get specific columns of a list of all teams associated with your organization and default project. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, Name, ProjectId, ProjectName, Url, Description, IdentityUrl FROM Teams
Get details about a specific team within your default project by its team Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id='a0aa750f-1550-44af-a056-223696077df6'
Create a team within the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO Teams (Name, Description) VALUES
('PosProject Team', 'This is the team who will be working on the Point of Service project.')
Create a team within the specified project for the organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO Teams (Name, Description) VALUES
('PosProject Team', 'This is the team who will be working on the Point of Service project.')
WITH (ProjectId='85kd1641-5555-49b1-9c5e-22c22a61d4c4')
Update a team within the default project for the organization by its team Id. [Read more...]
UPDATE Teams SET Name = 'PointOfServiceProject Team' WHERE Id='8djr4d07-5555-5555-9552-0b6d7je99w7f'
Delete the specified team by its Id. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM Teams WHERE Id='8djr4d07-5555-5555-9552-0b6d7je99w7f'
Get a list of audit records for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM AuditRecords
Get specific columns from a list of audit records for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, CorrelationId, ActivityId, ActorCUID, ActorUserId, AuthenticationMechanism,
Timestamp, ScopeType, ScopeDisplayName, ScopeId, IpAddress, UserAgent, ActionId, ProjectId, ProjectName,
ProcessTemplate, ProjectVisibility, StartTime, EndTime, BatchSize, EventSummary, Details, Area, Category,
CategoryDisplayName, ActorDisplayName, ActorImageUrl FROM AuditRecords
Get a list of predefined queries [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_queries
Get workitems for a predefiended query id [Read more...]
If you created a shared query for team or your private query then you can get result of that by query id
SELECT * FROM get_workitems_by_query_id
Query='e5150e18-1323-485d-8937-6991bf09ab1c' --see get_queries endpoint
, Project='Odbc'
In this article we discussed how to connect to Azure DevOps in Talend Studio and integrate data without any coding. Click here to Download Azure DevOps Connector for Talend Studio and try yourself see how easy it is. If you still have any question(s) then ask here or simply click on live chat icon below and ask our expert (see bottom-right corner of this page).
Download Azure DevOps Connector for Talend Studio
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Download Azure DevOps Connector for Talend Studio
How to connect Azure DevOps in Talend Studio?
How to get Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio?
How to read Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio?
How to load Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio?
How to import Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio?
How to pull Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio?
How to push data to Azure DevOps in Talend Studio?
How to write data to Azure DevOps in Talend Studio?
How to POST data to Azure DevOps in Talend Studio?
Call Azure DevOps API in Talend Studio
Consume Azure DevOps API in Talend Studio
Azure DevOps Talend Studio Automate
Azure DevOps Talend Studio Integration
Integration Azure DevOps in Talend Studio
Consume real-time Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio
Consume real-time Azure DevOps API data in Talend Studio
Azure DevOps ODBC Driver | ODBC Driver for Azure DevOps | ODBC Azure DevOps Driver | SSIS Azure DevOps Source | SSIS Azure DevOps Destination
Connect Azure DevOps in Talend Studio
Load Azure DevOps in Talend Studio
Load Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio
Read Azure DevOps data in Talend Studio
Azure DevOps API Call in Talend Studio