Amazon Redshift – FATAL: 28000: password authentication failed for user

Home Page Forums Issues – SSIS PowerPack Amazon Redshift – FATAL: 28000: password authentication failed for user

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    FATAL: 28000: password authentication failed for user


     Most likely this error can occur when your password is wrong or empty.


    Make sure your password is valid and its not blank. Makes sure SSIS PackageProtectionLevel property is not set to DoNotSaveSensetive. If you have to set that way then you must provide sensitive information such as Password/Token via some sort of SSIS Variable/Parameters from command line or configuration/environment variable.

    Reference Links:

    Custom SSIS Components - Amazon Redshift ExecuteSql Task (AWS Redshift) Amazon Redshift ExecuteSql Task
    Custom SSIS Components - Amazon S3 Task (AWS S3) Amazon S3 Task
    Custom SSIS Components - Amazon DynamoDB Source (AWS DynamoDB Query) Amazon DynamoDB Source
    Custom SSIS Tasks - Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Task Amazon Redshift Cluster Management Task
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