Outlook Mail (Office 365) Connector
Version: 3

Authentication Application Credentials


Application-only access is broader and more powerful than delegated access (User Credentials), so you should only use app-only access where needed. Use it when: 1. The application needs to run in an automated way, without user input (for example, a daily script that checks emails from certain contacts and sends automated responses). 2. The application needs to access resources belonging to multiple different users (for example, a backup or data loss prevention app might need to retrieve messages from many different chat channels, each with different participants). 3. You find yourself tempted to store credentials locally and allow the app to sign in 'as' the user or admin. [API reference]


Follow these simple steps below to create Microsoft Entra ID application with application access permissions.

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal and log in using your credentials.
  2. Access Microsoft Entra ID.
  3. Register a new application by going to App registrations and clicking on New registration button: Start new app registration in Microsoft Entra ID
    INFO: Find more information on how to register an application in Graph API reference.
  4. When configuration window opens, configure these fields:
    • Supported account type
      • e.g. select Accounts in this organizational directory only if you need access to data in your organization only.
    • Redirect URI:
      • Set the type to Public client/native (mobile & desktop).
      • Leave the URL field empty.
    Register app in Microsoft Entra ID
  5. After registering the app, copy the Application (client) ID for later: Copy client ID of Microsoft Entra ID app
  6. Then copy OAuth authorization endpoint (v2) & OAuth token endpoint (v2) URLs: Copy Auth and Token URLs in Microsoft Entra ID app
  7. Continue and create Client secret: Add Client secret for Microsoft Entra ID app
  8. Then copy the Client secret for later steps: Copy Client secret
  9. Continue by adding permissions for the app by going to the API permissions section, and clicking on Add a permission: Start adding permissions to Microsoft Entra ID app
  10. Select Microsoft Graph: Select Graph API permissions for Microsoft Entra ID app
  11. Then choose Application permissions option: Select app permissions for Microsoft Entra ID app
  12. Continue by adding these Mail (Outlook) permissions: Select Outlook Mail application scopes
  13. Finish by clicking Add permissions button: Add permissions to Microsoft Entra ID app
  14. Now it's time to Grant admin consent for your application: Grant admin consent for Microsoft Entra ID app
  15. Confirm all the permissions are granted: Admin consent granted successfully in Entra ID
  16. Now go to SSIS package or ODBC data source and use the copied values in Application Credentials authentication configuration:
    • In the Token URL field paste the OAuth token endpoint (v2) URL value you copied in the previous step.
    • In the Client ID field paste the Application (client) ID value you copied in the previous step.
    • In the Client Secret field paste the Client secret value you copied in the previous step.
    • Choose Default User Id from the drop down menu.
  17. Click Test Connection to confirm the connection is working.
  18. That's it! Now you can use the API Connector!


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
TokenUrl Token URL YES
Name Value
For Single Tenant https://login.microsoftonline.com/{ENTER-TENANT-ID-HERE}/oauth2/v2.0/token
For Multi Tenant https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token
ClientId Client ID YES
ClientSecret Client Secret YES
Scope Scope YES https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
Name Value
https://graph.microsoft.com/.default https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
Permissions you want to use.
UserId Default User Id YES The Microsoft Mail user ID GUID or email address for the account to read messages from. (Examples: '4ff54a77-9c09-4274-958f-83bdc0a53900' or 'first.last@domain.com')
RetryMode RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
Name Value
None None
RetryAny RetryAny
RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList 429|503
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax 5
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime True