Get messages for the current user [Read more...]
Get a specific message from the current user's account by the message ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMessages
Get messages for a specified user [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_messages
WITH (UserID='')
Get first 5 messages for a specified user [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_messages
WITH (UserID='', PageSize='5')
Get messages with a subject line that starts with 'Announcements for' [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_messages
WITH (UserID='', SearchCriteria='startsWith(Subject,''Announcements for'')')
Get messages that have at least one attachment associated with them [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_messages
WITH (UserID='', SearchCriteria='hasAttachments eq true')
Get messages that are unread [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_messages
WITH (UserID='', SearchCriteria='IsRead eq false')
Get messages for the current user ordered by the time they were sent in ascending order [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMessages WITH (OrderBy='sentDateTime')
Get messages for the current user ordered by the time they were sent in descending order [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMessages WITH (OrderBy='sentDateTime desc')
Get messages for the current user ordered by the time they were received in ascending order [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMessages WITH (OrderBy='receivedDateTime')
Get messages for the current user ordered by the time they were received in descending order [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMessages WITH (OrderBy='receivedDateTime desc')
Get messages for the current user ordered by the name of the sender in ascending order [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMessages WITH (OrderBy='sender/emailAddress/name')
Get messages for the current user ordered by the name of the sender in descending order [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMessages WITH (OrderBy='sender/emailAddress/name desc')
Get all mail folders associated with the current user [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMailFolders
Get a specific mail folder associated with the current user by its mail folder ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM MyMailFolders
Get all attachments linked to the specified message ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_message_attachments
WITH (MessageId='AAXkADIwNzNhODMyLTZiMTQtNDhiMC02OWQzLTc5YTY5M2IyMjk0NABGAyAAAACbj2hVuNphT74wylrfU4ixBwAbUV6IxRnpQrqzrb2WfacdAAAAAAEMAAAbUV6IxRnpQrqzrb2WfacdAAAysBnxAAA=')
Get the specified attachment by message ID and attachment ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_message_attachment
WITH (MessageId='AAXkADIwNzNhODMyLTZiMTQtNDhiMC02OWQzLTc5YTY5M2IyMjk0NABGAyAAAACbj2hVuNphT74wylrfU4ixBwAbUV6IxRnpQrqzrb2WfacdAAAAAAEMAAAbUV6IxRnpQrqzrb2WfacdAAAysBnxAAA=',
Download the specified attachment by message ID and attachment ID and save it to a file [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM download_message_attachment
WITH (MessageId='AAMkADIwNz2hODMyLTZiMTQtNDhiMC04OWQzLTc5YTY5M2IyMjk0NABGZAAAAxCbj2hVuNphT74wylrfU4ixBwAbUV6IxRnpQ6qzrb2WfacdAAAAAAEMAAAbUb6IxRnpQrqzrb2WfacdAAAysBnxAAA=',
Send a simple email message including message headers, an HTML body, and recipients [Read more...]
(Subject, BodyContentType, BodyContent, ToRecipients, CcRecipients, BccRecipients, InternetMessageHeaders,
Attachments, Importance, IsDeliveryReceiptRequested, IsReadReceiptRequested, SaveToSentItems)
('Employee Reviews Scheduled', 'HTML', '<b>Hi All,</b> employee reviews have been scheduled. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Please reflect this in your notes.</span>',
'[{ "emailAddress": { "address": "" }}, { "emailAddress": { "address": "" }}]',
'[{ "emailAddress": { "address": "" }}]',
'[{ "emailAddress": { "address": "" }}]',
'[{ "name": "x-custom-header-group-name", "value": "Managers" }, { "name": "x-custom-header-group-id", "value":"MGR001" }]',
'[]', 'normal', 'false', 'false', 'true')