Outlook Mail (Office 365) Connector
Version: 1

EndPoints for Outlook Mail (Office 365) Connector

On this page you will see possible API actions you can perform with Outlook Mail (Office 365) connector. We will refer this as API EndPoint or just EndPoint.

Label Name Description
Get Tables get_tables Get table list and its properties for Graph API
Get Table Columns get_table_columns Get table list and its properties for Graph API
Get My Information get_my_info Get general information about the current user.
Get Messages get_messages Get the mail messages for the specified user ID or email address. [API Help..]
Send Mail send_mail Sends an email message. [API Help..]
Get Mail Folders get_my_mailfolders Get the list of mail folders for the current user. [API Help..]
Get Mail Folder by Id get_my_mailfolder Get the mail folder specified by the mail folder Id. [API Help..]
Get Users get_users Get the list of users. [API Help..]
Get User by Id get_user Get a specific user. [API Help..]
Get Mail Folders get_mailfolders Get the list of mail folders for the specified user Id. [API Help..]
Get My Messages get_my_messages Get the mail messages for the current user. [API Help..]
Get My Message by Id get_my_message Get the mail message by message Id for the specified user ID or email address. [API Help..]
Get Message Attachments get_message_attachments Get the list of attachments linked to the specified message Id. [API Help..]
Get Message Attachment get_message_attachment Get a specific attachment linked to the specified message Id. [API Help..]
Download Message Attachment download_message_attachment Download a specific attachment linked to the specified message Id. [API Help..]
Generic Request generic_request This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.