Google BigQuery ConnectorZappySys Google BigQuery Connector provide read / write capability inside your app (see list below), using these drag and drop , high performance connector you can perform many Google BigQuery operations without any coding. You can use this connector to integrate Google BigQuery data inside apps like SSIS, SQL Server or popular ETL Platforms / BI Tools/ Reporting Apps / Programming languages (i.e. Informatica, Power BI, SSRS, Excel, C#, JAVA, Python) |
Click on your App below to get started with Google BigQuery Integration
Actions supported by Google BigQuery Connector
Google BigQuery Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SQL Statement (i.e. SELECT / DROP / CREATE) |
Use Legacy SQL Syntax? |
timeout (Milliseconds) |
Job Location |
Parameter | Description |
ProjectId |
DatasetId |
TableId |
Parameter | Description |
Parameter | Description |
SearchFilter |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
ProjectId |
SearchFilter |
all |
Parameter | Description |
ProjectId |
Dataset Name |
Description |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
ProjectId |
DatasetId |
Delete All Tables |
Parameter | Description |
ProjectId |
DatasetId |
TableId |
Parameter | Description |
ProjectId |
DatasetId |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SQL Query |
Filter |
Use Legacy SQL Syntax? |
timeout (Milliseconds) |
Job Location |
Parameter | Description |
DatasetId |
TableId |
Filter |
Parameter | Description |
ProjectId |
DatasetId |
TableId |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Url |
Body |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Parameter | Description |
Url |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Google BigQuery Connector Examples (For ODBC PowerPack)
This page offers a collection of SQL examples designed for seamless integration with the ZappySys API ODBC Driver under ODBC Data Source (36/64) or ZappySys Data Gateway, enhancing your ability to connect and interact with Prebuilt Connectors effectively.
Native Query (ServerSide): Query using Simple SQL [Read more...]
Server side BigQuery SQL query example. Prefix SQL with word #DirectSQL to invoke server side engine (Pass-through SQL). Query free dataset table (bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia)
#DirectSQL SELECT * FROM bigquery-public-data.samples.wikipedia LIMIT 1000 /* try your own dataset or Some FREE dataset like nyc-tlc.yellow.trips -- 3 parts ([Project.]Dataset.Table) */
Native Query (ServerSide): Query using Complex SQL [Read more...]
Server side SQL query example of BigQuery. Prefix SQL with word #DirectSQL to invoke server side engine (Pass-through SQL). Query free dataset table (bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013)
SELECT name, gender, SUM(number) AS total
FROM bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013
GROUP BY name, gender
Native Query (ServerSide): Delete Multiple Records (Call DML) [Read more...]
This Server side SQL query example of BigQuery shows how to invoke DELETE statement. To do that prefix SQL with word #DirectSQL to invoke server side engine (Pass-through SQL). Query free dataset table (bigquery-public-data.usa_names.usa_1910_2013)
#DirectSQL DELETE FROM TestDataset.MyTable Where Id > 5
Native Query (ServerSide): Query with CAST unix TIMESTAMP datatype column as datetime [Read more...]
This example shows how to query timestamp column as DateTime. E.g. 73833719.524272 should be displayed as 1972-05-04 or with milliseconds 1972-05-04 1:21:59.524 PM then use CAST function (you must use #DirectSQL prefix)
SELECT id, col_timestamp, CAST(col_timestamp as DATE) AS timestamp_as_date, CAST(col_timestamp as DATETIME) AS timestamp_as_datetime
FROM MyProject.MyDataset.MyTable
Native Query (ServerSide): Create Table / Run Other DDL [Read more...]
Example of how to run Valid BigQuery DDL statement. Prefix SQL with word #DirectSQL to invoke server side engine (Pass-through SQL)
#DirectSQL CREATE TABLE TestDataset.Table1 (ID INT64,Name STRING,BirthDate DATETIME, Active BOOL)
Native Query (ServerSide): UPDATE Table data for complex types (e.g. Nested RECORD, Geography, JSON) [Read more...]
Example of how to run Valid BigQuery DML statement ()e.g. UPDATE / INSERT / DELETE). This usecase shows how to update record with complex data types such as RECORD (i.e Array), Geography, JSON and more. Prefix SQL with word #DirectSQL to invoke server side engine (Pass-through SQL)
Update TestDataset.DataTypeTest
Set ColTime='23:59:59.123456',
ColGeography=ST_GEOGPOINT(34.150480, -84.233870),
ColRecord=(1,"AA","Column3 data"),
ColJson= JSON_ARRAY('{"doc":1, "values":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]}')
Where ColInteger=1
Native Query (ServerSide): DROP Table (if exists) / Other DDL [Read more...]
Example of how to run Valid BigQuery DDL statement. Prefix SQL with word #DirectSQL to invoke server side engine (Pass-through SQL)
#DirectSQL DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Myproject.Mydataset.Mytable
Native Query (ServerSide): Call Stored Procedure [Read more...]
Example of how to run BigQuery Stored Procedure and pass parameters. Assuming you created a valid stored proc called usp_GetData in TestDataset, call like below.
#DirectSQL CALL TestDataset.usp_GetData(1)
INSERT Single Row [Read more...]
This is sample how you can insert into BigQuery using ZappySys query language. You can also use ProjectId='myproject-id' in WITH clause.
INSERT INTO MyBQTable1(SomeBQCol1, SomeBQCol2) Values(1,'AAA')
INSERT Multiple Rows from SQL Server [Read more...]
This example shows how to bulk insert into Google BigQuery Table from microsoft SQL Server as external source. Notice that INSERT is missing column list. Its provided by source query so must produce valid column names found in target BQ Table (you can use SQL Alias in Column name to produce matching names)
, 'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=true'
, 'SELECT Col1 as SomeBQCol1,Col2 as SomeBQCol2 FROM SomeTable Where SomeCol=123'
INSERT Multiple Rows from any ODBC Source (DSN) [Read more...]
This example shows how to bulk insert into Google BigQuery Table from any external ODBC Source (Assuming you have installed ODBC Driver and configured DSN). Notice that INSERT is missing column list. Its provided by source query so it must produce valid column names found in target BQ Table (you can use SQL Alias in Column name to produce matching names)
, 'DSN=MyDsn'
, 'SELECT Col1 as SomeBQCol1,Col2 as SomeBQCol2 FROM SomeTable Where SomeCol=123'
INSERT Multiple Rows from any JSON Files / API (Using ZappySys ODBC JSON Driver) [Read more...]
This example shows how to bulk insert into Google BigQuery Table from any external ODBC JSON API / File Source (Assuming you have installed ZappySys ODBC Driver for JSON). Notice that INSERT is missing column list. Its provided by source query so it must produce valid column names found in target BQ Table (you can use SQL Alias in Column name to produce matching names). You can also use similar approach to read from CSV files or XML Files. Just use CSV / XML driver rather than JSON driver in connection string. Refer this for more examples of JSON Query
, 'Driver={ZappySys JSON Driver};Src='https://some-url/get-data''
, 'SELECT Col1 as SomeBQCol1,Col2 as SomeBQCol2 FROM _root_'
List Projects [Read more...]
Lists Projects for which user has access
SELECT * FROM list_projects
List Datasets [Read more...]
Lists Datasets for specified project. If you do not specify ProjectId then it will use connection level details.
SELECT * FROM list_datasets
List Tables [Read more...]
Lists tables for specified project / dataset. If you do not specify ProjectId or datasetId then it will use connection level details.
SELECT * FROM list_tables
Delete dataset [Read more...]
Delete dataset for specified ID. If you like to delete all tables under that dataset then set deleteContents='true'
SELECT * FROM delete_dataset WITH(DatasetId='MyDatasetId', deleteContents='False')