Google BigQuery Connector
Version: 13

EndPoint Read Table Rows




Gets the specified table resource by table ID. This method does not return the data in the table, it only returns the table resource, which describes the structure of this table. [API reference]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
TableId TableId YES
ProjectId ProjectId NO Leave this value blank to use ProjectId from connection settings
DatasetId DatasetId NO Leave this value blank to use DatasetId from connection settings

Output Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
-Dynamic- DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
[Dynamic Column]_DT DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False

Input Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.