Shopify Connector for Power BI
In this article you will learn how to integrate Using Shopify Connector you will be able to connect, read, and write data from within Power BI. Follow the steps below to see how we would accomplish that. The driver mentioned above is part of ODBC PowerPack which is a collection of high-performance Drivers for various API data source (i.e. REST API, JSON, XML, CSV, Amazon S3 and many more). Using familiar SQL query language you can make live connections and read/write data from API sources or JSON / XML / CSV Files inside SQL Server (T-SQL) or your favorite Reporting (i.e. Power BI, Tableau, Qlik, SSRS, MicroStrategy, Excel, MS Access), ETL Tools (i.e. Informatica, Talend, Pentaho, SSIS). You can also call our drivers from programming languages such as JAVA, C#, Python, PowerShell etc. If you are new to ODBC and ZappySys ODBC PowerPack then check the following links to get started. |
Connect to Shopify in other apps
Video Tutorial - Integrate Shopify data in Power BI
This video covers following and more so watch carefully. After watching this video follow the steps described in this article.
- How to download / install required driver for
Shopify integration in Power BI - How to configure connection for
Shopify - Features about
API Driver (Authentication / Query Language / Examples / Driver UI) - Using
Shopify Connection in Power BI
Create ODBC Data Source (DSN) based on ZappySys API Driver
Step-by-step instructions
To get data from Shopify using Power BI we first need to create a DSN (Data Source) which will access data from Shopify. We will later be able to read data using Power BI. Perform these steps:
Install ZappySys ODBC PowerPack.
Open ODBC Data Sources (x64):
Create a User Data Source (User DSN) based on ZappySys API Driver
ZappySys API DriverYou should create a System DSN (instead of a User DSN) if the client application is launched under a Windows System Account, e.g. as a Windows Service. If the client application is 32-bit (x86) running with a System DSN, use ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) instead of the 64-bit version. -
When the Configuration window appears give your data source a name if you haven't done that already, then select "Shopify" from the list of Popular Connectors. If "Shopify" is not present in the list, then click "Search Online" and download it. Then set the path to the location where you downloaded it. Finally, click Continue >> to proceed with configuring the DSN:
ShopifyDSNShopify -
Now it's time to configure the Connection Manager. Select Authentication Type, e.g. Token Authentication. Then select API Base URL (in most cases, the default one is the right one). More info is available in the Authentication section.
Steps how to get and use Shopify credentials : Access Token [Http]
Setting up your Shopify store account for API access involves creating an "app" for your store. The "app" is installed into the Shopify account and configured with the appropriate access levels for your data integration needs.- Visit and log into your Shopify store account.
- After logging in, select the store to connect to with the ZappySys Shopify Connector.
- Select the Settings link (usually in the lower-left corner) to launch the Settings screen.
- On the left menu panel, select Apps and sales channels.
- On the Apps and sales channels screen, select Develop apps (near the top of the screen).
- On the App development screen, select Create an app (near the upper-right corner of the screen).
- Give the app that will be used to provide Shopify API access a name, select the appropriate developer from the App developer drop-down, and then select Create app.
- Select Configure Admin API scopes and the Admin API access scopes screen will appear.
In the Admin API access scopes screen, select every access scope checkbox that applies to your integration needs. It is generally not a good idea to allow more access than what is needed in order to fulfill your integration needs.
- To enable the reading of customer information, select read_customers.
- To enable the writing of customer information, select write_customers.
- To enable the reading of inventory item information, select read_inventory.
- To enable the writing of inventory item information, select write_inventory.
- To enable the reading of order information, select read_orders.
- To enable the writing of order information, select write_orders.
- Install the app by selecting the Install app button (near the upper-right corner of the screen). If any other prompts for installation appears, select Install.
- After the app is installed, the Admin API access token will be available in the API credentials tab of the page. It can only be revealed ONCE for security purposes. Select Reveal token once to show the new Admin API access token. SAVE THE ADMIN API ACCESS TOKEN IN A SAFE PLACE WHERE YOU HAVE IT CONFIDENTIAL, SECURE, AND NOT ACCESSIBLE TO UNAUTHORIZED INDIVIDUALS. The Admin API access token will be needed in this process later.
- In the ZappySys connector API screen, enter the subdomain of your Shopify store into the Subdomain parameter textbox. For example, if your Shopify URL is, the subdomain would be acmetoys.
- In the same screen, enter the Admin API access token saved from step 11 above into the Admin API Access Token textbox. In order to edit the text in this field, select the ellipses (...) button that appears when the textbox is clicked and edit the access token with the dialog box that appears.
- Select the Test Connection button at the bottom of the window to verify proper connectivity with the Shopify store.
- If the connection test succeeds, select OK.
Fill in all required parameters and set optional parameters if needed:
ShopifyDSNShopifyAccess Token [Http]https://[$Subdomain$] Parameters Sub-domain Fill-in the parameter... Admin API Access Token Fill-in the parameter... Optional Parameters RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryStatusCodeList 429 RetryCountMax 5 RetryMultiplyWaitTime True -
Once the data source has been configured, you can preview data. Select the Preview tab and use settings similar to the following to preview data:
Click OK to finish creating the data source.
Video instructions
Read Shopify data in Power BI using ODBC
Importing Shopify data into Power BI from table or view
Once you open Power BI Desktop click Get Data to get data from ODBC:
A window opens, and then search for "odbc" to get data from ODBC data source:
Another window opens and asks to select a Data Source we already created. Choose ShopifyDSN and continue:
ShopifyDSN -
Most likely, you will be asked to authenticate to a newly created DSN. Just select Windows authentication option together with Use my current credentials option:
ShopifyDSN -
Finally, you will be asked to select a table or view to get data from. Select one and load the data!
Finally, finally, use extracted data from Shopify in a Power BI report:
Importing Shopify data into Power BI using SQL query
If you wish to import Shopify data from SQL query rather than a table then you can use advanced options during import steps (as below). After selecting DSN you can click on advanced options to see SQL Query editor.
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice FROM Products WHERE UnitPrice > 20

Using a full ODBC connection string
In the previous steps we used a very short format of ODBC connection string - a DSN. Yet sometimes you don't want a dependency on an ODBC data source (and an extra step). In those times, you can define a full connection string and skip creating an ODBC data source entirely. Let's see below how to accomplish that in the below steps:
Open ODBC data source configuration and click Copy settings:
ZappySys API Driver - ShopifyShopify Connector can be used to integrate Shopify REST API in your App / BI Tools. You can read/write data about Customers, Orders, OrderItems, Products and more.ShopifyDSN
The window opens, telling us the connection string was successfully copied to the clipboard:
Then just paste the connection string into your script:
ShopifyDSNDRIVER={ZappySys API Driver};ServiceUrl=https://[$Subdomain$];CredentialType=Token;AuthScheme={none};TokenAuthHeader=X-Shopify-Access-Token;
- You are good to go! The script will execute the same way as using a DSN.
Have in mind that a full connection string has length limitations.
Proceed to the next step to find out the details.
Limitations of using a full connection string
Despite using a full ODBC connection string may be very convenient it comes with a limitation: it's length is limited to 1024 symbols (or sometimes more). It usually happens when API provider generates a very long Refresh Token when OAuth is at play. If you are using such a long ODBC connection string, you may get this error:
"Connection string exceeds maximum allowed length of 1024"
But there is a solution to this by storing the full connection string in a file. Follow the steps below to achieve this:
- Open your ODBC data source.
- Click Copy settings button to copy a full connection string (see the previous section on how to accomplish that).
- Then create a new file, let's say, in C:\temp\odbc-connection-string.txt.
- Continue by pasting the copied connection string into a newly created file and save it.
Finally, the last step! Just construct a shorter ODBC connection string using this format:
DRIVER={ZappySys API Driver};SettingsFile=C:\temp\odbc-connection-string.txt
- Our troubles are over! Now you should be able to use this connection string in Power BI with no problems.
Editing query for table in Power BI
There will be a time you need to change the initial query after importing data into Power BI. Don't worry, just right-click on your table and click Edit query menu item:

Using parameters in Power BI (dynamic query)
In the real world, many values of your REST / SOAP API call may be coming from parameters. If that's the case for you can try to edit script manually as below. In below example its calling SQL Query with POST method and passing some parameters. Notice below where paraAPIKey is Power BI Parameter (string type). You can use parameters anywhere in your script just like the normal variable.
To use a parameter in Power BI report, follow these simple steps:
Firstly, you need to Edit query of your table (see previous section)
Then just create a new parameter by clicking Manage Parameters dropdown, click New Parameter option, and use it in the query:
= Odbc.Query("dsn=ShopifyDSN", "SELECT ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock FROM Products WHERE UnitPrice > " & Text.From(MyParameter) & " ORDER BY UnitPrice")
Refer to Power Query M reference for more information on how to use its advanced features in your queries.
Using DirectQuery Option rather than Import
So far we have seen how to Import Shopify data into Power BI but what if you have too much data and you dont want to import but link it. Power BI Offers very useful feature for this scenario. Its called DirectQuery Option. In this section we will explore how to use DirectQuery along with ZappySys Drivers.
Out of the box ZappySys Drivers wont work in ODBC Connection Mode so you have to use SQL Server Connection rather than ODBC if you wish to use Live data using DirectQuery option. See below step by step instructions to enable DirectQuery mode in Power BI for Shopify data.
Basically we will use ZappySys Data Gateway its part of ODBC PowerPack. We will then use Linked Server in SQL Server to Link API Service and then we will issue OPENROWSET queries from Power BI to SQL Server and it will then call Shopify via ZappySys Data Gateway.
- First read this article carefully, How to query Shopify API in SQL Server.
- Once linked server is configured we are ready to issue API query in Power BI.
- Click Get Data in Power BI, select SQL Server Database
- Enter your server name and any database name
- Select Mode as DirectQuery
Click on Advanced and enter query like below (we are assuming you have created Shopify Data Source in Data Gateway and defined linked server (Change name below).
DirectQuery option for Power BI (Read Shopify Data Example using SQL Server Linked Server and ZappySys Data Gateway) - Click OK and Load data ... That's it. Now your Shopify API data is linked rather than imported.
Publishing Power BI report to Power BI service
Here are the instructions on how to publish a Power BI report to Power BI service from Power BI Desktop application:
First of all, go to Power BI Desktop, open a Power BI report, and click Publish button:
Then select the Workspace you want to publish report to and hit Select button:
Finally, if everything went right, you will see a window indicating success:
If you need to periodically refresh Power BI semantic model (dataset) to ensure data accuracy and up-to-dateness, you can accomplish that by using Microsoft On-premises data gateway. Proceed to the next section - Refreshing Power BI semantic model (dataset) using On-premises data gateway - and learn how to do that.
Refreshing Power BI semantic model (dataset) using On-premises data gateway
Power BI allows to refresh semantic models which are based on data sources that reside on-premises. This can be achieved using Microsoft On-premises data gateway. There are two types of On-premises gateways:
- Standard Mode
- Personal Mode
Standard Mode supports Power BI and other Microsoft Data Fabric services. It fits perfectly for Enterprise solutions as it installs as a Windows Service and also supports Direct Query feature.
Personal Mode, on the other hand, can be configured faster, but is designed more for home users (you cannot install it as a Windows Service and it does not support DirectQuery). You will find a detailed comparison in the link above.
We recommend to go with Personal Mode for a quick POC solution, but use Standard Mode in production environment.
Below you will find instructions on how to refresh semantic model using both types of gateways.
Refresh using On-premises data gateway (standard mode)
Here are the instructions on how to refresh a Power BI semantic model using On-premises data gateway (standard mode):
Go to Power BI My workspace, hover your mouse cursor on your semantic model and click Settings:
If you see this view, it means you have to install On-premises data gateway (standard mode):
Install On-premises data gateway (standard mode) and sign-in:
Use the same email address you use when logging in into Power BI account. -
Register a new gateway (or migrate an existing one):
If you are creating a new gateway, name your gateway, enter a Recovery key, and click Configure button:
Now, let's get back to your semantic model settings in Power BI portal. Refresh the page and you should see your newly created gateway. Click arrow icon and then click on Add to gateway link:
ODBC{"connectionstring":"dsn=ShopifyDSN"} -
Once you do that, you will create a new gateway connection. Give it a name, set Authentication method, Privacy level, and click Create button:
dsn=ShopifyDSNIn this example, we used the least restrictive Privacy level.If your connection uses a full connection string you may hit a length limitation when entering it into the field. To create the connection, you will need to shorten it manually. Check the section about the limitation of a full connection string on how to accomplish it.
On-premises data gateway (personal mode) does not have this limitation.
Proceed by choosing the newly created connection:
ODBC{"connectionstring":"dsn=ShopifyDSN"} -
Finally, you are at the final step where you can refresh the semantic model:
Refresh using On-premises data gateway (personal mode)
Here are the instructions on how to refresh a Power BI semantic model using On-premises data gateway (personal mode):
Go to Power BI My workspace, hover your mouse cursor on your semantic model and click Settings:
If you see this view, it means you have to install On-premises data gateway (personal mode):
Install On-premises data gateway (personal mode) and sign-in:
Use the same email address you use when logging in into Power BI account. -
Again, go to your semantic model Settings, expand Data source credentials, click Edit credentials, select Authentication method together with Privacy level, and then click Sign in button:
dsn=ShopifyDSN -
Finally, you are ready to refresh your semantic model:
Advanced topics
Create Custom Stored Procedure in ZappySys Driver
You can create procedures to encapsulate custom logic and then only pass handful parameters rather than long SQL to execute your API call.
Steps to create Custom Stored Procedure in ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders anywhere inside Procedure Body. Read more about placeholders here
Go to Custom Objects Tab and Click on Add button and Select Add Procedure:
Enter the desired Procedure name and click on OK:
Select the created Stored Procedure and write the your desired stored procedure and Save it and it will create the custom stored procedure in the ZappySys Driver:
Here is an example stored procedure for ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders anywhere inside Procedure Body. Read more about placeholders here
CREATE PROCEDURE [usp_get_orders] @fromdate = '<<yyyy-MM-dd,FUN_TODAY>>' AS SELECT * FROM Orders where OrderDate >= '<@fromdate>';
That's it now go to Preview Tab and Execute your Stored Procedure using Exec Command. In this example it will extract the orders from the date 1996-01-01:
Exec usp_get_orders '1996-01-01';
Let's generate the SQL Server Query Code to make the API call using stored procedure. Go to Code Generator Tab, select language as SQL Server and click on Generate button the generate the code.
As we already created the linked server for this Data Source, in that you just need to copy the Select Query and need to use the linked server name which we have apply on the place of [MY_API_SERVICE] placeholder.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([MY_API_SERVICE], 'EXEC usp_get_orders @fromdate=''1996-07-30''')
Now go to SQL served and execute that query and it will make the API call using stored procedure and provide you the response.
Create Custom Virtual Table in ZappySys Driver
ZappySys API Drivers support flexible Query language so you can override Default Properties you configured on Data Source such as URL, Body. This way you don't have to create multiple Data Sources if you like to read data from multiple EndPoints. However not every application support supplying custom SQL to driver so you can only select Table from list returned from driver.
If you're dealing with Microsoft Access and need to import data from an SQL query, it's important to note that Access doesn't allow direct import of SQL queries. Instead, you can create custom objects (Virtual Tables) to handle the import process.
Many applications like MS Access, Informatica Designer wont give you option to specify custom SQL when you import Objects. In such case Virtual Table is very useful. You can create many Virtual Tables on the same Data Source (e.g. If you have 50 URLs with slight variations you can create virtual tables with just URL as Parameter setting.
Go to Custom Objects Tab and Click on Add button and Select Add Table:
Enter the desired Table name and click on OK:
And it will open the New Query Window Click on Cancel to close that window and go to Custom Objects Tab.
Select the created table, Select Text Type AS SQL and write the your desired SQL Query and Save it and it will create the custom table in the ZappySys Driver:
Here is an example SQL query for ZappySys Driver. You can insert Placeholders also. Read more about placeholders here
SELECT "ShipCountry", "OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "OrderDate", "RequiredDate", "ShippedDate", "ShipVia", "Freight", "ShipName", "ShipAddress", "ShipCity", "ShipRegion", "ShipPostalCode" FROM "Orders" Where "ShipCountry"='USA'
That's it now go to Preview Tab and Execute your custom virtual table query. In this example it will extract the orders for the USA Shipping Country only:
SELECT * FROM "vt__usa_orders_only"
Let's generate the SQL Server Query Code to make the API call using stored procedure. Go to Code Generator Tab, select language as SQL Server and click on Generate button the generate the code.
As we already created the linked server for this Data Source, in that you just need to copy the Select Query and need to use the linked server name which we have apply on the place of [MY_API_SERVICE] placeholder.
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([MY_API_SERVICE], 'EXEC [usp_get_orders] ''1996-01-01''')
Now go to SQL served and execute that query and it will make the API call using stored procedure and provide you the response.
Actions supported by Shopify Connector
Shopify Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.Parameter | Description |
Customer Id(s) - Comma separated |
Parameter | Description |
Order Id(s) - Comma separated |
Parameter | Description |
Order Id(s) - Comma separated |
Parameter | Description |
Product Id(s) - Comma separated |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||
Published Status |
Product Type (e.g. Cult Products) |
Collection Id |
Published After |
Published Before |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
status |
Financial Status |
Fulfillment Status |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Product Id(s) - Comma separated |
Since Product Id |
Only Fields to Show |
Created Before |
Created After |
Updated Before |
Updated After |
Parameter | Description |
Product Id |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Date (format: yyyy-MM-ddd) |
Date maximum (format: yyyy-MM-ddd) |
Date minimum(format: yyyy-MM-ddd) |
Payouts before this Id |
Payouts after this Id |
Status |
Parameter | Description |
Location Id |
Parameter | Description |
Inventory Item Id(s) - Comma separated |
Parameter | Description |
inventory_item_ids |
location_ids |
Updated at or after |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||
Action |
Parameter | Description |
Parameter | Description |
Inventory Item Id(s) - Comma separated |
Parameter | Description |
Inventory Item Id |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Url |
Body |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Parameter | Description |
Url |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Shopify Connector Examples for Power BI Connection
This page offers a collection of SQL examples designed for seamless integration with the ZappySys API ODBC Driver under ODBC Data Source (36/64) or ZappySys Data Gateway, enhancing your ability to connect and interact with Prebuilt Connectors effectively.
Get list of products [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Products
Get a specific product by its ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Products WITH Id=1111111111111
Get multiple specific products by their IDs [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Products WITH(ids='1111111111111,2222222222222,3333333333333')
Create a new product [Read more...]
This example shows how to insert a new Shopify product. It also sets Variants
('Ice Cream'
,'<strong>Very yummy ice cream!</strong>'
{"price":10.5, "option1":"Chocolate","option2":"Small","sku":"ICE-CHO-SML","inventory_quantity":100},
{"price":10.5, "option1":"Chocolate","option2":"Medium","sku":"ICE-CHO-MED","inventory_quantity":100},
{"price":11.5, "option1":"Vanilla","option2":"Small","sku":"ICE-VNL-MED","inventory_quantity":210}
--you must set variants and use atlease one value from the below list in option1, option2 or option3 in any variant entry else it will fail.
,'["Frozen","Seasonal","Dad''s Fav"]'
--adding metadata (custom fields) - metadata fields must be created before setting it
--below are 2 system fields for SEO Title / SEO Description (you dont need to create them unlike custom metadata). These values appears on SEO section
{"key":"title_tag","value":"Yum Ice Cream SEO Title", "namespace":"global","type":"single_line_text_field"},
{"key":"description_tag","value":"Yum Ice Cream SEO description", "namespace":"global","type":"single_line_text_field"}
--first image becomes main image if you supply multiple images
--upload multiple images from URL (set "src")
, '[
--OR upload multiple local image files (set "attachment")
--, '[
-- {"attachment":"<<c:\temp\icecream_1.png,FUN_FILE_BASE64ENC>>"},
-- {"attachment":"<<c:\temp\icecream_2.png,FUN_FILE_BASE64ENC>>"}
-- ]'
Update an existing product [Read more...]
This example shows how to update an existing product. Update product title, description (body html), images, variants and more
UPDATE Products
SET Title='Ice Cream - Updated'
, Status='draft' --active, archived, draft
, BodyHtml='<strong>Very yummy ice cream - updated!</strong>'
--first image becomes main image if you supply multiple images
--upload multiple images from URL (set "src")
, Images='[
--OR upload multiple local image files (set "attachment")
--, Images='[
-- {"attachment":"<<c:\temp\icecream_1.png,FUN_FILE_BASE64ENC>>"},
-- {"attachment":"<<c:\temp\icecream_2.png,FUN_FILE_BASE64ENC>>"}
-- ]'
, Variants='[
{"price":20.5, "option1":"Chocolate","option2":"Small","sku":"ICE-CHO-SML","inventory_quantity":300},
{"price":21.5, "option1":"Vanilla","option2":"Small","sku":"ICE-VNL-MED","inventory_quantity":110}
, PublishedScope='global' --or web
, Vendor ='IceGlobal'
, ProductType ='Cold Food'
, Tags ='["Frozen","Seasonal","Dad''s Fav"]'
--Update SEO URL
--Update SEO title / description
, SEOTitle='Yum Ice Cream SEO Title-update'
, SEODescription='Yum Ice Cream SEO description-update'
Where Id=7348335771748
Delete an existing product [Read more...]
This example shows how to delete an existing product.
Where Id=7348335771748
Get list of all product variants [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants
Get all product variants by a specific product ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants Where ProductId='1111111111111'
Get all product variants by multiple specific product IDs [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM ProductVariants WITH(ids='1111111111111,2222222222222,3333333333333')
Create a new product variant [Read more...]
This example shows how to create a new product variant.
INSERT INTO ProductVariants (ProductId, Option1, Option2,SKU,Price,CompareAtPrice,Position,Weight,WeightUnit,ImageId)
Values(7348335771748, 'Chocolate', 'Medium', 'ICE-CHO-MED', 195.5, 200.5, 3, 20.5, 'lb', 31900013854820)
Update product variant price, image, weight [Read more...]
This example shows how to update product variant price, image, weight and other attributes.
Update ProductVariants
,ImageId=31900013854820 --use available images from Products table
Where Id=42564507992164
Delete an existing product variant [Read more...]
This example shows how to delete an existing product variant by Variant Id.
DELETE FROM ProductVariants
WHERE Id=31900013854820
Get list of customers [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Customers
Get a specific customer by its ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Customers Where Id=12345
Get multiple specific customers by their IDs [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Customers
WITH (ids='1111111111111,2222222222222,3333333333333')
Insert a new customer record [Read more...]
(FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, Password, PasswordConfirmation, SendWelcomeEmail, MultipassIdentifier, Note, Tags, TaxExempt, TaxExemptions, DefaultAddressFirstName, DefaultAddressLastName, DefaultAddressCompany, DefaultAddressLine1, DefaultAddressLine2, DefaultAddressCity, DefaultAddressProvince, DefaultAddressCountry, DefaultAddressZip, DefaultAddressPhone, DefaultAddressName, DefaultAddressProvinceCode, DefaultAddressCountryCode, DefaultAddressCountryName)
('John', 'Doe', '', '7705553543', 'myNewP@ssword123', 'myNewP@ssword123', 1, null, 'This is a note on the customer account.', null, 0, null, 'John', 'Doe', 'John Doe Corp.', '123 Main Street', null, 'Atlanta', 'Georgia', 'United States', '30135', '7705553543', 'John Doe', 'GA', 'US', 'United States')
Insert a new customer record using RAW JSON Body (special column _rawdoc_) [Read more...]
Sometimes you have need to INSERT or UPDATE certain arrtibutes for which input columns not defined. In this case you can supply entire BODY JSON as input using special column name _rawdoc_
INSERT INTO Customers(_rawdoc_)
Insert customers in BULK (read from external MS SQL database) [Read more...]
In this example we are reading customer Name, Email, Phone from external source system (Microsoft SQL Server) and sending it to Shopify. Your column name must match with Input columns of the table. See other BULK examples to learn more about reading from other systems using ODBC or OLEDB connection.
INSERT INTO Customers(FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone)
,'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=true'
,'select ''John'' as FirstName, ''Doe'' as LastName, '''' as Email, ''7705553111'' as Phone'
Insert customers in BULK using RAW JSON Body (read from external MS SQL database) [Read more...]
In this example we are reading customer Name, Email, Phone from external source system (Microsoft SQL Server) and sending it to Shopify. Your column name must match with Input columns of the table. See other BULK examples to learn more about reading from other systems using ODBC or OLEDB connection.
,'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=true'
,'select ''{"customer":{"first_name":"Cust1","last_name":"Doe1","email":"","phone":"7705553111"}}'' as _rawdoc_
select ''{"customer":{"first_name":"Cust2","last_name":"Doe2","email":"","phone":"7705553222"}}'' as _rawdoc_
Update an existing customer record [Read more...]
UPDATE Customers SET
Email = '',
Phone = '7705553445',
Note= 'This is a new note that needed to be added later.'
WHERE Id=1111111111111
Update an existing customer record using RAW JSON Body (special column _rawdoc_) [Read more...]
Sometimes you have need to INSERT or UPDATE certain arrtibutes for which input columns not defined. In this case you can supply entire BODY JSON as input using special column name _rawdoc_
UPDATE Customers
SET _rawdoc_='{"customer":{"first_name":"John_new","last_name":"Doe_new","email":"","phone":"7705553111"}}'
WHERE Id=1111111111111
Update an existing customer record [Read more...]
FulfillmentStatus = '',
Phone = '7705553111',
Note= 'This is a new note that needed to be added to the order later.'
WHERE Id=1111111111111
Update customers in BULK (read from external MS SQL database) [Read more...]
In this example we are reading customer Ids, Email, Notes from external source system (Microsoft SQL Server) and sending it to Shopify. Your column name must match with Input columns of the table you trying to update. See other BULK examples to learn more about reading from other systems using ODBC or OLEDB connection.
UPDATE Customers
,'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=true'
,'select 111 as Id, ''''Email , ''SOLD'' as Note,0 as [$$ContineOn404Error]
select 222 as Id, ''''Email , ''SOLD'' as Note,0 as [$$ContineOn404Error]
Delete a customer record [Read more...]
DELETE Customers WHERE Id=1111111111111
Delete a customer record (throw error if not found) [Read more...]
DELETE Customers WHERE Id=1111111111111 (ContineOn404Error=0)
Delete customers in BULK (read Id from external MS SQL database) [Read more...]
In this example we are reading customer Ids from external source system (Microsoft SQL Server) and sending it to Shopify. See other BULK examples to learn more about reading from other systems using ODBC or OLEDB connection.
,'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=true'
,'select 111 as Id,1 as [$$ContineOn404Error]
select 222 as Id,1 as [$$ContineOn404Error]
Get all orders [Read more...]
Get open orders [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Orders WITH (Status='open') --also try 'any', 'open', 'closed', 'cancelled'
Get a specific order by its ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Orders Where Id=1111111111111
Get multiple specific orders by their IDs [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Orders WITH(ids='1111111111111,2222222222222,3333333333333')
Delete an order record [Read more...]
DELETE Orders WHERE Id=1111111111111
Delete an order record (throw error if not found) [Read more...]
DELETE Orders WHERE Id=1111111111111 (ContineOn404Error=0)
Get line items for all orders [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM OrderItems
Get line items for a specific order by the order ID [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM OrderItems Where OrderId=1111111111111
Get line items for multiple specific orders by their order IDs [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM OrderItems WITH(ids='1111111111111,2222222222222,3333333333333')
Insert a new order record [Read more...]
INSERT INTO Orders (BillingAddressLine1, BillingAddressLine2, BillingAddressCity, BillingAddressCompany, BillingAddressCountry, BillingAddressFirstName, BillingAddressLastName, BillingAddressPhone, BillingAddressProvince, BillingAddressZip, BillingAddressName, BillingAddressProvinceCode, BillingAddressCountryCode, BuyerAcceptsMarketing, LineItems, CustomerId, Email, EstimatedTaxes, FinancialStatus, FulfillmentStatus, Name, Note, Phone, Currency, PresentmentCurrency, ProcessedAt, ReferringSite, ShippingAddressLine1, ShippingAddressLine2, ShippingAddressCity, ShippingAddressCompany, ShippingAddressCountry, ShippingAddressFirstName, ShippingAddressLastName, ShippingAddressPhone, ShippingAddressProvince, ShippingAddressZip, ShippingAddressName, ShippingAddressProvinceCode, ShippingAddressCountryCode, Tags, TaxesIncluded, TotalWeight, SendReceipt, SendFulfillmentReceipt)
('123 Main Street', 'Suite #54', 'Memphis', 'Acme, Inc.', 'United States', 'John', 'Doe', '4045559876', 'Tennessee', '38101', 'John Doe', 'GA', 'US', 1, '[{"title":"Super Strong Glue","price":24.99,"grams":"100","quantity":1,"tax_lines":[{"price":13.5,"rate":0.06,"title":"State tax"}]}]', 5945175474276, '', 1, 'pending', null, '#40294', 'This order needs to be expedited, so register it in the system as so.', '4045559876', 'USD', 'USD', '2023-02-27T11:00:00', '', '123 Main Street', 'Suite #54', 'Memphis', 'Acme, Inc.', 'United States', 'John', 'Doe', '4045559876', 'Tennessee', '38101', 'John Doe', 'GA', 'US', NULL, 1, 20, 1, 1)
Get inventory levels for all locations [Read more...]
Query inventory levels for all locations. If you get URL Too long error then manually supply location ids in the query (see other example)
select * from InventoryLevels
--WITH(location_ids='43512280416356, 44648752676964, ..... upto 300 to 500 more - until you hit URL limit error')
Get inventory level for multiple item inventory id(s) [Read more...]
If you get URL Too long error then reduce inventory_item ids in the query (approx 300-400 ids per call allowed)
select * from InventoryLevels WITH (inventory_item_ids='43512280416356, 44648752676964')
Get inventory level for specific location id(s) (i.e. Physcical Store / POS ) [Read more...]
If you get URL Too long error then reduce location ids in the query (approx 300-400 ids per call allowed)
select * from InventoryLevels WITH (location_ids='43512280416356, 44648752676964')
Get inventory level for specific inventory / location id(s) [Read more...]
select * from InventoryLevels WITH (inventory_item_ids='43512280416356, 44648752676964' , location_ids='111100034, 111100055')
Adjust inventory level for a specific inventory / location id(s) [Read more...]
Adjusts the inventory level of an inventory item at a single location
UPDATE InventoryLevels
SET AvailableAdjustment=488,
WHERE InventoryItemId=43512276942948
Action='Adjust' --or set or connect
, ContineOn404Error=0
Set / insert inventory with a specific inventory item and location id [Read more...]
Sets the inventory level for an inventory item at a location. If the specified location is not connected, it will be automatically connected first. When connecting inventory items to locations
UPDATE InventoryLevels
SET LocationId=25801916516
WHERE InventoryItemId=43512276942948
Action='set' --or adjust or connect
, ContineOn404Error=0
INSERT INTO InventoryLevels (InventoryItemId,LocationId,Available)
VALUES(43512276942948, 25801916516, 488)
--WITH( ContineOn404Error=0 )
Connects an inventory item to a location [Read more...]
Connects an inventory item to a location by creating an inventory level at that location.
UPDATE InventoryLevels
SET LocationId=25801916516
WHERE InventoryItemId=43512276942948
Action='connect' --or adjust or set
, ContineOn404Error=0
Set inventory with a specific inventory item and location id - generic API [Read more...]
If you get URL Too long error then reduce location ids in the query (approx 300-400 ids per call allowed)
SELECT * FROM generic_request
--OR Use full URL
, RequestMethod='POST'
, Body='{"location_id":25801916516,"inventory_item_id":43512280416356,"available":42}' --needed if you call PUT, POST
, Filter='$.inventory_level' --change table name here
, Headers='Content-Type: application/json'
, Meta='inventory_item_id:long; location_id:long; available:int; updated_at: datetime'
Get inventory item by id [Read more...]
You can find Inventory Item Id in ProductVariants table. ProductVariant has One-to-One mapping with InventoryItems table
select * from InventoryItems Where Id=43512280416356
Get inventory item by id [Read more...]
You can find Inventory Item Id in ProductVariants table. ProductVariant has One-to-One mapping with InventoryItems table
select * from InventoryItems Where Id=43512280416356
Get inventory items by multiple Ids [Read more...]
Query multiple InventoryItems by Ids (Comma separated list). You can find Inventory Item Id in ProductVariants table. ProductVariant has One-to-One mapping with InventoryItems table
select * from InventoryItems WITH(Ids='43512280416356, 43512280449124')
Update an existing inventory item cost and other attributes [Read more...]
UPDATE InventoryItems
SET Cost='25.55'
WHERE Id=43512280416356
Generic Query using Shopify admin GraphQL API [Read more...]
This example shows how to invoke GraphQL query for very generic data read/write. For more information on GraphQL API visit this link
SELECT * FROM generic_request
--OR Use full URL
, RequestMethod='POST'
, Filter='$.data.products.nodes' --change table name here e.g. products
, Headers='Content-Type: application/json'
--change table name and columns below here e.g. products... and id, title etc
-- change pagesize if needed (i.e. max 250)
, Body='{
"query" : "<<{
products(first: 250 [$tag$])
nodes {
pageInfo {
, NextUrlAttributeOrExpr='$.data.products.pageInfo.endCursor' --change table name
, NextUrlEndIndicator='false'
, StopIndicatorAttributeOrExpr='$.data.products.pageInfo.hasNextPage' --change table name
, UseConnection='True'
, EnablePageTokenForBody='True'
, HasDifferentNextPageInfo='True'
, NextPageBodyPart='after: \"[$pagetoken$]\"'
--Use metadata to speed up execution. To get Metadata Run query without Meta clause.
-- Then click View Metadata button found in Botttom Result Grid Toolbar. Get Compact format and paste below
--, Meta='id:String(255); title:String(255); createdAt:DateTime; '
Generic Query using Shopify admin REST API [Read more...]
This example shows how to invoke pretty much any REST API for generic data read/write. For more information on REST API visit this link
SELECT * FROM generic_request
--OR Use full URL
, RequestMethod='GET'
, Body='{}' --needed if you call PUT, POST
, Filter='$.products[*]' --change table name here
, Headers='Content-Type: application/json'
, PagingMode='ByResponseHeaderRfc5988'
--Use metadata to speed up execution. To get Metadata Run query without Meta clause.
--Then click View Metadata button found in Botttom Result Grid Toolbar. Get Compact format and paste below
, Meta='id:String(255); title:String(255); created_at:DateTime; '
In this article we discussed how to connect to Shopify in Power BI and integrate data without any coding. Click here to Download Shopify Connector for Power BI and try yourself see how easy it is. If you still have any question(s) then ask here or simply click on live chat icon below and ask our expert (see bottom-right corner of this page).
Download Shopify Connector for Power BI
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Download Shopify Connector for Power BI
How to connect Shopify in Power BI?
How to get Shopify data in Power BI?
How to read Shopify data in Power BI?
How to load Shopify data in Power BI?
How to import Shopify data in Power BI?
How to pull Shopify data in Power BI?
How to push data to Shopify in Power BI?
How to write data to Shopify in Power BI?
How to POST data to Shopify in Power BI?
Call Shopify API in Power BI
Consume Shopify API in Power BI
Shopify Power BI Automate
Shopify Power BI Integration
Integration Shopify in Power BI
Consume real-time Shopify data in Power BI
Consume real-time Shopify API data in Power BI
Shopify ODBC Driver | ODBC Driver for Shopify | ODBC Shopify Driver | SSIS Shopify Source | SSIS Shopify Destination
Connect Shopify in Power BI
Load Shopify in Power BI
Load Shopify data in Power BI
Read Shopify data in Power BI
Shopify API Call in Power BI