JDBC-ODBC Bridge Connector for ODBC

In this article you will learn how to integrate JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC without coding in just a few clicks (live / bi-directional connection to JDBC-ODBC Bridge). JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver can be used to consume data from any JDBC Driver in non JAVA apps (i.e. Excel, Power BI, C#). Many apps written in C++ or .net (e.g. Excel, Power BI, Informatica) which don’t have direct support for using JAVA based JDBC driver technology..

Using JDBC-ODBC Bridge Connector you will be able to connect, read, and write data from within ODBC. Follow the steps below to see how we would accomplish that.

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Create ODBC Data Source (DSN) based on ZappySys JDBC Driver

To get data from JDBC-ODBC Bridge using ODBC we first need to create a DSN (Data Source) which will access data from JDBC-ODBC Bridge. We will later be able to read data using ODBC. Perform these steps:

  1. Install ZappySys ODBC PowerPack.

  2. Open ODBC Data Sources (x64):
    Open ODBC Data Source

  3. Create a User Data Source (User DSN) based on ZappySys JDBC Bridge Driver

    ZappySys JDBC Bridge Driver
    Create new User DSN for ZappySys JDBC Bridge Driver
    You should create a System DSN (instead of a User DSN) if the client application is launched under a Windows System Account, e.g. as a Windows Service. If the client application is 32-bit (x86) running with a System DSN, use ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) instead of the 64-bit version.
  4. Now, we need JDBC Bridge Connection. Lets create it. When you see DSN Config Editor with zappysys logo first thing you need to do is change default DSN Name at the top and Configure JDBC Bridge Driver. Enter Credentials (In this Example We have used PostgreSQL Credentials) and then Click on Test Connection to verify your credentials.

    Note: Enter suitable JDBC Driver Credentials, You can read data from any JDBC Driver
    ODBC JDBC Bridge Driver - Create Connection

  5. This example shows how to write simple SOQL query (JDBC Bridge Object Query Language). It uses WHERE clause. For more SOQL Queries click here.
    SOQL is similar to database SQL query language but much simpler and many features you use in database query may not be supported in SOQL (Such as JOIN clause not supported). But you can use following Queries for Insert, Update, Delete and Upsert(Update or Insert record if not found).

    SELECT orderid, customerid, orderdate, orderamount FROM "public"."zappysys"
    ZappySys ODBC Driver - Select Table and Preview Data
  6. Click OK to finish creating the data source


In this article we discussed how to connect to JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC and integrate data without any coding. Click here to Download JDBC-ODBC Bridge Connector for ODBC and try yourself see how easy it is. If you still have any question(s) then ask here or simply click on live chat icon below and ask our expert (see bottom-right corner of this page).

Download JDBC-ODBC Bridge Connector for ODBC Documentation 

Other App Integration scenarios for JDBC-ODBC Bridge

Other Connectors for ODBC

Download JDBC-ODBC Bridge Connector for ODBC Documentation

  • How to connect JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC?

  • How to get JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC?

  • How to read JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC?

  • How to load JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC?

  • How to import JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC?

  • How to pull JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC?

  • How to push data to JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC?

  • How to write data to JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC?

  • How to POST data to JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC?

  • Call JDBC-ODBC Bridge API in ODBC

  • Consume JDBC-ODBC Bridge API in ODBC

  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge ODBC Automate

  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge ODBC Integration

  • Integration JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC

  • Consume real-time JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC

  • Consume real-time JDBC-ODBC Bridge API data in ODBC

  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge ODBC Driver | ODBC Driver for JDBC-ODBC Bridge | ODBC JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver | SSIS JDBC-ODBC Bridge Source | SSIS JDBC-ODBC Bridge Destination

  • Connect JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC

  • Load JDBC-ODBC Bridge in ODBC

  • Load JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC

  • Read JDBC-ODBC Bridge data in ODBC

  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge API Call in ODBC