Command line tools for Amazon Redshift Copy from MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle

Amazon Redshift Import/Export Command line

  • Import data to AWS Redshift database from files or relational source (e.g. MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server)
  • Export Redshift data to local CSV, JSON, Excel or PDF files
  • Execute Redshift SQL commands from command line (direct mode or script file mode)
  • Import huge amount of data (millions of rows) in few minutes with parallel load techniques
  • Load local flat files to Redshift in just single line command (option to compress data files to *.gz to speed up transfer)
  • Support for Client side encryption using AES 256 Key
  • Load data from any data source (ODBC, or OLEDB) using sql query
  • Import compressed data files (*.gz) to redshift
  • Archive files, error reporting, file splitting, many other features
  • Simple to use command line can be called from Ruby, Python, or C#. Or use any ETL tools such as Pentaho, Informatica PowerCenter, IBM DataStage
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Sample Command Lines

Load data from SQL Server to Redshift

c:\tools>aws.exe redshift import Db 
	--source-driver ADONET_MSSQL 
	--source-query "select ROW_NUMBER()Over(order by a.CustomerID) Id, a.*,b.*,c.OrderID,c.OrderDate,c.Freight  from customers a,products b,orders c" 
	--source-archivemethod Delete 
	--source-stage-archivemethod Delete 
	--target-stage-archivemethod Delete 
	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
	--target-table "customerdata" 
	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
	--maxrows-perfile 100000 
	--region us-east-1 
	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
	--source-connstr "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"

Load local files to Redshift

c:\tools>aws.exe redshift import File 
	--source-path "c:\data\files\*.csv" 
	--source-archivemethod Delete 
	--source-stage-archivemethod Delete 
	--target-stage-archivemethod Delete 
	--source-stagepath "c:\redshift\stage" 
	--target-table "customerdata" 
	--target-stagepath "bw-rstest/cmdstage" 
	--logfile "c:\redshift\log.txt" 
	--maxrows-perfile 100000 
	--region us-east-1 
	--accesskey "AKIA*****************" 
	--secretkey "lPi+XQ************************"  
	--target-connstr "Host=mytestcluster-1.csu********;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=*********;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"

Export Redshift data to Local CSV file

c:\tools>aws.exe redshift export "select * from customerdata limit 50000" --csv -o "C:\amazon\customers.csv" -y  --connstr "Pooling=false;;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;"

Execute Redshift SQL Command (e.g. CREATE/DROP)

c:\tools>aws.exe redshift sqlexec --sql "DROP TABLE customers; DROP TABLE products;" --connstr "Pooling=false;;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;" 

Execute Redshift SQL Command from Script File (e.g. CREATE/DROP)

c:\tools>aws.exe redshift sqlexec --script-file "c:\amazon\scripts\drop-create-table.sql" --connstr "Pooling=false;;Port=5439;Database=dev;UserName=masteruser;Password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;EnableSsl=true;Timeout=30;CommandTimeout=3600;" 

DROP TABLE public.customers;
DROP TABLE public.products;

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List of Amazon Redshift Commands

Command Alias Description
import Bulk import data from existing files or from any relational database source to redshift in single command. Command supports ODBC, OLEDB and drivers to consume source data
export Bulk export data from Redshift to CSV, JSON, Excel or PDF file format
import Execute Redshift SQL Commands (DDL or DML)


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Redshift Data Load – Amazon Redshift Import Command line tools (COPY, S3, AWS Redshift)



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How to Load SQL server data into Redshift | Import MySQL to Redshift | Import Oracle to Redshift | Copy sql data into AWS Redshift | Redshift copy command | Amazon Redshift CLI | Pentaho Redshift Data Load | DataStage Redshift Data Load  | Informatica Redshift Data Load


See Also

  • Supported Client Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11