Jira ConnectorZappySys Jira Connector provide read / write capability inside your app (see list below), using these drag and drop , high performance connector you can perform many Jira operations without any coding. You can use this connector to integrate Jira data inside apps like SSIS, SQL Server or popular ETL Platforms / BI Tools/ Reporting Apps / Programming languages (i.e. Informatica, Power BI, SSRS, Excel, C#, JAVA, Python) |
Click on your App below to get started with Jira Integration
Actions supported by Jira Connector
Jira Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.Parameter | Description |
Parameter | Description |
CustomColumnsRegex |
Parameter | Description |
Query |
UserName |
Exclude |
Parameter | Description |
AccountId |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||
MaxResults |
Parameter | Description |
ProjectIdOrKey |
Parameter | Description |
ProjectIdOrKey |
EnableUndo |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
IssueIdOrKey |
NotifyUsers |
OverrideScreenSecurity |
OverrideEditableFlag |
Parameter | Description |
IssueIdOrKey |
Parameter | Description |
Issue Key(s) or Ids - Comma Separated (PRJA-10,PRJA-13) |
Parameter | Description |
IssueIdOrKey |
WorklogId |
Parameter | Description |
IssueIdOrKey |
WorklogId |
Parameter | Description |
Issue Key(s) or Ids - Comma Separated (PRJA-10,PRJA-13) |
Parameter | Description |
IssueId Or Key |
Parameter | Description |
IssueId Or Key |
Comment Id |
Parameter | Description |
IssueId Or Key |
Comment Id |
Parameter | Description |
IssueId Or Key |
Parameter | Description |
IssueId Or Key |
Parameter | Description |
IssueId Or Key |
Comma Separated ChangeLog Ids |
Parameter | Description |
FieldId |
Parameter | Description |
FieldId |
ContextId |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Url |
Body |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Parameter | Description |
Url |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Jira Connector Examples (For ODBC PowerPack)
This page offers a collection of SQL examples designed for seamless integration with the ZappySys API ODBC Driver under ODBC Data Source (36/64) or ZappySys Data Gateway, enhancing your ability to connect and interact with Prebuilt Connectors effectively.
List issues [Read more...]
Lists all issues
List a single issue by Id [Read more...]
List a single issue by Key (e.g. CS-123) or Numeric Id (e.g. 10001).
SELECT * FROM Issues WITH(SearchBy='Key', Key='10001')
List a single issue by Id - Continue on a specific error message [Read more...]
By default if issue is not found or search condition is bad you may get an error but you can continue by setting ContineOnErrorForMessage=1 and message you like to ignore in ErrorSubstringToMatch.
SELECT * FROM Issues WITH(SearchBy='Key', Key='10001', ContineOnErrorForMessage=1, ErrorSubstringToMatch='Issue does not exist')
List a single issue by Key [Read more...]
List a single issue by Key (e.g. CS-123) or Numeric Id (e.g. 10001).
SELECT * FROM Issues WITH(SearchBy='Key', Key='CS-1')
List multiple issues by Id or Key [Read more...]
List multiple issues by comma separated Key(s) or Numeric Id(s).
SELECT * FROM Issues WITH(SearchBy='Key', Key='CS-1, CS-2, 10003, 10004')
List all issues for a specific project [Read more...]
List all issues for a specified project code.
SELECT * FROM Issues WITH(Project='CS')
Search issues using Advanced JQL query expression [Read more...]
List issues using JQL query expression
SELECT * FROM Issues WITH (Jql='status IN (Done, Closed) AND created > -5d' )
Useful links:
Other Possible JQL expressions:
Ids (IN): key IN(10001, 10002, 10003);
Keys (IN): key IN(CS-1, CS-2, CS-3);
Projects (IN): project IN(PROJ1, PROJ2, PROJ3);
Status (EQUAL): status='Done';
Date (Expression 1): created >=-5d;
Date (Expression 2): created >=startOfMonth() AND created <=now();
Date (Expression 3): created >=startOfYear() AND created <=startOfDay();
Date (Static): created >= '2008/12/31';
Date (Static with time): created >= '2008/12/31 23:59';
Project and Status (AND + IN): project=CS AND status NOT IN ('Done', 'Open', 'Closed');
Assignee and Created Date: assignee is NOT EMPTY and created < -1d;
Text (Contains - Fuzzy): Summary ~ 'some words' OR description ~ 'some words';
Text (Contains - Fuzzy Wildcard): Summary ~ 'some*' OR description ~ 'some*';
Text (Contains - Exact): Summary ~ '\"exact words\"' OR description ~ '\"exact words\"';
Text (Does Not Contain - Fuzzy): Summary !~ 'some words' OR description !~ 'some words';
Empty OR Null: fixVersion is empty OR fixVersion is null;
Is Not Empty OR Is Not Null: fixVersion is not empty OR fixVersion is not null;
WAS Operator (previous value): status WAS "Resolved" BY (jsmith,srogen) BEFORE "2019/02/02";
WAS IN Operator: status WAS IN ("Resolved", "In Progress");
WAS NOT IN Operator: status WAS NOT IN ("Resolved", "In Progress");
WAS + BY + DURING (date range): status WAS "Resolved" BY (jsmith,srogen) DURING("2019/02/02", "2020/02/02");
CHANGED operator: assignee CHANGED;
CHANGED operator (multiple): status CHANGED FROM "In Progress" TO "Open"
INSERT Issue [Read more...]
Inserts a single issue to a particular project
INSERT INTO Issues(ProjectKey, IssueTypeName, Summary, Description)
VALUES('SMP', 'Task', 'My ticket inserted through the API', 'A description about an issue')
WITH (Output=1)
INSERT Multiple Issues (BULK Load from External System like Microsoft SQL Server / ODBC) [Read more...]
Inserts multiple issues from an external source (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server or ODBC)
INSERT INTO Issues(ProjectKey, IssueTypeName, Summary, Description)
, 'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=true'
--For ODBC
--, 'Dsn=MyOdbcDsn'
--, 'Driver={My ODBC Driver Type}...'
--Alias must match Supported Input Columns - Use Query Builder to find Input Column Names
,'select top 10 C_ProjKey as ProjectKey, C_Type as IssueTypeName, C_Summary as Summary, C_Desc as Description FROM Orders'
--Static value example
--,'select top 10 ''CS'' as ProjectKey, ''New Feature'' as IssueTypeName, ''Task created - <<FUN_SEQUENCE>>'' Summary, ''A description <<FUN_NOW>>'' Description FROM Orders'
UPDATE Issue [Read more...]
Updates an issue
SET Summary = 'This is my summary'
,Description = 'Lot''s of stuff to describe'
,Labels = '[ "bugfix" ]'
,DueDate = '2029-10-10'
--WHERE Id=1234
IssueIdOrKey='ISSKEY', --or use Id in where clause
UPDATE / Insert Issue with Custom Fields [Read more...]
Updates or Insert an issue with custom fields of various types (dropdown, radio, textarea .. so on)
SET customfield_10050='[{"value":"AAA"},{"value":"BBB"}]' --CUSTOM Checkboxes field update (Must use Raw JSON)
,customfield_10051='2020-12-31' --CUSTOM Date field update
,customfield_10052='2020-12-31T23:59:59' --CUSTOM DateTime field update
--Custom Dropdown / Radio fields
,customfield_10048_value='BBB' --CUSTOM Dropdown field update (Using value - i.e. item label)
--,customfield_10048_id='10022' --CUSTOM Dropdown field update (Using id - i.e. item id)
--,customfield_10048='{"value":"BBB"}' --CUSTOM Dropdown (Using Raw value)
,customfield_10053='["bugfix","test"]' --CUSTOM Labels field update (Must use Raw JSON)
,customfield_10057='[{"value":"AAA"},{"value":"BBB"}]' --CUSTOM Listbox Multiselect field update (Must use Raw JSON)
,customfield_10049=123455555.123 --CUSTOM Number field update
,customfield_10054_text='Long string...line-1
Long string... line-2
Long string... line-3' --CUSTOM Paragraph field update
,customfield_10055_value='BBB' --CUSTOM Radio field update by value
--,customfield_10055_id='10023' --CUSTOM Radio field update
,customfield_10058='https://zappysys.com' --CUSTOM Url field update
,customfield_10059_accountId="5dd64082af96bc0efbe55103" --CUSTOM User field update (update by accountId)
--,customfield_10059='{"accountId":"5dd64082af96bc0efbe55103","displayName":"System"}' --CUSTOM User field update --accountId=5dd64082af96bc0efbe55103
,customfield_10060='Custom text single line' --CUSTOM text single line field
,customfield_10001='577069e1-1bcd-4b1e-9070-0b2475830d1c' --CUSTOM Team field update (update by Team Id)
--WHERE Id=10000
IssueIdOrKey='ISSKEY', --or use Id in where clause
--For INSERT use same values with same fields like below. For Insert you do not have to specify Id or Key
--INSERT INTO Issues(ProjectKey, IssueTypeName, Summary, Description, customfield_10050,....., customfield_10060)
--VALUES ('SMP', 'Task', 'My ticket inserted through the API', 'A description about an issue', '[{"value":"AAA"},{"value":"BBB"}]' ,... 'Custom text single line')
UPDATE multiple Issues matching with JQL search query [Read more...]
Updates multiple issues which match with certain condition (JQL). Adding Where 1=1 or some other WHERE condition invokes Lookup endpoint (refer to other example to learn about JQL - see Search issues using Advanced JQL query expression)
SET Summary = 'This is done on <<fun_now>>'
Where 1=1
WITH (jql='status=done' , ContinueOn404Error=0)
--WITH (jql='key in(10001, 10002, 10003)' , ContinueOn404Error=0)
--WITH (jql='key in(CS-1, CS-2, CS-3)', ContinueOn404Error=0)
DELETE Issue [Read more...]
Deletes a single issue
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020', OUTPUT=1, ContinueOn404Error=0)
DELETE multiple Issues matching with JQL search query [Read more...]
Delete multiple issues which match with certain condition (JQL). Adding Where 1=1 or some other WHERE condition invokes Lookup endpoint (refer to other example to learn about JQL - see Search issues using Advanced JQL query expression)
Where 1=1
WITH (jql='status=done' , ContinueOn404Error=0)
--WITH (jql='key in(10001, 10002, 10003)' , ContinueOn404Error=0)
--WITH (jql='key in(CS-1, CS-2, CS-3)', ContinueOn404Error=0)
List comments for all issues [Read more...]
List comments for all issues
SELECT * FROM Comments
List comments for a specific issue Issue Key or Id [Read more...]
List comments for a specific issue
SELECT * FROM Comments Where IssueId=10003 --OR WITH(Key='10003')
List comments for a specific issue by Key [Read more...]
List comments for a specific issue by key
SELECT * FROM Comments WITH(Key='CS-1')
List comments for issues (search by JQL) [Read more...]
List all comments for issues returned from a JQL search expression (refer to previous example to learn about JQL - see Search issues using Advanced JQL query expression)
SELECT * FROM Comments WITH (Jql='status IN (Done, Closed) AND created > -5d' )
Create a new Issue Comment (Plain Text Body) [Read more...]
This example creates a new plain text comment for a given Issue Id. You can use Issue Key or Id as an input value.
INSERT INTO Comments(IssueId,Body) VALUES('CS-2', 'Commented at <<FUN_NOW>>')
Create a new Issue Comment (Formatted Body) [Read more...]
This example creates a new formatted text comment for a given Issue Id. You can use Issue Key or Id as an input value.
INSERT INTO Comments(IssueId,BodyFormatted) VALUES('CS-3', '{ "content": [
{ "content": [
{ "text": "This is a valid ADF formatted comment.",
"type": "text" }
"type": "paragraph"
"type": "doc",
"version": 1
Update an exising Comment (Plain Text Body) [Read more...]
This example updates an exising comment for a given Issue Id and Comment Id. You can use Issue Key or Id as an input value.
UPDATE Comments
SET Body='Updated at <<FUN_NOW>>'
WHERE Id=10004
Delete an exising Comment [Read more...]
This example deletes an exising comment for a given Issue Id and Comment Id. You can use Issue Key or Id as an input value.
DELETE FROM Comments WHERE Id=10004 WITH(IssueIdOrKey='CS-2')
List fields [Read more...]
Lists all fields that are used and available in issue entity
List projects [Read more...]
Lists all available projects
SELECT * FROM Projects
List worklog entries for a specific issue by Id or Key [Read more...]
List all worklog entries for a specific issue
SELECT * FROM Worklogs Where IssueId=10003 --WITH(Key='10003')
List worklogs for issues (search by JQL) [Read more...]
List all worklogs (time entries) for issues returned from a JQL search expression (refer to previous example to learn about JQL - see Search issues using Advanced JQL query expression)
SELECT * FROM Worklogs WITH (Jql='status IN (Done, Closed) AND created > -5d' )
INSERT Project [Read more...]
Inserts a single project
INSERT INTO Projects(ProjectKey, Name, ProjectTypeKey, LeadAccountId, AssigneeType)
VALUES ('TEST', 'Test Project', 'software', '70122:XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-c5da8c98b9e2', 'PROJECT_LEAD)
WITH (Output=1)')
UPDATE Project [Read more...]
Updates a single project
UPDATE Projects
SET Name = 'My Test Kanban Project'
,ProjectCategoryId = 1
WITH (ProjectIdOrKey = 'MYPRJCT', Output=1, ContinueOn404Error=0)
DELETE Project [Read more...]
Deletes a single project
WITH (ProjectIdOrKey = '10020', Output=1, ContinueOn404Error=0)
List users [Read more...]
Lists all available users
INSERT User [Read more...]
Inserts a single user
INSERT INTO Users(EmailAddress, DisplayName, Name, Password)
VALUES ('my@user.com', 'John Doe', 'John', 'xhedkspstdadaothoua')
DELETE User [Read more...]
Deletes a single user
WITH (OUTPUT=1, accountId = '547059:136095a0-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-3e4c66f26551', ContinueOn404Error=0)
List worklogs [Read more...]
Lists all worklogs from all issues
SELECT * FROM Worklogs
INSERT Worklog [Read more...]
Inserts a single worklog to a particular issue
INSERT INTO Worklogs(TimeSpentInSeconds, Comment, StartedAt)
VALUES(7200,'My Comment!','2020-02-23T16:20:30.123+0000')
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='ISSKEY-1', OUTPUT=1)
UPDATE Worklog [Read more...]
Updates a worklog
UPDATE Worklogs
SET TimeSpentInSeconds = 28800
,Comment='My Comment!'
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='MTK-1', WorklogId='123465', OUTPUT=1, ContinueOn404Error=0)
DELETE Worklog [Read more...]
Deletes a single worklog of an issue
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020', WorklogId='123465', OUTPUT=1, ContinueOn404Error=0)
Update Custom Option Field (Dropdown/Radio) [Read more...]
This example shows how to update a custom field of an issue by Option Value or Id (Of option entry item)
--(By value)
SET customfield_10048_value ='BBB' --supply value (label) of dropdown/radio
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020')
--OR-- (By item ID)
SET customfield_10048_id =10023 --supply id of dropdown/radio item
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020')
--OR-- (Raw id)
SET customfield_10048='{"id":"10023"}' --supply raw json
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020')
--OR-- (Raw value)
SET customfield_10048='{"value":"BBB"}' --supply raw json
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020')
--OR-- (set null)
SET customfield_10048 =null
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020')
Update Custom Multi Select / User / Team fields (RAW Json Update) [Read more...]
This example shows how to update a custom field of type array or other complex fiels like user
SET customfield_10048='[{"value":"AAA"}, {"value":"CCC"}]' --supply raw json
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020')
SET customfield_10048 =null --set to null
WITH (IssueIdOrKey='10020')