Google Drive Connector
Version: 7

Release Notes

On this page you can find what's new in Google Drive Connector.
Date Description
2023-09-21 Fix - EndPoint list_files should not include folders.
2023-09-21 Fix - EndPoints like list_files, list_folders, list_items and tables like Files, Folders should not include deleted items.
2023-09-21 New - Add ContineOn404Error support in Files / Folders endpoints which takes File Id as input.
2023-09-21 New - Add lookup support in Files / Folders table.
2023-09-21 Fix - create_folder endpoint creating file rather than folder.
2023-09-21 New - Add support for Shared Drive for all operations (i.e Download / Upload / Delete / List).
2023-04-13 Modified - Added HelpLinks all the endpoints
2022-09-15 Modified - Added new endpoint export_file. Using this endpoint, you can export/convert various Google editor document types (e.g. Documents, Spreadsheets, Drawings, Presentations, Apps Scripts ) to known file formats (e.g. HTML, PDF, Excel, Text, PowerPoint) .
2022-09-06 Modified - Updated endpoint to display the search criteria by default, added the pagination for files,folder list endpoints .
2022-01-11 Modified - Changed Update endpoint to update files by using chunk method.
2022-01-11 Modified - Changed File select operation to list files rather than download operation (BREAKING CHANGE!).
2022-01-11 New - Added select operation for Trash table.
2022-01-10 New - Added support for uploading large files using chunked upload (handle more than 200MB).
2022-01-10 New - Change Minimum EngineVersion to 4 (from 3).
2021-10-06 New - Added parameters to Upload File endpoint.
2021-09-18 New - Change Minimum EngineVersion to 3 (from 2).
2021-09-15 New - Updated how params are used with UseCustomApp. Added new Authentication type - ServiceAccount. Added "delete_all_items" endpoint.
2021-08-23 New - Initial version