Google Drive Connector

ZappySys Google Drive Connector provide read / write capability inside your app (see list below), using these drag and drop , high performance connector you can perform many Google Drive operations without any coding. You can use this connector to integrate Google Drive data inside apps like SSIS, SQL Server or popular ETL Platforms / BI Tools/ Reporting Apps / Programming languages (i.e. Informatica, Power BI, SSRS, Excel, C#, JAVA, Python)

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Actions supported by Google Drive Connector

Google Drive Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.
 Get my drive info
Gets my drive information    [Read more...]
 Lists shared drives
Lists the user's shared drives (i.e. formally known as team drive) with optional search criteria    [Read more...]
 List files
List files / folders with search criteria    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Search Criteria Data filter (e.g. somecolumn -eq 'somevalue' ) , User can select multiple filter criteria using 'AND','OR' operator , Note*:- please refer the link for more filter criteria :
Option Value
By name (exact name match) name='abc'
By name (contains sub string) name contains 'abc'
By name (does not contain) not name contains 'abc'
By text (search inside file) fullText contains 'abc'
By Parent Folder Id 'your-folder-id' in parents
By created time createdTime > '2012-06-04T12:00:00'
By modified time modifiedTime > '2012-06-04T12:00:00'
Allow only shared files and folders sharedWithMe=true
Exclude trashed files trashed=false
Include files from trash mimeType!='application/'
Exclude files from trash mimeType!='application/' and trashed!=true
Exclude Folders mimeType!='application/'
Exclude App Script mimeType!='application/'
Search for spreadsheet mimeType = 'application/'
Search for multiple files type mimeType contains 'application/' OR mimeType contains 'application/' OR mimeType contains 'application/' OR mimeType contains 'application/'
 Search items (i.e. files / folders)
Lists items (i.e. files / folders) with search criteria    [Read more...]
 List folders
Lists folders    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Search Criteria Data filter (e.g. somecolumn -eq 'somevalue' ) , User can select multiple filter criteria using 'AND','OR' operator , Note*:- please refer the link for more filter criteria :
Option Value
By name (exact name match) name='abc'
By name (contains sub string) name contains 'abc'
By name (does not contain) not name contains 'abc'
By text (search inside file) fullText contains 'abc'
By created time createdTime > '2012-06-04T12:00:00'
Include folders from trash mimeType='application/'
Exclude folders from trash mimeType='application/' and trashed!=true
By modified time modifiedTime > '2012-06-04T12:00:00'
Allow only shared files and folders sharedWithMe=true
Exclude trashed files trashed=false
Exclude Folders mimeType!='application/'
Exclude App Script mimeType!='application/'
Search for spreadsheet mimeType = 'application/'
Search for multiple files type mimeType contains 'application/' OR mimeType contains 'application/' OR mimeType contains 'application/' OR mimeType contains 'application/'
 List deleted files / folders
Lists only deleted files / folders from trash    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Search Criteria
 Get file info
Gets information of a file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Id Id of a file you want to see information for
 Download a file
Downloads a file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
File Id Id of a file you want to download
 Export a file
Export a document editor files such document, Spreadsheets, Drawings, Presentations, Apps Scripts to common file formats as defined in this link    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
File Id Id of a file you want to export and file must be editor type (e.g. document, Spreadsheets, Drawings, Presentations, Apps Scripts)
Export As (Mime Type) The MIME type of the format requested for this export.
Option Value
Export to PDF application/pdf
Export to HTML text/html
Export to HTML (zipped) application/zip
Export to Plain text text/plain
Export to Rich text application/rtf
Export to Open Office doc application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
Export to MS Word document application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
Export to EPUB application/epub+zip
Export to MS Excel application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Export to Open Office sheet application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
Export to (sheet only) text/tab-separated-values
Export to JPEG image/jpeg
Export to PNG image/png
Export to SVG image/svg+xml
Export to MS PowerPoint application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
Export to Open Office presentation application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
Export to JSON application/
fields fields
 Upload a file
Uploads a file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Keep Revision Forever Defines whether uploaded file has revisions
Option Value
true true
false false
Parent FolderId Id of a parent folder you want to upload the file in. Use value 'root' to place the file in the topmost level.
Shared DriveId By default file lists from MyDrive but if you like to search other Shared drive then set this parameter.
Drive Type Default search context is User's drive. Bodies of items (files/documents) to which the query applies. Supported bodies are 'user', 'domain', 'drive', and 'allDrives'. Prefer 'user' or 'drive' to 'allDrives' for efficiency. By default, corpora is set to 'user'. However, this can change depending on the filter set through the 'Query' parameter.
Option Value
My Drive user
Shared Drive drive
Supports all drives (e.g. My and Shared) Whether the requesting application supports both My Drives and shared drives.
Option Value
true true
false false
Target FileName A filename the file will have in Google Drive
Local FilePath Specify a disk file path
AddParents A comma-separated list of parent IDs to add
OcrLanguage A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
UseContentAsIndexableText Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text.
 Create a folder
Creates a folder    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Name A folder name the folder will have in Google Drive
Parent FolderId Id of a parent folder you want to create the folder in. Use value 'root' to create the folder in the topmost level.
 Delete an item
Deletes an item    [Read more...]
 Duplicate a file
Duplicates a file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
File Id Id of a file you want to duplicate
 Replace file data (keep same file id)
Update file with new content / metadata (keep same file Id)    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
File Id Id of a file you want to update
DiskFilePath A disk file path you want to update file contents with
KeepRevisionForever Defines whether uploaded file has revisions
AddParents A comma-separated list of parent IDs to add
OcrLanguage A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
UseContentAsIndexableText Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text.
 Update metadata in a file
Updates meta-data in a file    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
File Id Id of a file you want to update meta-data to
Keep Revision Forever Defines whether uploaded file has revisions
Option Value
True True
False False
AddParents A comma-separated list of parent IDs to add
OcrLanguage A language hint for OCR processing during image import (ISO 639-1 code).
UseContentAsIndexableText Whether to use the uploaded content as indexable text.
 Empty trash
Empties trash    [Read more...]
 Delete all items
Deletes all items from the drive    [Read more...]
 Generic Request
This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Url API URL goes here. You can enter full URL or Partial URL relative to Base URL. If it is full URL then domain name must be part of ServiceURL or part of TrustedDomains
Body Request Body content goes here
IsMultiPart Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value) ==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ ) ==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored). file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
Filter Enter filter to extract array from response. Example: $.rows[*] --OR-- $.customers[*].orders[*]. Check your response document and find out hierarchy you like to extract
Option Value
No filter
Example1 $.store.books[*]
Example2 (Sections Under Books) $.store.books[*].sections[*]
Example3 (Equals) $.store.books[?(@author=='sam')]
Example4 (Equals - Any Section) $..[?(@author=='sam')]
Example5 (Not Equals - Any Section) $..[?(@author!='sam')]
Example6 (Number less than) $.store.books[?(@.price<10)] Example7 (Regular Expression - Contains Pattern)=$.store.books[?(@author=~ /sam|bob/ )]
Example8 (Regular Expression - Does Not Contain Pattern) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /^((?!sam|bob).)*$/ )]
Example9 (Regular Expression - Exact Pattern Match) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /^sam|bob$/ )]
Example10 (Regular Expression - Starts With) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /^sam/ )]
Example11 (Regular Expression - Ends With) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /sam$/ )]
Example12 (Between) $.store.employees[?( @.hiredate>'2015-01-01' && @.hiredate<'2015-01-04' )]
Headers Headers for Request. To enter multiple headers use double pipe or new line after each {header-name}:{value} pair
 Generic Request (Bulk Write)
This is a generic endpoint for bulk write purpose. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Url API URL goes here. You can enter full URL or Partial URL relative to Base URL. If it is full URL then domain name must be part of ServiceURL or part of TrustedDomains
IsMultiPart Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value) ==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ ) ==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored). file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
Filter Enter filter to extract array from response. Example: $.rows[*] --OR-- $.customers[*].orders[*]. Check your response document and find out hierarchy you like to extract
Headers Headers for Request. To enter multiple headers use double pipe (||) or new line after each {header-name}:{value} pair

Google Drive Connector Examples (For ODBC PowerPack)

This page offers a collection of SQL examples designed for seamless integration with the ZappySys API ODBC Driver under ODBC Data Source (36/64) or ZappySys Data Gateway, enhancing your ability to connect and interact with Prebuilt Connectors effectively.

Get my drive information    [Read more...]

Gets my drive information


List all shared drives    [Read more...]

List all shared drives

SELECT * FROM SharedDrives --WITH(Query='name = "HR"')

Get information about shared drive    [Read more...]

Get information about shared drive

SELECT * FROM SharedDrives WITH(Query='name = "HR"')

List / search files from my drive    [Read more...]

List or search files from my drive (use search query expression). Uncomment Query part to invoke filter

	--Query='name  contains "ZappySys*.*"', --includes files where name contains "zappysys" word

List / search files from a single shared drive    [Read more...]

List or search files from a specific shared drive by driveId and search query expression. Uncomment Query part to invoke filter

	--Query='name  contains "ZappySys*.*"', --includes files where name contains "zappysys" word

List / search files from all shared drives    [Read more...]

List or search files from all shared drives by driveId and search query expression. Uncomment Query part to invoke filter

	--Query='name  contains "ZappySys*.*"', --includes files where name contains "zappysys" word

Dowload a file (my drive)    [Read more...]

Downloads a file (from user my drive)

SELECT * FROM download_file
  --You can get file Id by selecting from 'list_files' endpoint

Dowload a file from google shared drive    [Read more...]

Dowload a file from google shared drive for which user has access

SELECT * FROM download_file
	  DriveType='drive' --or set 'user' for mydrive 
	, DriveId='0AFWIggplk2z6Uk9PVA'
	, Id='1hk7odj2Y2--yxN9DY0zW88hSnxqiyHq0' --file id
	, ResponseDataFile='c:\temp\'
	--You can get file Id by selecting from 'list_files' endpoint

Upload local file to google shared drive folder    [Read more...]

Upload a local file to google shared drive folder for which user has access. Donot set DriveId to upload to MyDrive rather than sahred drive.

FROM upload_file
	  DriveId='0AC00HWQH144cUk9PVA' --team drive id (keep blank for uploading to my drive)
	, DiskFilePath='C:\temp\dump.csv' --source file path
	, FileName='dump.csv' --target file name
	, ParentFolderId='1PRySfNNjWIp9ZAnhPh-u9tKRj3QOETSq'
	, KeepRevisionForever='false'	

Get file list    [Read more...]

Downloads a file


Update a file    [Read more...]

Updates a file

  WITH (Id='1EVzXFVBQIh3LcJvfcLhI1UWhW3qUxFkM'
  --You can get file Id by selecting from 'list_files' endpoint

Delete a file    [Read more...]

Deletes a file

  WITH (Id='1gcu0hV34OTfgvcu9CFhr7Go4b35j5Mop')
  --You can get file Id by selecting from 'list_files' endpoint

Delete a file by name from a shared drive    [Read more...]

Delete a file by name from a shared drive

DELETE FROM Files where Name='dump.csv' and Trashed=0 WITH(DriveId='0AC00HWQH144cUk9PVA', DriveType='drive')
  --You can get file Id by selecting from 'list_files' endpoint

Upload a file with INSERT keyword    [Read more...]

Upload a file with INSERT keyword. Advantage of INSERT is you can use Bulk option using SOURCE clause. This way you can upload many files

  WITH (FileName='My filename'
  --You can get ParentFolderId by selecting from 'list_folders' endpoint or just use 'root'

Delete a folder    [Read more...]

Deletes a folder

  WITH (Id='1yDO11prsLH9DUrBTCadV6GGMJrITjF9I')
  --You can get folder Id by selecting from 'list_folders' endpoint

Create a folder    [Read more...]

Creates a folder

  WITH (Name='My folder name'
  --You can get ParentFolderId by selecting from 'list_folders' endpoint or just use 'root'

Get file information    [Read more...]

Gets file information

  WITH (Id='1EVzXFVBQIh3LcJvfcLhI1UWhW3qUxFkM')
  --You can get file Id by selecting from 'list_files' endpoint

Get items list    [Read more...]

Gets items list


Get items list using query    [Read more...]

Gets items list using query

SELECT Id, Kind, Name, MimeType
  FROM list_items
  WITH (Query = 'name contains ''.txt''')

Get files list    [Read more...]

Gets files list


Get folders list    [Read more...]

Gets folders list

SELECT * FROM FoldersList

Select from trash    [Read more...]

Shows deleted items in Trash


List files from trash for a shared drive    [Read more...]

Shows deleted items in Trash

				   ,DriveId='1j0HFOP4gsoExxxxxx' 	--get id from select * from SharedDrives			   

Empty trash bin    [Read more...]

Empties trash bin


Empty trash bin for a shared drive    [Read more...]

Empties trash bin for a specified shared drive

				   ,DriveId='1j0HFOP4gsoExxxxxx' --get id from select * from SharedDrives

Export Google Sheet to Excel (xlsx) or PDF    [Read more...]

Export a Google files to other format (e.g. Google Sheets to MS Excel / PDF)

SELECT "Status" FROM export_file
                      Id='1j0HFOP4gsoE-Zbf2xN3IsPSj8wgwNtIfyyvM1_BWkW4' --//google sheet id or document ID
				   --,DriveId='xx your shared drive id'  --get id from select * from SharedDrives
					 , ExportAs='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
				   --, ExportAs='application/pdf'
					 , ResponseDataFile='c:\temp\sheet1.xlsx'		
					 , FileOverwriteMode='AlwaysOverwrite' -- or try 'FailIfExists' or 'SkipIfExists'					 
			 --You can export files from 'export_file' endpoint

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