Property Name | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
AppVer | |||||||||||||||||||||
ServiceType |
ServiceAccountEmail | |||||||||||||||||||||
CertificatePath | |||||||||||||||||||||
CertificateAccessMode |
ConnectionString | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetainSameConnection | |||||||||||||||||||||
DeveloperToken | DeveloperToken is used with certain Google APIs (e.g. Google AdWords). Ignore this if API doesn't require it. | ||||||||||||||||||||
UseClientCertificate | UseClientCertificate | ||||||||||||||||||||
ClientCertificateStorageType | CertificateStorageType
ClientCertificateStoreName | CertificateStoreName
ClientCertificateThumbPrint | CertificateThumbprint | ||||||||||||||||||||
ClientCertificatePath | CertificatePath | ||||||||||||||||||||
Password | End-user’s password (only used when OAuth GrantType is Password). | ||||||||||||||||||||
ClientCertificatePassword | Password for X509 Client certificate | ||||||||||||||||||||
AccessTokenSecret | Token secret used to sign OAuth 1.0 Request (OAuth 1.0 enabled services such as Twitter use this) | ||||||||||||||||||||
AuthorizationUrl | OAuth Endpoint Url which should be used to start Authorization process (consent/login screen) | ||||||||||||||||||||
AccessTokenUrl | OAuth Endpoint Url which should be used to request Access Token | ||||||||||||||||||||
Scopes | Scope(s) for OAuth. This is only used when you authorize for first time (login screen). | ||||||||||||||||||||
RefreshToken | Some OAuth 2.0 services such as Google API supports RefreshToken so when AccessToken expires you can request new AccessToken without going through manual authorization screen (login screen) again. | ||||||||||||||||||||
AccessToken | AccessToken for authenticated REST API calls. This token is included along with each secure call you make to OAuth enabled REST API (Usually via Authorization Header. e.g. Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxx). Some OAuth services such as Google expires AccessToken in short time (e.g. 1 hour) and some services such as Facebook has long lasting token (e.g. 60 days). Read your OAuth provider API documentation to learn more. If API supports renewing token then this connection manager will do automatically for you. | ||||||||||||||||||||
UseCustomApp | UseCustomApp | ||||||||||||||||||||
ClientId | Client Id or sometimes known as OAuth Application Id for your registered OAuth Application. If you are using DefaultApp provided by ZappySys then ignore this property. | ||||||||||||||||||||
ClientSecret | Client Secret or sometimes known as OAuth Application Secret for your registered OAuth Application. If you are using DefaultApp provided by ZappySys then ignore this property. | ||||||||||||||||||||
SupportPassword | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetryMode |
RetryCountMax | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetryMessageList | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetryMultiplyWaitTime | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetryStatusCodeList | |||||||||||||||||||||
RetryWaitTimeMs | |||||||||||||||||||||
UseProxy | Enable custom proxy settings (If this is not set then system default proxy will be used. To disable proxy totally uncheck this option and check DoNotUseDefaultProxy option if available) | ||||||||||||||||||||
ProxyUrl | Web URL of Proxy server (including port if necessary). [e.g. http://myproxyserver:8080/] | ||||||||||||||||||||
DoNotUseDefaultProxy | Do not use system default proxy (This setting is ignored if UseProxy=true) | ||||||||||||||||||||
ProxyUseCreds | Enable passing userid and password to proxy server | ||||||||||||||||||||
ProxyPassword | Proxy password | ||||||||||||||||||||
ProxyUserName | Proxy username |