SSIS Google Analytics Source

The SSIS Google Analytics Source connector can be used to read data from your Google Analytics Service without learning complex APIs. The easy to use interface allows you to extract large amounts of data, adjusting parameters such as dimensions, metrics, filters, sortby, date range, etc. You can also use in-built reports or specify a direct query URL to get the desired data.

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Video Tutorial

Setting up user access to Google Analytics Data

Very first thing you have to do is assign permission to the user so he/she can access Google Analytics Data. If you are the one who setup google analytics and you are the admin who setup google analytics account then skip this section because most likely you will have full access.
If you are not admin and you need to access google analytics then make sure you ask admin to give you correct permission using below steps
How to setup permission for google analytics

Authentication Methods

In this section you will learn how to access google data using OAuth 2.0 or Service account method. Both methods are perfectly valid to access google analytics data but they have Pros and Cons.
OAuth 2.0 (Default) Service Account
Use this method when you want to access your google account (i.e you have email and password handy). This is the most easiest method to access google analytics data. Make sure email account you are using is primary email account for Google Analytics or it has at least read permission (Check under Google Analytics Console -> Admin Tab - > Account Tab -> User Management Tab)
For more information about Adding user account for Google Analytics Data access click here
  • This method is easy to use because it requires no additional steps
  • You have to use your google userid/password or share it with developer
  • This method requires user interaction at least once to obtain access token
Use this method when you want no user interaction to authorize connection from server or you don't want to use or share your google account information (i.e. email/password) due to security reason. Example scenario could be you want to give access for goggle analytics data to someone who is building data warehouse for your company.
For more information about creating service account click here
  • This method doesn't require you to share google account information.
  • No manual intervention needed to obtain authentication token like you do in OAuth method.
  • Extra steps needed to create API Project and service account
  • You have to make sure *.p12 certificate file is placed at secure place on server


In this tutorial you will learn how to read data of Google Analytics using Google Analytics Source(In this case its from Automatic - Build your own URL query mode).
  1. Firstly, You need to Download and Install SSIS ZappySys PowerPack.
  2. Once you finished first step, Open Visual Studio and Create New SSIS Package Project.
  3. Now, Drag and Drop SSIS Data Flow Task from SSIS Toolbox.
    SSIS Data Flow Task - Drag and Drop
  4. Double click on the Data Flow task to see Data Flow designer surface.
  5. Here, In Visual Studio, drag and drop the Google Analytics Source in the design surface.
    SSIS Google Analytics Source - Drag and Drop
  6. Now, we need Google Data Connection. Click here to Create Connection.
  7. Double click on Google Analytics Source to configure it.
  8. Now, select connection and Web profile.
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Select Web Profile
  9. Set Query Mode to Automatic - Build your own URL, set Date range type to Custom date range and select variable for Report Start and End Date.
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Automatic URL mode (Build your own query from UI)
  10. Now, select Dimensions (Up to 7).
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Select Dimensions
  11. Now, select Metrics (Up to 7).
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Select Metrics
  12. Here, Select Filter.
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Select Filters
  13. Now, select Sort By.
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Select Sort By
  14. Now, select Segment.
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Select Segment
  15. Thats all, You can click on Preview button to see Data Preview.
    SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Predefined Report Preview
  16. Click on OK button to save Google Analytics Source configure setting UI.
  17. From the SSIS toolbox drag and drop Trash Destination on the data flow designer surface.
    SSIS Trash Destination - Drag and Drop
  18. Now single click on the CSV Source, once you see blue arrow from source ... connect it to Trash Destination.
  19. Double click on ZS Trash Destination to Configure it.
    SSIS Trash Destination - Configure
  20. Click on OK button to save Trash Destination configure setting UI.
  21. Thats all, You can Run or Execute Package.
    SSIS Package - Get data from Google Analytics and load into SQL Server

How to read data using Manual URL mode (Supply predefined URL).

SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Manual URL mode (Supply predefined URL)

How to read data using Predefined Reports mode.

SSIS Google Analytics Connector UI - Predefined Reports mode


Property Name Description
LoggingMode LoggingMode determines how much information is logged during Package Execution. Set Logging mode to Debugging for maximum log.

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Normal [0] Normal
Medium [1] Medium
Detailed [2] Detailed
Debugging [3] Debugging
PrefixTimestamp When you enable this property it will prefix timestamp before Log messages.
QueryMode Query mode for google data. In Automatic mode you can specify various properties and it will create url for you.

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Automatic [0] Automatic - Build your own URL
DirectUrl [1] Manual - Direct URL
FromTemplate [2] Report template
QueryUrl Direct URL for query. This is only applicable when QueryMode=DirectUrl. User pass all parameters in query string using full URL
QueryBody Request Body with parameters for GA4. This is only applicable when QueryMode=DirectUrl. User pass all parameters in query string using full URL
QueryTemplate Predefined settings for query. This is great way to start with predefined templates so you don't have learn about various settings.

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
MetaAccounts [0] MetaData: Account List
MetaProfiles [1] MetaData: WebProperty List
MetaViews [2] MetaData: View List
MetaColumns [3] MetaData: Dimension and Metrics
MetaSegments [4] MetaData: Segments
WebTrafficReport [5] Web: Traffic by date report
WebPaidTrafficReport [6] Web: Paid Traffic by date report
WebMobileAndTabletTrafficReport [7] Web: Mobile and Tablet Traffic by date report
WebReferralTrafficReport [8] Web: Traffic by Referral report
WebChannelTrafficReport [9] Web: Traffic by channel report
WebSpeedByPageReport [10] Web: Speed by page report
WebSpeedByDateReport [11] Web: Speed by date report
WebKeywordAnalysisReport [12] Web: Keyword analysis report
EcommerceSalesReport [13] Ecommerce: Sales by date report
EcommerceTransactionsReport [14] Ecommerce: Transaction report
AdWordsCampaignPerformanceReport [15] AdWords: Campaign performance report
AdWordsKewordsPerformanceReport [16] AdWords: Keywords performance report
ProfileId Web profile ID(s) or expression to select multiple profiles for which you want to retrieve data. This is the code of the website we have paired with the Reporting API. This property support filter by account, tracker and profile. You can use id or name in the advanced expression.

Syntax (Simple Select): {profile-id1}[,profile-id2]....[,profile-idN]
Syntax (Advanced Select): [accounts={account-id1,[account-id1]...[account-idN]}|{regex:expression-for-account-name}][;trackers={tracker-id1,[tracker-id1]...[tracker-idN]}|{regex:expression-for-tracker-name}] [;profiles={profile-id1,[profile-id1]...[profile-idN]}|{regex:expression-for-profile-name}]

Here are some examples of different ways you can supply list of profile names or ids
//1. Extract data from single profile (i.e. view). Use Single Profile ID.

//2. Extract data from multiple profiles (i.e. views). Use Profile ID list. In below example extract from View ID 100222333 and 100222444

//3. Extract data from all accounts where profile name contains words like "blogs" or "help" or "test". You can filter based on name by using "regex:" prefix. If "regex:" prefix not specified then it will treat value as ID(s).

//4. Extract data from all accounts where profile name DOES NOT contain words like "demo" or "test". You can filter based on name by using "regex:" prefix. If "regex:" prefix not specified then it will treat value as ID(s).

//5. Extract data from account names like "demo" --OR-- profile names like "help" or "test"

//6. Extract data from all profiles of account IDs 10000001 and 10000002 and any profile names like "help" or "test"

//7. Extract data for all profiles found under Tracker names like UA-100000-???? (i.e. UA-100000-1, UA-100000-2 ....)

//8. Extract data for profile names like "test" or "demo" and profiles under Tracker names like UA-100000-???? (i.e. UA-100000-1, UA-100000-2 ....)

//9. Extract data for account name start with word "Zappy" or any profile name contains word like "test" or "demo"

DateRangeType Date range type for report. Use Custom date range if you have dynamic date range not listed in predefined list

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Custom [0] Custom date range
MonthToDate [1] Current month to date
YearToDate [2] Current year to date
WeekToDate [3] Current week to date
Today [4] Today
Yesterday [5] Yesterday
LastWeek [6] Last week
LastMonth [7] Last month
LastYear [8] Last year
Last7Days [9] Last 7 days
Last10Days [10] Last 10 days
Last15Days [11] Last 15 days
Last30Days [12] Last 30 days
ReportStartDate Start date for report date range. All Analytics data requests must specify a date range. If you do not include start-date and end-date parameters in the request, the server returns an error. Date values can be for a specific date by using the pattern YYYY-MM-DD or relative by using today, yesterday, or the NdaysAgo pattern. Values must match [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|today|yesterday|[0-9]+(daysAgo). The earliest valid start-date is 2005-01-01. There is no upper limit restriction for a start-date.Relative dates are always relative to the current date at the time of the query and are based on the timezone of the view (profile) specified in the query. Example date range for the last 10 days (starting today) using relative dates: ReportStartDate=9daysAgo and ReportEndDate=today. You may also use variable placeholders e.g. {{User::varStartDateString}}
ReportEndDate End date for report date range. All Analytics data requests must specify a date range. If you do not include start-date and end-date parameters in the request, the server returns an error. Date values can be for a specific date by using the pattern YYYY-MM-DD or relative by using today, yesterday, or the NdaysAgo pattern. Values must match [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|today|yesterday|[0-9]+(daysAgo). The earliest valid end-date is 2005-01-01. There is no upper limit restriction for an end-date. Relative dates are always relative to the current date at the time of the query and are based on the timezone of the view (profile) specified in the query. Example date range for the last 10 days (starting today) using relative dates: ReportStartDate=9daysAgo and ReportEndDate=today. You may also use variable placeholders e.g. {{User::varEndDateString}}
Dimensions The dimensions parameter breaks down metrics by common criteria; for example, by ga:browser or ga:city. While you can ask for the total number of pageviews to your site, it might be more interesting to ask for the number of pageviews broken down by browser. In this case, you'll see the number of pageviews from Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, and so forth.
When using dimensions in a data request, be aware of the following constraints:
•You can supply a maximum of 7 dimensions in any query.
•You can not send a query composed only of dimensions: you must combine any requested dimensions with at least one metric.
•Only certain dimensions can be queried in the same query. Use the valid combination tool in the  Dimensions and Metrics Reference to see which dimensions can be used together.
Metrics The aggregated statistics for user activity to your site, such as clicks or pageviews. If a query has no dimensions parameter, the returned metrics provide aggregate values for the requested date range, such as overall pageviews or total bounces. However, when dimensions are requested, values are segmented by dimension value. For example, ga:pageviews requested with ga:country returns the total pageviews per country. When requesting metrics, keep in mind:
•Any request must supply at least one metric; a request cannot consist only of dimensions.
•You can supply a maximum of 10 metrics for any query.
•Most combinations of metrics from multiple categories can be used together, provided no dimensions are specified.
•A metric can be used in combination with other dimensions or metrics, but only where valid combinations apply for that metric. See the Dimensions and Metrics Reference for details.
SortBy A list of metrics and dimensions indicating the sorting order and sorting direction for the returned data.
•Sorting order is specified by the left to right order of the metrics and dimensions listed.
•Sorting direction defaults to ascending and can be changed to descending by using a minus sign (-) prefix on the requested field.

Sorting the results of a query enables you to ask different questions about your data. For example, to address the question 'What are my top countries, and which browsers do they use most?' you can make a query with the following parameter. It sorts first by ga:country and then by ga:browser, both in ascending order:

To answer the related question 'What are my top browsers, and which countries use them most?', you can make a query with the following parameter. It sorts first by ga:browser and then by ga:country, both in ascending order: sort=ga:browser,ga:country

When using the sort parameter, keep in mind the following:
•Sort only by dimensions or metrics values that you have used in the dimensions or metrics parameters. If your request sorts on a field that is not indicated in either the dimensions or metrics parameter, you will receive a error.
•By default, strings are sorted in ascending alphabetical order
in en-US locale.
•Numbers are sorted in ascending numeric order by default.
•Dates are sorted in ascending order by date by default.
Filters The filters query string parameter restricts the data returned from your request. To use the filters parameter, supply a dimension or metric on which to filter, followed by the filter expression.
Segment Segment for query. Segment can be defined using inbuilt segment id or use custom segment expression. For example to use in-built segment for referral; data you can use expression with just ID (e.g. gaid::-8)  OR use full expression (e.g. sessions::condition::ga:medium==referral). Use report (MetaData: Segments) under QueryMode=FromTemplate to get full detail about all in-built or custom segments. For more information on segments visit
MaxResults Maximum number of rows to include in each response (i.e. Batch Size). You can use this in combination with start-index to retrieve a subset of elements, or use it alone to restrict the number of returned elements, starting with the first. If max-results is not supplied, the query returns the default maximum of 1000 rows.The Analytics Core Reporting API returns a maximum of 10,000 rows per request, no matter how many you ask for. It can also return fewer rows than requested, if there aren't as many dimension segments as you expect. For instance, there are fewer than 300 possible values for ga:country, so when segmenting only by country, you can't get more than 300 rows, even if you set max-results to a higher value.
SamplingLevel Use this parameter to set the sampling level (i.e. the number of sessions used to calculate the result) for a reporting query. The allowed values are consistent with the web interface and include:
•DEFAULT — Returns response with a sample size that balances speed and accuracy.
•FASTER — Returns a fast response with a smaller sample size.
•HIGHER_PRECISION — Returns a more accurate response using a large sample size, but this may result in the response being slower.
If not supplied, the DEFAULT sampling level will be used.See the Sampling section for details on how to calculate the percentage of sessions that were used for a query.

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
DEFAULT [0] DEFAULT (Balanced) - Auto detect sample size
FASTER [1] FASTER (Fast) - Use smaller sample size
HIGHER_PRECISION [2] HIGHER_PRECISION (Slow) - Using a large sample size
MaxRows Maximum number of rows to return (To adjust batchsize check MaxResults property). 0=Unlimited

Setting UI

SSIS Google Analytics Source - Setting UI
SSIS Google Analytics Source - Setting UI
SSIS Google Analytics Source - Setting UI
SSIS Google Analytics Source - Setting UI

See Also


Articles / Tutorials

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