SSIS Amazon S3 CSV Destination

SSIS Amazon S3 CSV Destination Connector for CSV File can be used to write data in CSV file format to Amazon S3 Storage. You can automatically split large files by row count or size at runtime. It also supports writing files directly in compressed format such as GZip (*.gz).

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In this tutorial you will learn how to write data into AmazonS3 Storage CSV file using Amazon S3 CSV File Destination. You can use ZS DummyData Source to write 200K Data for practice it(In this case its from DummyData Source & SQL Server).
  1. Firstly, You need to Download and Install SSIS ZappySys PowerPack.
  2. Once you finished first step, Open Visual Studio and Create New SSIS Package Project.
  3. Now, Drag and Drop SSIS Data Flow Task from SSIS Toolbox.
    SSIS Data Flow Task - Drag and Drop
  4. Double click on the Data Flow task to see Data Flow designer surface.
  5. Here, In Visual Studio, drag and drop the DummyData Source and ZS AmazonS3 CSV File Destination in the design surface and join the components with the blue arrow..
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV Destination - Drag and Drop
  6. Now, we need AmazonS3 storage connection. Click here to Create AmazonS3 Storage Connection.
  7. Now, Double click on DummyData Source to configure it.
  8. Here, Select Customer Table template and enter number of rows.
    SSIS DummyData Source - Configure
  9. Click on OK button to save configure setting UI.
  10. Now, double click on AmazonS3 CSV File Destination to configure it, in the Connection Managers, select the connection created before.
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Select Connection Manager
  11. In the Component Properties, set the Append property to False, enter the File Path and set the Overwrite file if exists to True.
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Component Properties
  12. In the Input Columns Tab, check the columns that you want as load data.
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Columns Mappings
  13. Click on OK button to save configure setting UI.
  14. Finally, run the package and the data will be exported from source to destination. While executing package wait until process finished. It will take time.
    Loading data from SQL Server to Amazon S3 file

How to write Data into AmazonS3 CSV File from SQL Server.

  1. Now, Drag and Drop SSIS Data Flow Task from SSIS Toolbox.
    SSIS Data Flow Task - Drag and Drop
  2. Double click on the Data Flow task to see Data Flow designer surface.
  3. Here, In Visual Studio, drag and drop the OLE DB Source and ZS AmazonS3 CSV File Destination in the design surface and join the components with the blue arrow..
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV Destination - Drag and Drop
  4. Now, we need OLE DB Connection and AmazonS3 storage connection. Click here to Create AmazonS3 Storage Connection.
  5. Let's, Right click on Connection Managers Panel to Create OLEDB Connection, so you can use Source and Context Menu will appear, Select New OLEDB Connection from the Context Menu.
    SSIS OLEDB - Connection
  6. Now, click on New Button for create Connection.
    SSIS OLEDB - Connection
  7. Let's Configure Connection Manager, just Follow steps one by one as we have created.
    SSIS OLEDB - Connection
  8. Click on OK button to save configure Setting UI.
  9. Firstly, Double click on OLE DB Source to configure it.
    SSIS OLEDB Connection Configure
  10. Click OK to Save OLEDB Source Editor UI Settings.
  11. Now, double click on AmazonS3 CSV File Destination to configure it, in the Connection Managers, select the connection created before.
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Select Connection Manager
  12. In the Component Properties, set the Append property to False, enter the File Path and set the Overwrite file if exists to True.
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Component Properties
  13. In the Input Columns Tab, check the columns that you want as load data.
    SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Columns Mappings
  14. Click on OK button to save configure setting UI.
  15. Finally, run the package and the data will be exported from source to destination immediately.
    Loading data from SQL Server to Amazon S3 file


Property Name Description
LoggingMode LoggingMode determines how much information is logged during Package Execution. Set Logging mode to Debugging for maximum log.

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Normal [0] Normal
Medium [1] Medium
Detailed [2] Detailed
Debugging [3] Debugging
PrefixTimestamp When you enable this property it will prefix timestamp before Log messages.
AccessMode File path access mode (e.g. direct or variable)

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Direct [0] Direct
Variable [1] Variable
FilePathVariable Variable name which holds file path where you want to write data
CompressionType Compression format for source file (e.g. gzip, zip). If you compress files then add correct extension to file path manually (e.g. *.gz or *.zip).

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
None [0] None
GZip [1] GZip
Zip [2] Zip
TarGZip [3] TarGZip
FilePath File path where you want to write data. You can also use variable placeholders anywhere in the path. Example: myroot/folder/{{User::FileName}}  --OR--  myroot/folder/file_{{System::StartTime,yyyyMMdd}}.dat
Append Append data to file
RowDelimiter Row separator for data files (If this is not specified then New line is used). (NOTE: use \t for tab, \r\n for new line (This is default), \r for carriage return, \n for new line). You can type any string here including special values such as {SPACE}, {NEWLINE}, {TAB}, {CR}, {LF}, {CRLF}. To use Hex code for seperator you may use \xNN (for ascii) or \xNNNN (for unicode charcter). For example \x221E will use infinity symbol as column seperator.
OverwriteFileIfExists Indicates whether you want to overwrite target file if exists. This setting is ignored if Append=true
ColumnDelimiter Field separator for data files. (NOTE: use \t for tab, \r\n for new line (This is default), \r for carriage return, \n for new line). You can type any string here including special values such as {SPACE}, {NEWLINE}, {TAB}, {CR}, {LF}, {CRLF}. To use Hex code for seperator you may use \xNN (for ascii) or \xNNNN (for unicode charcter). For example \x221E will use infinity symbol as column seperator.
FirstRowHasColumnNames Indicates whether first row has column names (Default is true)
QuotesAroundValue Wrap quotes around value in data files
QuoteChar Character for quote indicator around value
DateTimeFormat Date time format string for any column with DT_DBDATETIME, DT_DBDATETIME2 or DB_DATE format
EnableFileSplit Enable splitting large file into multiple files (see FileSplitMode to configure splitting mode).
FileSplitMode Specifies file splitting method (i.e. split by row count).

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
ByRowCount [0] ByRowCount
BySize [1] BySize
MaxRowsPerFile Specifies maximum rows per file when FileSplitMethod is set to ByRowCount. When this row count is reached data is written to new file.
MaxSizePerFile Specifies maximum size per file when FileSplitMethod is set to BySize. Enter size in following size format specifier allowed bytes, kb, mb, gb, tb (e.g. 100mb)
Encoding Specifies encoding for data. If you set CharacterSet property then Encoing is ignored.

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Default [0] Default
UTF8 [2] UTF-8
UTF16 [3] UTF-16 LE (i.e. Unicode Little Endian)
UTF32 [4] UTF-32
UTF8WithoutBOM [5] UTF-8 Without BOM
UTF32WithoutBOM [6] UTF-32 Without BOM
UTF7 [7] UTF-7
UTF7WithoutBOM [8] UTF-7 Without BOM
UTF16WithoutBOM [9] UTF-16 Without BOM
BigEndian [10] UTF-16 BE (i.e. Unicode Big Endian)
BigEndianWithoutBOM [11] UTF-16 BE Without BOM
CharacterSet Character set name (i.e. ISO-8859-1) or code page number. If you set this property then Encoding property will be ignored. To output without BOM set this property to blank and use Encoding instead.
DoNotCreateFileIfNoRows Indicates if empty file should be created or not if no input records found. This option is ignored if you enabled Append option (some destination i.e. S3 may not support append). By default empty file is created if zero input records. Set this to true if you do not want empty file on zero records.
DisableMultiPart Indicates if empty file should be created or not if no input records found. This option is ignored if you enabled Append option (some destination i.e. S3 may not support append). By default empty file is created if zero input records. Set this to true if you do not want empty file on zero records.
EnableCustomEscapeSequence Enable this option to define custom replacement rules (See also CustomEscapeSequenceRule). Replacement rule should contain key=value pairs separated by semicolon. You can hard code character directly or use designated keyword (e.g. supported keywords are {doublequote} {semicolon} {tab}, {cr}, {lf}, {null}). You can also use Hex chars to search (e.g. \xff44=something). Use blank value in the second part to replace with blank. Example: {null}=\0;"="";{semicolon}=\{semicolon};{cr}=\r;{lf}=\n;{tab}=\t;{columndelimiter}=\{columndelimiter};\xff32=;\xff31=;{null}=;
CustomEscapeSequenceRule Define custom replacement rules to search and replace certain characters. This option is only valid when EnableCustomEscapeSequence=true. Replacement rule should contain key=value pairs separated by semicolon (i.e. ; ). In the key=value pairs, left side you have to define character to be searched and on the right side replacement value. You can hard code character directly or use designated keyword (e.g. supported keywords are {doublequote} {semicolon} {tab}, {cr}, {lf}, {null}). You can also use Hex chars to search (e.g. \xff44=something). Use blank value in the second part to replace with blank. Example: {null}=\0;"="";{semicolon}=\{semicolon};{cr}=\r;{lf}=\n;{tab}=\t;{columndelimiter}=\{columndelimiter};\xff32=;\xff31=;{null}=;

Setting UI

SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Setting UI
SSIS Amazon S3 CSV File Destination - Setting UI

See Also

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