Zendesk Connector
Version: 8

EndPoint Read Tickets (All)




Get a list of all tickets in your account [API Help]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
sort_by Sort By NO
Option Value
id id
assignee assignee
assignee.name assignee.name
created_at created_at
group group
locale locale
requester requester
requester.name requester.name
status status
subject subject
updated_at updated_at
Sort By field
sort_order Sort Order NO
Option Value
desc desc
asc asc
Sort order
include Extra Columns to Include NO
Option Value
comment_count comment_count
external_id External ID for Ticket NO

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
id DT_I8 0 False
recipient DT_WSTR 255 False
subject DT_WSTR 1000 False
status DT_WSTR 28 False
type DT_WSTR 255 False
priority DT_WSTR 24 False
description DT_NTEXT 0 False
external_id DT_WSTR 255 False
created_at DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
updated_at DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
raw_subject DT_WSTR 1000 False
url DT_WSTR 500 False
comment_count DT_I8 0 False
requester_id DT_I8 0 False
submitter_id DT_I8 0 False
assignee_id DT_I8 0 False
organization_id DT_I8 0 False
group_id DT_I8 0 False
collaborator_ids DT_WSTR 1000 False
collaborator_ids_1 DT_WSTR 20 False
collaborator_ids_2 DT_WSTR 20 False
collaborator_ids_3 DT_WSTR 20 False
follower_ids DT_WSTR 1000 False
follower_ids_1 DT_WSTR 20 False
follower_ids_2 DT_WSTR 20 False
follower_ids_3 DT_WSTR 20 False
email_cc_ids DT_WSTR 1000 False
email_cc_ids_1 DT_WSTR 20 False
email_cc_ids_2 DT_WSTR 20 False
email_cc_ids_3 DT_WSTR 20 False
forum_topic_id DT_WSTR 255 False
problem_id DT_WSTR 255 False
has_incidents DT_BOOL 0 False
is_public DT_BOOL 0 False
due_at DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
tags DT_WSTR 1000 False
tags_1 DT_WSTR 50 False
tags_2 DT_WSTR 50 False
tags_3 DT_WSTR 50 False
tags_4 DT_WSTR 50 False
tags_5 DT_WSTR 50 False
custom_fields DT_WSTR 1000 False
custom_fields_1_id DT_WSTR 20 False
custom_fields_1_value DT_WSTR 1000 False
custom_fields_2_id DT_WSTR 20 False
custom_fields_2_value DT_WSTR 1000 False
custom_fields_3_id DT_WSTR 20 False
custom_fields_3_value DT_WSTR 1000 False
custom_fields_4_id DT_WSTR 20 False
custom_fields_4_value DT_WSTR 1000 False
custom_fields_5_id DT_WSTR 20 False
custom_fields_5_value DT_WSTR 1000 False
via_followup_source_id DT_I8 0 False
satisfaction_rating_id DT_I8 0 False
satisfaction_rating_score DT_WSTR 20 False
satisfaction_rating_comment DT_WSTR 1000 False
sharing_agreement_ids DT_WSTR 255 False
fields DT_WSTR 1000 False
followup_ids DT_WSTR 1000 False
brand_id DT_I8 0 False
allow_channelback DT_BOOL 0 False
allow_attachments DT_BOOL 0 False
via_channel DT_WSTR 100 False
via_source_rel DT_WSTR 255 False
via_source_from_address DT_WSTR 500 False
via_source_from_name DT_WSTR 500 False
via_source_to_name DT_WSTR 500 False
via_source_to_address DT_WSTR 500 False
via_source_from_ticket_id DT_I8 0 False
via_source_from_subject DT_WSTR 1000 False
via_source_from_channel DT_WSTR 50 False
custom_field_[$parent.id$] DT_WSTR 4000 False

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
subject DT_WSTR 1012 False
recipient DT_WSTR 255 False
status DT_WSTR 28 False
type DT_WSTR 255 False
priority DT_WSTR 24 False
comment_body DT_NTEXT 0 False
comment_body_html DT_NTEXT 0 False
comment_public DT_BOOL 0 False
comment_author_id DT_I8 0 False
tags DT_WSTR 1000 True
custom_fields DT_WSTR 1000 True
external_id DT_WSTR 255 False
requester_name DT_WSTR 255 False
requester_email DT_WSTR 255 False
requester_id DT_I8 0 False
submitter_id DT_I8 0 False
assignee_id DT_I8 0 False
organization_id DT_I8 0 False
group_id DT_I8 0 False
collaborator_ids DT_WSTR 1000 False
follower_ids DT_WSTR 1000 True
email_cc_ids DT_WSTR 1000 True
forum_topic_id DT_WSTR 255 False
problem_id DT_WSTR 255 False
is_public DT_BOOL 0 False
due_at DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
sharing_agreement_ids DT_WSTR 255 True
fields DT_WSTR 1000 True
followup_ids DT_WSTR 1000 True
brand_id DT_I8 0 False
allow_channelback DT_BOOL 0 False
allow_attachments DT_BOOL 0 False