Stripe Connector

ZappySys Stripe Connector provide read / write capability inside your app (see list below), using these drag and drop , high performance connector you can perform many Stripe operations without any coding. You can use this connector to integrate Stripe data inside apps like SSIS, SQL Server or popular ETL Platforms / BI Tools/ Reporting Apps / Programming languages (i.e. Informatica, Power BI, SSRS, Excel, C#, JAVA, Python)

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Actions supported by Stripe Connector

Stripe Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.
 Test Connection
Tests connection    [Read more...]
 List All Customers
Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent customers appearing first.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Email Id A case-sensitive filter on the list based on the customer’s email field. The value must be a string.
Created later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
 Retrieve a Customer
Retrieves the details of an existing customer. You need only supply the unique customer identifier that was returned upon customer creation.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id Unique identifier for the Customer
 Delete a Customer
Permanently deletes a customer. It cannot be undone. Also immediately cancels any active subscriptions on the customer.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id Unique identifier for the Customer
 Create a Customer
Create a Customer    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Name The customer’s full name or business name.
Description An arbitrary string that you can attach to a customer object. It is displayed alongside the customer in the dashboard.
Email Customer’s email address.
Payment Method The Id of the PaymentMethod to attach to the customer.
Phone The customer’s phone number.
Balance An integer amount in cents that represents the customer’s current balance, which affect the customer’s future invoices. A negative amount represents a credit that decreases the amount due on an invoice; a positive amount increases the amount due on an invoice.
Coupon If you provide a coupon code, the customer will have a discount applied on all recurring charges. Charges you create through the API will not have the discount.
Preferred Locales Customer’s preferred languages, ordered by preference. Example ["en-US", "en-ES"] . Supported languages are listed here
Promotion Code The API Id of a promotion code to apply to the customer. The customer will have a discount applied on all recurring payments. Charges you create through the API will not have the discount.
Tax Id Type (ae_trn, au_abn, br_cnpj, br_cpf etc.) Type of the tax Id, one of ae_trn, au_abn, br_cnpj, br_cpf, ca_bn, ca_qst, ch_vat, cl_tin, es_cif, eu_vat, hk_br, id_npwp, in_gst, jp_cn, jp_rn, kr_brn, li_uid, mx_rfc, my_frp, my_itn, my_sst, no_vat, nz_gst, ru_inn, ru_kpp, sa_vat, sg_gst, sg_uen, th_vat, tw_vat, us_ein, or za_vat
Option Value
ae_trn ae_trn
au_abn au_abn
br_cnpj br_cnpj
br_cpf br_cpf
ca_bn ca_bn
ca_qst ca_qst
ch_vat ch_vat
cl_tin cl_tin
es_cif es_cif
eu_vat eu_vat
hk_br hk_br
id_npwp id_npwp
in_gst in_gst
jp_cn jp_cn
jp_rn jp_rn
kr_brn kr_brn
li_uid li_uid
mx_rfc mx_rfc
my_frp my_frp
my_itn my_itn
my_sst my_sst
no_vat no_vat
nz_gst nz_gst
ru_inn ru_inn
ru_kpp ru_kpp
sa_vat sa_vat
sg_gst sg_gst
sg_uen sg_uen
th_vat th_vat
tw_vat tw_vat
us_ein us_ein
za_vat za_vat
Tax Id Value Value of the tax Id.
Address Line1 Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).
Address Line2 Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).
Address City City, district, suburb, town, or village.
Address State State, county, province, or region.
Address Country Two-letter country code
Address Postal Code ZIP or postal code.
Shipping Name Customer name.
Shipping Phone Customer phone (including extension).
Shipping Address Line1 Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).
Shipping Address Line2 Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).
Shipping Address City City, district, suburb, town, or village.
Shipping Address State State, county, province, or region.
Shipping Address Country Two-letter country code
Shipping Address Postal Code ZIP or postal code.
Invoice_Prefix (Must be 3–12 uppercase letters or numbers) The prefix for the customer used to generate unique invoice numbers.
Invoice Settings - Default Payment Method ID of a payment method that’s attached to the customer, to be used as the customer’s default payment method for subscriptions and invoices.
Invoice Settings - Footer Default footer to be displayed on invoices for this customer.
Next invoice sequence The suffix of the customer’s next invoice number, e.g., 0001.
Tax Exempt (none, exempt, reverse) Describes the customer tax exemption status. One of none, exempt, or reverse. When set to reverse, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text Reverse charge.
Option Value
none none
exempt exempt
reverse reverse
 Update a Customer
Updates the specified customer by setting the values of the parameters passed.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id Unique identifier for the Customer
Name The customer’s full name or business name.
Description An arbitrary string that you can attach to a customer object. It is displayed alongside the customer in the dashboard.
Email Customer’s email address.
Payment Method The Id of the PaymentMethod to attach to the customer.
Phone The customer’s phone number.
Balance (Enter a numeric Value) An integer amount in cents that represents the customer’s current balance, which affect the customer’s future invoices. A negative amount represents a credit that decreases the amount due on an invoice; a positive amount increases the amount due on an invoice.
Coupon If you provide a coupon code, the customer will have a discount applied on all recurring charges. Charges you create through the API will not have the discount.
Preferred Locales Customer’s preferred languages, ordered by preference.
Promotion Code The API Id of a promotion code to apply to the customer. The customer will have a discount applied on all recurring payments. Charges you create through the API will not have the discount.
Tax Id Type (ae_trn, au_abn, br_cnpj, br_cpf etc.) Type of the tax Id, one of ae_trn, au_abn, br_cnpj, br_cpf, ca_bn, ca_qst, ch_vat, cl_tin, es_cif, eu_vat, hk_br, id_npwp, in_gst, jp_cn, jp_rn, kr_brn, li_uid, mx_rfc, my_frp, my_itn, my_sst, no_vat, nz_gst, ru_inn, ru_kpp, sa_vat, sg_gst, sg_uen, th_vat, tw_vat, us_ein, or za_vat
Option Value
ae_trn ae_trn
au_abn au_abn
br_cnpj br_cnpj
br_cpf br_cpf
ca_bn ca_bn
ca_qst ca_qst
ch_vat ch_vat
cl_tin cl_tin
es_cif es_cif
eu_vat eu_vat
hk_br hk_br
id_npwp id_npwp
in_gst in_gst
jp_cn jp_cn
jp_rn jp_rn
kr_brn kr_brn
li_uid li_uid
mx_rfc mx_rfc
my_frp my_frp
my_itn my_itn
my_sst my_sst
no_vat no_vat
nz_gst nz_gst
ru_inn ru_inn
ru_kpp ru_kpp
sa_vat sa_vat
sg_gst sg_gst
sg_uen sg_uen
th_vat th_vat
tw_vat tw_vat
us_ein us_ein
za_vat za_vat
Tax Id Value Value of the tax Id.
Address Line1 Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).
Address Line2 Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).
Address City City, district, suburb, town, or village.
Address State State, county, province, or region.
Address Country Two-letter country code
Address Postal Code ZIP or postal code.
Shipping Name Customer name.
Shipping Phone Customer phone (including extension).
Shipping Address Line1 Address line 1 (e.g., street, PO Box, or company name).
Shipping Address Line2 Address line 2 (e.g., apartment, suite, unit, or building).
Shipping Address City City, district, suburb, town, or village.
Shipping Address State State, county, province, or region.
Shipping Address Country Two-letter country code
Shipping Address Postal Code ZIP or postal code.
Invoice_Prefix (Must be 3–12 uppercase letters or numbers) The prefix for the customer used to generate unique invoice numbers.
Invoice Settings - Default Payment Method ID of a payment method that’s attached to the customer, to be used as the customer’s default payment method for subscriptions and invoices.
Invoice Settings - Footer Default footer to be displayed on invoices for this customer.
next_invoice_sequence The suffix of the customer’s next invoice number, e.g., 0001.
Tax Exempt (none, exempt, reverse) Describes the customer tax exemption status. One of none, exempt, or reverse. When set to reverse, invoice and receipt PDFs include the text Reverse charge.
Option Value
none none
exempt exempt
reverse reverse
 List All Products
Returns a list of your products. The products are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created products appearing first.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Active Only return products that are active or inactive (e.g., pass false to list all inactive products).
Option Value
True True
False False
Created later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
 Retrieve a single Product
Retrieves the details of an existing product. Supply the unique product Id from either a product creation request or the product list, and Stripe will return the corresponding product information.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Product Id Unique identifier for the Product
 Delete a Product
Delete a product. Deleting a product is only possible if it has no prices associated with it. Additionally, deleting a product with type=good is only possible if it has no SKUs associated with it.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Product Id Unique identifier for the Product
 Create a Product
Creates a new product.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Type (Good or Service)
Option Value
service service
good good
Option Value
true true
false false
Caption (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Height (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Length (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Weight (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Width (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Shippable (Can be set if Type = good)
Option Value
True True
False False
Statement Description (Can be set if Type = service)
Unit Label (Can be set if Type = service)
Product URL (Can be set if Type = good)
 Update a Product
Updates the specific product by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Product Id Unique identifier for the Product
Type (Good or Service)
Option Value
service service
good good
Option Value
true true
false false
Caption (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Height (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Length (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Weight (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Package Dimensions - Width (inch) (Can be set if Type = good)
Shippable (Can be set if Type = good)
Option Value
True True
False False
Statement Description (Can be set if Type = service)
Unit Label (Can be set if Type = service)
Product URL (Can be set if Type = good)
 List All Subscriptions
Returns a list of subscriptions.    [Read more...]
 List All Subscriptions Items
Returns a list of subscriptions items.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Subscription Id Unique identifier for the Subscription
 Retrieve a single Subscription
Returns a single subscription.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Subscription Id Unique identifier for the Subscription
 List All Invoices
You can list all invoices, or list the invoices for a specific customer. The invoices are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoices appearing first.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id Only return invoices for the customer specified by this customer Id.
Status (draft or open or paid or uncollectible or void) The status of the invoice, one of draft, open, paid, uncollectible, or void
Option Value
draft draft
open open
paid paid
uncollectible uncollectible
void void
Subscription Id Only return invoices for the subscription specified by this subscription Id.
Collection method (charge_automatically or send_invoice) The collection method of the invoice to retrieve. Either charge_automatically or send_invoice.
Option Value
charge_automatically charge_automatically
send_invoice. send_invoice.
Created later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Due Date later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the Due Date field is greater than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Due Date on or later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the Due Date field is greater than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Due Date earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the Due Date field is less than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Due Date on or earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the Due Date field is less than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
 Retrieve an Invoice
Retrieves the invoice with the given Id.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Returns an invoice for the Invoice Id.
 Delete a Draft Invoice
Permanently deletes a one-off invoice draft. This cannot be undone. Attempts to delete invoices that are no longer in a draft state will fail; once an invoice has been finalized or if an invoice is for a subscription, it must be voided.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Delete an invoice for the Invoice Id.
 Finalize an Invoice
Stripe automatically finalizes drafts before sending and attempting payment on invoices. However, if you’d like to finalize a draft invoice manually, you can do so using this method.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Finalize an invoice for the Invoice Id.
Auto Advance Controls whether Stripe will perform automatic collection of the invoice. When false, the invoice’s state will not automatically advance without an explicit action.
Option Value
False False
True True
 Pay an Invoice
Stripe automatically creates and then attempts to collect payment on invoices for customers on subscriptions according to your subscriptions settings. However, if you’d like to attempt payment on an invoice out of the normal collection schedule or for some other reason, you can do so.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Pay an invoice for the Invoice Id.
Option Value
False False
True True
Off Season Indicates if a customer is on or off-session while an invoice payment is attempted. Defaults to true (off-session).
Option Value
False False
True True
Paid Out Of Band Boolean representing whether an invoice is paid outside of Stripe. This will result in no charge being made.
Option Value
False False
True True
Payment Method Id A PaymentMethod to be charged. The PaymentMethod must be the Id of a PaymentMethod belonging to the customer associated with the invoice being paid.
Source Id A payment source to be charged. The source must be the Id of a source belonging to the customer associated with the invoice being paid.
 Send an Invoice For Manual Payment
Send an Invoice For Manual Payment    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Send an invoice for the Invoice Id.
 Void an Invoice
Mark a finalized invoice as void. This cannot be undone. Voiding an invoice is similar to deletion, however it only applies to finalized invoices and maintains a papertrail where the invoice can still be found.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Void an invoice for the Invoice Id.
 Mark an Invoice As Uncollectible
Marking an invoice as uncollectible is useful for keeping track of bad debts that can be written off for accounting purposes.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Mark Uncollectible for the Invoice Id.
 Retrieve an Invoice Line Items
When retrieving an invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Retrieve an invoice line items for the Invoice Id.
 Retrieve an Upcoming Invoice
At any time, you can preview the upcoming invoice for a customer. This will show you all the charges that are pending, including subscription renewal charges, invoice item charges, etc. It will also show you any discounts that are applicable to the invoice.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you’d like to retrieve.
Subscription Id The identifier of the subscription for which you’d like to retrieve the upcoming invoice.
 Retrieve an Upcoming Invoice Line Items
When retrieving an upcoming invoice, you’ll get a lines property containing the total count of line items and the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you’d like to retrieve.
Subscription Id The identifier of the subscription for which you’d like to retrieve the upcoming invoice.
 Create an Invoice
This endpoint creates a draft invoice for a given customer. The draft invoice created pulls in all pending invoice items on that customer, including prorations. The invoice remains a draft until you finalize the invoice, which allows you to pay or send the invoice to your customers.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id The Id of the customer who will be billed.
Auto Advance Controls whether Stripe will perform automatic collection of the invoice. When false, the invoice’s state will not automatically advance without an explicit action.
Option Value
False False
True True
Collection Method (charge_automatically or send_invoice) Either charge_automatically, or send_invoice. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this invoice using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email this invoice to the customer with payment instructions. Defaults to charge_automatically.
Option Value
charge_automatically charge_automatically
send_invoice send_invoice
Description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as ‘memo’ in the Dashboard.
Subscription Id The Id of the subscription to invoice, if any. If not set, the created invoice will include all pending invoice items for the customer. If set, the created invoice will only include pending invoice items for that subscription and pending invoice items not associated with any subscription. The subscription’s billing cycle and regular subscription events won’t be affected.
Account Tax Id The account tax Ids associated with the invoice. Only editable when the invoice is a draft.
Application Fee Amount A fee in cents that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account.
Days Until Due (Can be set if Collection Method = send_invoice) The number of days from when the invoice is created until it is due. Valid only for invoices where collection_method=send_invoice.
Default Payment Method Id ID of the default payment method for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice. If not set, defaults to the subscription’s default payment method, if any, or to the default payment method in the customer’s invoice settings.
Default Source ID of the default payment source for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice and be in a chargeable state. If not set, defaults to the subscription’s default source, if any, or to the customer’s default source.
Default Tax Rates The tax rates that will apply to any line item that does not have tax_rates set.
Discounts Coupon Id ID of the coupon to create a new discount for.
Discounts Discount Id ID of an existing discount on the object (or one of its ancestors) to reuse.
Due Date The date on which payment for this invoice is due. Valid only for invoices where collection_method=send_invoice
Footer Footer to be displayed on the invoice.
Statement Desctiption Extra information about a charge for the customer’s credit card statement. It must contain at least one letter. If not specified and this invoice is part of a subscription, the default statement_descriptor will be set to the first subscription item’s product’s statement_descriptor.
Transfer Data Destination Id ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
Transfer Data Amount The amount that will be transferred automatically when the invoice is paid. If no amount is set, the full amount is transferred.
Lines Object
 Update an Invoice
Draft invoices are fully editable. Once an invoice is finalized, monetary values, as well as collection_method, become uneditable.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Id Update an invoice for the Invoice Id
Auto Advance Controls whether Stripe will perform automatic collection of the invoice.
Option Value
False False
True True
Collection Method (charge_automatically or send_invoice) Either charge_automatically or send_invoice. This field can be updated only on draft invoices.
Option Value
charge_automatically charge_automatically
send_invoice send_invoice
Description An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as ‘memo’ in the Dashboard.
Account Tax Id The account tax Ids associated with the invoice. Only editable when the invoice is a draft.
Application Fee Amount A fee in cents that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner’s Stripe account.
Days Until Due (Can be set if Collection Method = send_invoice) The number of days from which the invoice is created until it is due. Only valid for invoices where collection_method=send_invoice. This field can only be updated on draft invoices.
Default Payment Method Id ID of the default payment method for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice. If not set, defaults to the subscription’s default payment method, if any, or to the default payment method in the customer’s invoice settings.
Default Source ID of the default payment source for the invoice. It must belong to the customer associated with the invoice and be in a chargeable state. If not set, defaults to the subscription’s default source, if any, or to the customer’s default source.
Default Tax Rates The tax rates that will apply to any line item that does not have tax_rates set. Pass an empty string to remove previously-defined tax rates.
Discounts Coupon Id ID of the coupon to create a new discount for.
Discounts Discount Id ID of an existing discount on the object (or one of its ancestors) to reuse.
Due Date The date on which payment for this invoice is due. Only valid for invoices where collection_method=send_invoice. This field can only be updated on draft invoices.
Footer Footer to be displayed on the invoice.
Statement Desctiption Extra information about a charge for the customer’s credit card statement. It must contain at least one letter.
Transfer Data Destination Id ID of an existing, connected Stripe account.
Transfer Data Amount The amount that will be transferred automatically when the invoice is paid. If no amount is set, the full amount is transferred.
 Create an Invoice Item
Creates an item to be added to a draft invoice (up to 250 items per invoice). If no invoice is specified, the item will be on the next invoice created for the customer specified.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id Create an invoice item for the Customer Id
Amount The integer amount in cents of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. Passing in a negative amount will reduce the amount_due on the invoice.
Currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.
Description An arbitrary string which you can attach to the invoice item. The description is displayed in the invoice for easy tracking.
Period Start The start of the period.
Period End The end of the period, which must be greater than or equal to the start.
Price Id The Id of the price object.
Option Value
True True
False False
Discounts Coupon Id
Discounts Discount Id
Invoice Id The Id of an existing invoice to add this invoice item to. When left blank, the invoice item will be added to the next upcoming scheduled invoice.
Price Data Currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.
Price Data Product The Id of the product that this price will belong to.
Price Data Unit Amount Decimal Same as unit_amount, but accepts a decimal value in cents with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of unit_amount and unit_amount_decimal can be set.
Price Data Unit Amount A positive integer in cents (or 0 for a free price) representing how much to charge. Only one of unit_amount and unit_amount_decimal can be set.
Quantity Non-negative integer. The quantity of units for the invoice item.
Subscription Id The Id of a subscription to add this invoice item to. When left blank, the invoice item will be be added to the next upcoming scheduled invoice. When set, scheduled invoices for subscriptions other than the specified subscription will ignore the invoice item. Use this when you want to express that an invoice item has been accrued within the context of a particular subscription.
Tax Rates The tax rates which apply to the invoice item. When set, the default_tax_rates on the invoice do not apply to this invoice item.
Unit Amount Decimal Same as unit_amount, but accepts a decimal value in cents with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of unit_amount and unit_amount_decimal can be set.
Unit Amount The integer unit amount in cents of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. This unit_amount will be multiplied by the quantity to get the full amount. Passing in a negative unit_amount will reduce the amount_due on the invoice.
 List All Invoice Items
Returns a list of your invoice items. Invoice items are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoice items appearing first.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id Only return invoices for the customer specified by this customer Id.
Invoice Id Only return invoice items belonging to this invoice. If none is provided, all invoice items will be returned. If specifying an invoice, no customer identifier is needed.
Pending Set to true to only show pending invoice items, which are not yet attached to any invoices. Set to false to only show invoice items already attached to invoices. If unspecified, no filter is applied.
Option Value
true true
false false
Created later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or later than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is greater than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
Created on or earlier than (yyyy-MM-dd) Return results where the created field is less than or equal to this value.
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
2022-01-31 2022-01-31
2022-01-31 23:59:59 2022-01-31 23:59:59
 Retrieve an Invoice Item
Retrieves the invoice item with the given Id.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Item Id Retrieve an invoice item for the Invoice Id.
 Delete an Invoice Item
Deletes an invoice item, removing it from an invoice. Deleting invoice items is only possible when they’re not attached to invoices, or if it’s attached to a draft invoice.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Item Id Delete an invoice item for the Invoice Id.
 Update an Invoice Item
Updates the amount or description of an invoice item on an upcoming invoice. Updating an invoice item is only possible before the invoice it’s attached to is closed.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Invoice Item Id Update an invoice item.
Amount The integer amount in cents of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. Passing in a negative amount will reduce the amount_due on the invoice.
Description An arbitrary string which you can attach to the invoice item. The description is displayed in the invoice for easy tracking.
Period Start The start of the period.
Period End The end of the period, which must be greater than or equal to the start.
Price Id The Id of the price object.
Option Value
True True
False False
Discounts Coupon Id
Discounts Discount Id
Price Data Currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase.
Price Data Product The Id of the product that this price will belong to.
Price Data Unit Amount Decimal Same as unit_amount, but accepts a decimal value in cents with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of unit_amount and unit_amount_decimal can be set.
Price Data Unit Amount A positive integer in cents (or 0 for a free price) representing how much to charge. Only one of unit_amount and unit_amount_decimal can be set.
Quantity Non-negative integer. The quantity of units for the invoice item.
Tax Rates The tax rates which apply to the invoice item. When set, the default_tax_rates on the invoice do not apply to this invoice item.
Unit Amount Decimal Same as unit_amount, but accepts a decimal value in cents with at most 12 decimal places. Only one of unit_amount and unit_amount_decimal can be set.
Unit Amount The integer unit amount in cents of the charge to be applied to the upcoming invoice. This unit_amount will be multiplied by the quantity to get the full amount. Passing in a negative unit_amount will reduce the amount_due on the invoice.
 List All Quotes
You can list all invoices, or list the invoices for a specific customer. The invoices are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created invoices appearing first.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Customer Id Only return invoices for the customer specified by this customer Id.
Status (draft or open or paid or uncollectible or void) The status of the invoice, one of draft, open, paid, uncollectible, or void
Option Value
draft draft
open open
paid paid
uncollectible uncollectible
void void
 Generic Request
This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Url API URL goes here. You can enter full URL or Partial URL relative to Base URL. If it is full URL then domain name must be part of ServiceURL or part of TrustedDomains
Body Request Body content goes here
IsMultiPart Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value) ==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ ) ==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored). file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
Filter Enter filter to extract array from response. Example: $.rows[*] --OR-- $.customers[*].orders[*]. Check your response document and find out hierarchy you like to extract
Option Value
No filter
Example1 $.store.books[*]
Example2 (Sections Under Books) $.store.books[*].sections[*]
Example3 (Equals) $.store.books[?(@author=='sam')]
Example4 (Equals - Any Section) $..[?(@author=='sam')]
Example5 (Not Equals - Any Section) $..[?(@author!='sam')]
Example6 (Number less than) $.store.books[?(@.price<10)] Example7 (Regular Expression - Contains Pattern)=$.store.books[?(@author=~ /sam|bob/ )]
Example8 (Regular Expression - Does Not Contain Pattern) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /^((?!sam|bob).)*$/ )]
Example9 (Regular Expression - Exact Pattern Match) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /^sam|bob$/ )]
Example10 (Regular Expression - Starts With) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /^sam/ )]
Example11 (Regular Expression - Ends With) $.store.books[?(@author=~ /sam$/ )]
Example12 (Between) $.store.employees[?( @.hiredate>'2015-01-01' && @.hiredate<'2015-01-04' )]
Headers Headers for Request. To enter multiple headers use double pipe or new line after each {header-name}:{value} pair
 Generic Request (Bulk Write)
This is a generic endpoint for bulk write purpose. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.    [Read more...]
Parameter Description
Url API URL goes here. You can enter full URL or Partial URL relative to Base URL. If it is full URL then domain name must be part of ServiceURL or part of TrustedDomains
IsMultiPart Set this option if you want to upload file(s) (i.e. POST RAW file data) or send data using Multi-Part encoding method (i.e. Content-Type: multipart/form-data). Multi-Part request allows you to mix key/value and upload files in same request. On the other hand raw upload allows only single file upload (without any key/value) ==== Raw Upload (Content-Type: application/octet-stream) ===== To upload single file in raw mode check this option and specify full file path starting with @ sign in the Body (e.g. @c:\data\ ) ==== Form-Data / Multipart Upload (Content-Type: multipart/form-data) ===== To treat your Request data as multi part fields you must specify key/value pairs separated by new lines into RequestData field (i.e. Body). Each key value pair is entered on new-line and key/value are separated using equal sign (=). Preceding and trailing spaces are ignored also blank lines are ignored. If field value has some any special character(s) then use escape sequence (e.g. For NewLine: \r\n, For Tab: \t, For at (@): \@). When value of any field starts with at sign (@) its automatically treated as File you want to upload. By default file content type is determined based on extension however you can supply content type manually for any field using this way [ YourFileFieldName.Content-Type=some-content-type ]. By default File Upload Field always includes Content-Type in the request (non file fields do not have content-type by default unless you supply manually). For some reason if you dont want to use Content-Type header in your request then supply blank Content-Type to exclude this header altogather [e.g. SomeFieldName.Content-Type= ]. In below example we have supplied Content-Type for file2 and SomeField1, all other fields are using default content-type. See below Example of uploading multiple files along with additional fields. If some API requires you to pass Content-Type: multipart/form-data rather than multipart/form-data then manually set Request Header => Content-Type: multipart/mixed (it must starts with multipart/ else will be ignored). file1=@c:\data\Myfile1.txt file2=@c:\data\Myfile2.json file2.Content-Type=application/json SomeField1=aaaaaaa SomeField1.Content-Type=text/plain SomeField2=12345 SomeFieldWithNewLineAndTab=This is line1\r\nThis is line2\r\nThis is \ttab \ttab \ttab SomeFieldStartingWithAtSign=\@MyTwitterHandle
Filter Enter filter to extract array from response. Example: $.rows[*] --OR-- $.customers[*].orders[*]. Check your response document and find out hierarchy you like to extract
Headers Headers for Request. To enter multiple headers use double pipe (||) or new line after each {header-name}:{value} pair

Stripe Connector Examples (For ODBC PowerPack)

This page offers a collection of SQL examples designed for seamless integration with the ZappySys API ODBC Driver under ODBC Data Source (36/64) or ZappySys Data Gateway, enhancing your ability to connect and interact with Prebuilt Connectors effectively.

Get all Customers    [Read more...]

Read all customers

SELECT * FROM Customers

Get a Customer    [Read more...]

Read a customer

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Id = 'abc'

Get Customers (Filter by Date)    [Read more...]

Using date time requires yyyy-MM-dd format usage

SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Created > '2010-01-01'

Insert a Customer    [Read more...]

Insert a customer

	, [Email]
	, [Description]
	, [Phone]
	, [Balance]
	, [AddressLine1]
	, [AddressLine2]
	, [AddressCity]
	, [AddressState]
	, [AddressCountry]
	, [AddressPostalCode]
	, [InvoicePrefix]
	, ''
	, 'Some desc'
	, '+1 222-333-4444'
	, 0
	, '55 Main St.'
	, 'Suite 100'
	, 'New York'
	, 'NY'
	, 'USA'
	, '07204' --JSON fragment 
	, 'INVC'

Update a Customer    [Read more...]

Update a customer

UPDATE Customers
SET   Name='Cust1-Updated'
	, Email=''
	, Phone='+1 800-123-2345'
	, Description='Desc-updated'
	, AddressLine1='Line-1-upd'
	, AddressLine2='Line-2-upd'
	, AddressCity='SomeCity'
	, AddressState='NY'
	, AddressCountry='USA'
	, AddressPostalCode='112233'
	, ShippingPhone='+1 800-123-2345'
	, ShippingName='SHName-upd'
	, ShippingAddressLine1='Line-1-upd'
	, ShippingAddressLine2='Line-2-upd'
	, ShippingAddressCity='SomeCity'
	, ShippingAddressState='NY'
	, ShippingAddressCountry='USA'
	, ShippingAddressPostalCode='112233'
	, Balance=100	
WHERE Id='cus_IcUG2lD69ZHuol'

Delete a Customer    [Read more...]

Delete a customer by Id

WHERE Id = 'abc'

Get all Products    [Read more...]

Read all products

SELECT * FROM Products

Get a Product    [Read more...]

Read a product

SELECT * FROM Products
WHERE Id = 'abc'

Update a Product    [Read more...]

Read a product

UPDATE Products
SET [name] = 'new name'
WHERE Id = 'abc'

Inserts a Product    [Read more...]

Inserts a product

(     [Name]
	, [Caption]
	, [Description]
	, [Type]
	--, [UnitLabel] --only when product type=service
	, [Active]
	, [PackageDimensionsHeight]
	, [PackageDimensionsWidth]
	, [PackageDimensionsLength]
	, [PackageDimensionsWeight]
	, [URL]
	, [Image1]
	, [Image2]
	, [Image3]
VALUES('SSIS PowerPack 3'
	, 'SSIS Caption 3'
	, 'SSIS PowerPack description long ....'
	, 'good' --or service
	--, 'Unit label' --only when product type=service
	, 'True' --active ?
	, '12'
	, '13'
	, '14'
	, '1000'
	, ''
	, ''
	, ''
	, ''

Update a Product    [Read more...]

Product Update example. When supply Image1,Image2... it will reset previous images.

UPDATE Products
SET   [Name]='SSIS PowerPack 3 - Updated'
	, [Caption]='Caption-updated'
	, [Description]='Desc-updated'
	--, [UnitLabel] --only when product type=service
	, [Active]='true'
	, [PackageDimensionsHeight]=12
	, [PackageDimensionsWidth]=13
	, [PackageDimensionsLength]=14
	, [PackageDimensionsWeight]=1122
	, [URL]=''
	, [Image1]=''
	, [Image2]=''
WHERE Id='prod_MiSJzGZ8PDM9uh'

Delete a Product    [Read more...]

Delete a product

WHERE Id = 'abc'

Get all Invoices    [Read more...]

Read all invoices

SELECT * FROM Invoices

Get an Invoice    [Read more...]

Read an invoice

SELECT * FROM Invoices
WHERE Id = 'abc'

Get all Invoice Line Items    [Read more...]

Read all Invoice Line Items

SELECT * FROM InvoiceItems

Get an Invoice Line Item    [Read more...]

Read an invoice line item by Id

SELECT * FROM InvoiceItems
WHERE Id = 'abc'

Insert an Invoice    [Read more...]

Insert an invoice

INSERT INTO Invoices([Customer],[AmountRemaining])
VALUES ('cus_LqWX1s0E32JJeZL', 12345)

Update an Invoice    [Read more...]

Update an invoice

UPDATE Invoices
SET [DaysUntilDue] = 20
WHERE Id = 'abc'

Delete an invoice    [Read more...]

Delete an invoice

WHERE Id = 'abc'

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