Mailchimp ConnectorZappySys Mailchimp Connector provide read / write capability inside your app (see list below), using these drag and drop , high performance connector you can perform many Mailchimp operations without any coding. You can use this connector to integrate Mailchimp data inside apps like SSIS, SQL Server or popular ETL Platforms / BI Tools/ Reporting Apps / Programming languages (i.e. Informatica, Power BI, SSRS, Excel, C#, JAVA, Python) |
Click on your App below to get started with Mailchimp Integration
Actions supported by Mailchimp Connector
Mailchimp Connector support following actions for REST API integration. If some actions are not listed below then you can easily edit Connector file and enhance out of the box functionality.Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Campaign type |
Status of the campaign |
Campaign sent before (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Campaign sent after (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Campaign created before (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Campaign created after (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Using list Id |
Using folder Id |
To customer |
Parameter | Description |
Campaign Id |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Created before (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Created after (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Created before last campaign send date (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Created after last campaign send date (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Includes email address |
Contains active ecommerce store |
Parameter | Description |
List Id |
Parameter | Description |
List Id |
Parameter | Description |
List Id |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
List Id |
Skip Merge Validation |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
List Id |
Skip Merge Validation |
Skip Duplicate Check |
Update Exising Subscription Status? |
Sync Tags |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
List Id |
Skip Merge Validation |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List Id |
Email Type |
Status |
Since Timestamp Opt (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Before Timestamp Opt (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Since Last Changed (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Before Last Changed (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Unique Email Id |
VIP Only |
Interest Category Id |
Interest Ids |
Interest Match |
Since Last Campaign |
Unsubscribed Since (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email Type |
Status |
Since Timestamp Opt (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Before Timestamp Opt (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Since Last Changed (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Before Last Changed (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Unique Email Id |
VIP Only |
Interest Category Id |
Interest Ids |
Interest Match |
Since Last Campaign |
Unsubscribed Since (Format: 2015-10-21T15:41:36) |
Parameter | Description |
Member Id |
Parameter | Description |
List Id |
Member Id |
Parameter | Description |
List Id |
Member Id |
Parameter | Description |
List Id |
Member Id |
Parameter | Description | ||||||
List Id |
Member Id |
Skip Merge Validation |
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Url |
Body |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Parameter | Description |
Url |
IsMultiPart |
Filter |
Headers |
Mailchimp Connector Examples (For ODBC PowerPack)
This page offers a collection of SQL examples designed for seamless integration with the ZappySys API ODBC Driver under ODBC Data Source (36/64) or ZappySys Data Gateway, enhancing your ability to connect and interact with Prebuilt Connectors effectively.
Get a list of campaigns in your Mailchimp account. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Campaigns
Get specific columns in list of campaigns in your Mailchimp account. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, WebId, Type, CreateTime, ArchiveUrl, LongArchiveUrl, Status, EmailsSent, SendTime, ContentType, NeedsBlockRefresh, Resendable, RecipientsListId, RecipientsListIsActive, RecipientsListName, RecipientsSegmentText, RecipientsRecipientCount, SettingsSubjectLine, SettingsTitle, SettingsFromName, SettingsReplyTo, SettingsUseConversation, SettingsToName, SettingsFolderId, SettingsAuthenticate, SettingsAutoFooter, SettingsInlineCss, SettingsAutoTweet, SettingsFbComments, SettingsTimeWarp, SettingsTemplateId, SettingsDragAndDrop, TrackingOpens, TrackingHtmlClicks, TrackingTextClicks, TrackingGoalTracking, TrackingEcomm360, TrackingGoogleAnalytics, TrackingClicktale, DeliveryStatusEnabled
FROM Campaigns
Get details about a specific campaign in your Mailchimp account. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Campaigns
WHERE Id='328e99cbc4'
Get list of lists/audiences in your Mailchimp account. [Read more...]
Get specific columns in list of lists/audiences in your Mailchimp account. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, WebId, Name, Company, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, PermissionReminder, UseArchiveBar, CampaignDefaultFromName, CampaignDefaultFromEmail, CampaignDefaultSubject, CampaignDefaultLanguage, NotifyOnSubscribe, NotifyOnUnsubscribe, DateCreated, ListRating, EmailTypeOption, SubscribeUrlShort, SubscribeUrlLong, BeamerAddress, Visibility, DoubleOptin, HasWelcome, MarketingPermissions, Modules, MemberCount, UnsubscribeCount, CleanedCount, MemberCountSinceSend, UnsubscribeCountSinceSend, CleanedCountSinceSend, CampaignCount, CampaignLastSent, MergeFieldCount, AvgSubRate, AvgUnsubRate, TargetSubRate, OpenRate, ClickRate, LastSubDate, LastUnsubDate
FROM Lists
Get details of a list/audience in your Mailchimp account. [Read more...]
WHERE Id='e246f7e24d'
Delete a list from Mailchimp account. [Read more...]
WHERE Id='e246f7e24d'
Get list of members within a specific list/audience in your Mailchimp account [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_list_members
WITH (ListId='e246f7e24d')
Get the current user's account information, such as full name, user name, email address, role, etc. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_user_details
Get specific columns of the current user's account information, such as full name, user name, email address, role, etc. [Read more...]
SELECT AccountId, LoginId, AccountName, Email, FirstName, LastName, UserName, AvatarUrl, Role, MemberSince, PricingPlanType, FirstPayment, AccountTimeZone, AccountIndustry, ContactCompany, ContactAddress1, ContactAddress2, ContactCity, ContactState, ContactZip, ContactCountry, ProEnabled, LastLogin, TotalSubscribers
FROM get_user_details
Create a new list/audience in your Mailchimp account [Read more...]
(Name, Company, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, PermissionReminder, UseArchiveBar, CampaignDefaultFromName, CampaignDefaultFromEmail, CampaignDefaultSubject, CampaignDefaultLanguage, NotifyOnSubscribe, NotifyOnUnsubscribe, EmailTypeOption, DoubleOptIn, MarketingPermissions)
('The Awesome List', 'My Company Name', '123 Morgan Falls Lane', 'Suite 250','Albany', 'GA', '30114', 'US', '(770) 555-1234', 'Thank you for signing up for these notification emails!', 'false', 'Sales Team', '', 'The best deals are here!', 'en', '', '', 'true', 'false', 'true')
Update details of a list/audience in your Mailchimp account (Update Mail Footer Address for SPAM compliance) [Read more...]
UPDATE Lists SET Address1='123 Main Street', Address2 = 'Suite 52', City = 'Chicago'
WHERE Id='e246f7e24d'
Get a list member by Id from a Mailchimp List [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM ListMembers
WHERE Id='170a0722daae03855d6434eb3a5959fb'
WITH (ListId='e246f7e24d')
Get a list member by Email from a Mailchimp List [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM ListMembers
WITH (ListId='e246f7e24d', Id='')
Delete a list member (archive) from a Mailchimp List. [Read more...]
Delete List Member by Id and archive it. To delete permanently use delete_list_member_permanent endpoint. Archived / bounced record cannot be resubscribed. To resubscribe you must call delete_list_member_permanent
WHERE Id='170a0722daae03855d6434eb3a5959fb'
WITH (ListId='e246f7e24d')
Delete list members (archive) from a Mailchimp List which are created after specific date (i.e. after Opt In time). [Read more...]
Delete list member operation archives the record. To delete permanently use delete_list_member_permanent endpoint. Archived / bounced record cannot be resubscribed. To resubscribe you must call delete_list_member_permanent.
DELETTE from ListMembers
WHERE TimestampOpt > '2023-06-16'
WITH (ListId='a4d24015f8')
Delete list members permanently from a Mailchimp List which are created after specific date (i.e. after Opt In time). [Read more...]
Delete list member operation archives the record.
select * from delete_list_member_permanent
WITH (ListId='a4d24015f8' , Id='170a0722daae03855d6434eb3a5959fb' )
Get list of all members within all lists/audiences in your Mailchimp account [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM ListMembers --scan all lists and then fetch members for each list
Get details on a specific member within all lists/audiences in your Mailchimp account [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM ListMembers
WHERE Id='170a0722daae03855d6434eb3a5959fb'
Get specific columns in list of members within a specific list/audience in your Mailchimp account [Read more...]
SELECT Id, ListId, EmailAddress, UniqueEmailId, ContactId, FullName, WebId, EmailType, Status, ConsentsToOneToOneMessaging, FirstName, LastName, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Birthday, StatsAvgOpenRate, StatsAvgClickRate, IpSignup, TimestampSignup, IpOpt, TimestampOpt, MemberRating, LastChanged, Language, Vip, EmailClient, Latitude, Longitude, LocationGmtOff, LocationDstOff, CountryCode, TimeZone, Region, Source, TagsCount, Tags
FROM ListMembers
WITH (ListId='e246f7e24d')
Create a new member in the specified list/audience in your Mailchimp account [Read more...]
(EmailAddress, Status, EmailType, MergeFields, Language, Vip, Latitude, Longitude, IpSignup, TimestampSignup, IpOpt, TimestampOpt, Tags)
('', 'subscribed', 'html',
'en', false, '41.881832', '-87.623177', '', '2023-04-01 18:00:00', '', '2023-04-02 14:00:00',
WITH (ListId='a4d24015f8')
Update an existing member in the specified list/audience in your Mailchimp account [Read more...]
UPDATE ListMembers
SET EmailAddress=''
, Status='subscribed' --subscribed, unsubscribed, cleaned, pending
, EmailType='text' --html, text
, Vip='false' --true
, FirstName='Bruce'
, LastName='Wayne'
/*,MergeFields= '{
"FNAME": "Bruce1",
"LNAME": "Wayne1",
"PHONE": "678-111-1234"
, Language='en' --fr
, TimestampOpt='2023-04-02 11:37:49'
, Latitude='38.8951' , Longitude='-77.0364' --Washington DC
, Tags='["tag1","tag2"]'
WHERE Id='e9f73ced3b649f0ca829103bcacb2846'
WITH (ListId='a4d24015f8',SkipMergeValidation='false')
Bulk Add / Update MailChimp Subscibers (members) from Microsoft SQL Server Table - Subscribe / Unsubscribe [Read more...]
SOURCE('MSSQL', 'Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=true'
,'select '''' EmailAddress,''first1'' as FirstName, ''subscribed'' Status
select '''' EmailAddress,''first1'' FirstName, ''subscribed'' Status
--//column name alias must match with InputColumns of ListMembers
Bulk Add / Update Subscibers (list members) from CSV File - Subscribe / Unsubscribe [Read more...]
SOURCE('ODBC', 'Driver={ZappySys CSV Driver};DataPath=c:\subscribers.csv'
,'select col1 as EmailAddress,col2 as FirstName, col3 as Status from $') --//column name alias must match with InputColumns of ListMembers
Bulk Add / Update Subscibers (list members) from any ODBC Source - Subscribe / Unsubscribe [Read more...]
,'select col1 as EmailAddress,col2 as FirstName, col3 as Status from sometable') --//column name alias must match with InputColumns of ListMembers
Bulk Add Subscibers (members) to the List from Source like MSSQL, ODBC [Read more...]
INSERT INTO ListMembersBulk
,'select col1 as EmailAddress,col2 as FirstName, col3 as Status') --//column name alias must match with InputColumns of ListMembers