Azure DevOps Connector
Version: 2

Read data from Azure DevOps in SSIS (Export data)

In this section we will learn how to configure and use Azure DevOps Connector in API Source to extract data from Azure DevOps.

  1. Begin with opening Visual Studio and Create a New Project.

  2. Select Integration Service Project and in new project window set the appropriate name and location for project. And click OK.

  3. In the new SSIS project screen you will find the following:

    1. SSIS ToolBox on left side bar
    2. Solution Explorer and Property Window on right bar
    3. Control flow, data flow, event Handlers, Package Explorer in tab windows
    4. Connection Manager Window in the bottom
    SSIS Project Screen
    Note: If you don't see ZappySys SSIS PowerPack Task or Components in SSIS Toolbox, please refer to this help link.

  4. Now, Drag and Drop SSIS Data Flow Task from SSIS Toolbox. Double click on the Data Flow Task to see Data Flow designer.
    SSIS Data Flow Task - Drag and Drop

  5. From the SSIS toolbox drag and API Source (Predefined Templates) on the data flow designer surface, and double click on it to edit it:
    SSIS API Source (Predefined Templates) - Drag and Drop

  6. Select New Connection to create a new connection:
    API Source - New Connection

  7. Use a preinstalled Azure DevOps Connector from Popular Connector List or press Search Online radio button to download Azure DevOps Connector. Once downloaded simply use it in the configuration:

    Azure DevOps
    Azure DevOps Connector Selection

  8. Proceed with selecting the desired Authentication Type. Then select API Base URL (in most cases default one is the right one). Finally, fill in all the required parameters and set optional parameters if needed. You may press a link Steps to Configure which will help set certain parameters. More info is available in Authentication section.

    Steps how to get and use Azure DevOps credentials
    Connecting to your Azure DevOps data requires you to authenticate your REST API access. Follow the instructions below:
    1. Go to to register your app.
    2. Fill in your application and company's information as required, and then select the scopes that your application needs. This should typically be Project and team (read and write) and Work items (read and write).
      Your selected scopes when registering your app must match the scopes you enter here on the connector screen. If they don't match, the connector will not be able to work with your Azure DevOps account!
      If you need further information about the scopes used in Azure DevOps, or need to see what to enter into the connector screen to match up with your selected scopes, visit
    3. Select Create Application and then the Application Settings page will be displayed.
    4. Record the application settings that are displayed for us to use later, especially the App ID and the Client Secret.
    5. Visit Once you are logged in, record your organization name in the URL that is displayed on the page. For example, if your organization is called "acmeinc", the URL on the page would be
    6. Back at the connector screen, enter the App ID that was recorded in step 4 into the Client Id (App ID) field.
    7. Enter the client secret that was recorded in step 4 into the Client Secret field. In order to edit the text in this field, select the ellipses (...) button that appears when the textbox is clicked and edit the client secret with the dialog box that appears.
    8. Enter the organization that was recorded in step 5 into the Organization name or Id for url field.
    9. Click Generate Token. If proper authentication occurs, you will see a notice saying so. You can click Yes to save a backup file of your generated tokens.
    10. Select the project you want to connect to by default from the Default Project (Choose after Generating Token) field.
    11. Select the Security tab.
    12. Enter, into the Additional Trusted Domains field.
    13. Select the Test Connection button at the bottom of the window to verify proper connectivity with your Azure DevOps account.
    14. If the connection test succeeds, select OK.

    Configuring authentication parameters
    Azure DevOps
    OAuth [OAuth]
    Required Parameters
    Client Id (App ID) Fill-in the parameter...
    Client Secret Fill-in the parameter...
    Organization name or Id for url (e.g. mycompany) Fill-in the parameter...
    Return URL Fill-in the parameter...
    Scope Fill-in the parameter...
    API Version Fill-in the parameter...
    Optional Parameters
    Default Project Name (Choose after Generating Token)
    RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
    RetryStatusCodeList 429
    RetryCountMax 5
    RetryMultiplyWaitTime True
    ZappySys OAuth Connection
    Steps how to get and use Azure DevOps credentials
    To connect to Azure DevOps using a Personal Access Token (PAT), you must first create a valid PAT:
    1. Go to your Azure DevOps home page:{your organization name}.
    2. On the home page, select the User Settings menu dropdown (looks like a person icon with a small gear over it), and then select Personal access tokens.
    3. Select the New Token button.
    4. Enter a name for the new personal access token.
    5. Select the appropriate organization for the new personal access token.
    6. Select the expiration date for the new personal access token.
    7. Select the scopes for this token. (You may be restricted from creating full-scoped PATs. If so, your Azure DevOps administrator in Azure AD has enabled a policy which limits you to a specific custom defined set of scopes.)
    8. Select the Create button.
    9. The new Personal Access Token (PAT) is created and displayed. Copy and save this token, since it is as sensitive as a password.
    10. Visit Once you are logged in, record your organization name in the URL that is displayed on the page. For example, if your organization is called "acmeinc", the URL on the page would be
    11. Back at the connector screen, enter the token you recorded from step 9 into the Personal Access Token (PAT) field.
    12. Enter the organization that was recorded in step 10 into the Organization name or Id for url field.
    13. Enter the name or Id of the project you want to connect to by default in the Default Project (Choose after above fields) field.
    14. Select the Security tab.
    15. Enter,, into the Additional Trusted Domains field.
    16. Select the Test Connection button at the bottom of the window to verify proper connectivity with your Azure DevOps account.
    17. If the connection test succeeds, select OK.

    Configuring authentication parameters
    Azure DevOps
    Personal Access Token (PAT) [Http]
    Required Parameters
    Personal Access Token (PAT) Fill-in the parameter...
    Organization name or Id for url Fill-in the parameter...
    API Version Fill-in the parameter...
    Optional Parameters
    AuthScheme Bearer
    AuthHeader Authorization
    Default Project Name (Choose after Generating Token)
    RetryMode RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
    RetryStatusCodeList 429
    RetryCountMax 5
    RetryMultiplyWaitTime True
    ZappySys Http Connection

  9. Select the desired endpoint, change/pass the properties values, and click on Preview Data button to make the API call.

    API Source - Azure DevOps
    Azure DevOps Connector can be used to integrate Azure DevOps data in your App / BI Tools. You can create, read, query, modify, and delete WorkItems, Projects, Teams and more.
    API Source - Select Endpoint

  10. That's it! We are done! Just in a few clicks we configured the call to Azure DevOps using Azure DevOps Connector.

    You can load the source data into your desired destination using the Upsert Destination, which supports SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Amazon Redshift. We also offer other destinations such as CSV, Excel, Azure Table, Salesforce, and more. You can check out our SSIS PowerPack Tasks and components for more options. (*loaded in Trash Destination)

    Execute Package - Reading data from Azure DevOps and load into target