Get work items for the default project(specified by connection settings). [Read more...]
Get work items for the specific project. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Project='ProductTesting')
Get a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE Id=1001
Get multiple work items by their Ids (Comma-separated) [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_workitems_by_ids WITH (ids='6444,5578,9467')
Search for work items by text contained within the work item. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM search_workitems_by_text WITH (SearchText='Text that I want to search for')
Get a specific work item by its Id, but halt the process if a 404 error is encountered. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE Id='8563' WITH (ContineOn404Error='False')
Create a query to get work items by the Id of the work items in the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
To learn more about Query syntax refer to this link and this link
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems
WHERE [System.Id] > 2000 AND [System.Id] < 7050
AND [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting''
AND [System.ChangedDate] < @Today
AND [System.CreatedDate] > @StartOfYear
AND [System.WorkItemType]=''Task''
AND [System.State]=''Resolved''
AND [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] >= 1
ORDER BY [System.ChangedDate] DESC
Create a query to get work items by the Id of the work items in the specified project for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Project='PosProject', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id] = 2819')
Create a query to get work items by the types of work items in the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItems WITH (Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.WorkItemType] = ''Task''')
Create a new work item in the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO WorkItems (WorkItemType, Title, [CustomFieldText], [CustomFieldDate], [CustomFieldNumber])
VALUES ('task', 'Fix Issues in System', 'My Custom Text', '2021-01-01T23:59:59.123', 1000)
Create a new work item in a specific project. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO WorkItems (WorkItemType, Title, [CustomFieldText], [CustomFieldDate], [CustomFieldNumber])
VALUES ('task', 'Fix Issues in System', 'My Custom Text', '2021-01-01T23:59:59.123', 1000)
Create a new work with many fields in a specific project. [Read more...]
, [Title]
, [Description]
, [Tags]
, [AreaPath]
, [IterationPath]
, [AssignedTo]
, [Priority]
, [Triage]
--, [StackRank]
, [Blocked]
, [TaskType]
, [RequiresReview]
, [RequiresTest]
, [IntegrationBuild]
, [FoundIn]
, [OriginalEstimate]
, [RemainingWork]
, [CompletedWork]
, [Size]
, [Effort]
, [TargetDate]
, [StartDate]
, [FinishDate]
, [DueDate]
, [StoryPoints]
--, [Discipline]
, [SystemInfo]
, [Steps]
, [ReproSteps]
--, [CustomFieldText] --custom field prefix with CustomYOUR_FIELD_NAME_WITHOUT_SPACE_OR_DASH_OR_DOT
--, [CustomFieldDate]
--, [CustomFieldNumber]
--, [CustomFieldDecimal]
--, [CustomFieldPickListString]
--, [CustomFieldPickListNum]
'Bug' -- Task, User Story -- WorkItemType
, 'My Task Title - Created on <<FUN_NOW>>' --Title
, 'Some Description - Created on <<FUN_NOW>>' --Description
, 'odata; api' --Tags
, 'ProductTesting\SSISPowerPack' --AreaPath
, 'ProductTesting\2021.6' --IterationPath
, '' --AssignedTo
, 1 --Priority
, 'Pending' --Triage
--, ??? --[StackRank]
, 'No' --Blocked
, 'Planned' --TaskType
, 'No' --RequiresReview
, 'No' --RequiresTest
, '' --IntegrationBuild
, '' --FoundIn
, 9999.111 --OriginalEstimate
, 9999.222 --RemainingWork
, 9999.333 --CompletedWork
, 9999.444 --Size
, 9999.555 --Effort
, '2021-01-31' --TargetDate
, '2022-01-31' --StartDate
, '2023-01-31' --FinishDate
, '2024-01-31' --DueDate
, 100.5 --StoryPoints
--, 'Some Discipline' --Discipline
, 'Windows 10' --SystemInfo
, 'Here are steps' --Steps
, 'Here are steps to reproduce' --ReproSteps
--, 'abcd' --CustomFieldText
--, '2021-01-31' --CustomFieldDate
--, 9999 --CustomFieldNumber
--, 9999.123 --CustomFieldDecimal
--, 'BBB' --CustomFieldPickListString
--, '2' --CustomFieldPickListNum
Update a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
Title = 'Renamed Work Item Title',
CustomMyField = 'New Custom Text'
WHERE Id = 7455
Update a work item by its Id (many columns). [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItems
SET [Title] = 'Update-QA Task <<FUN_NOW>>'
, [Description] = 'Updated desc <<FUN_NOW>>'
--, [WorkItemType]='Bug' -- Task
, [State] = 'Active'
, [Tags] = 'odata; api'
, [Revision] = 1
, [AreaPath] = 'ProductTesting\SSISPowerPack'
, [TeamProject] = 'ProductTesting'
, [IterationPath] = 'ProductTesting\2021.6'
, [Reason] = 'Reactivated'
, [AssignedTo] = ''
, [Priority] = 1
--, [Triage] = 'Pending'
--, [StackRank] = ???
, [Blocked] = 'No'
, [TaskType] = 'Planned'
, [RequiresReview] = 'No'
, [RequiresTest] = 'No'
, [ActivatedDate] = '2021-01-31'
--, [ResolvedReason] = 'Complete and Requires Review/Test'
, [IntegrationBuild] = ''
, [FoundIn] = ''
, [OriginalEstimate] = 9999.123
, [RemainingWork] = 9999.123
, [CompletedWork] = 9999.123
, [Size] = 9999.123
, [Effort] = 9999.123
, [TargetDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [StartDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [FinishDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [DueDate] = '2021-01-31'
, [StoryPoints] = 100.5
-- , [Discipline] = 'abcd'
, [SystemInfo] = 'abcd'
, [Steps] = 'abcd'
, [ReproSteps] = 'abcd'
-- , [CustomFieldText] = 'abcd'
-- , [CustomFieldDate] = '2021-01-31'
-- , [CustomFieldNumber] = 9999
-- , [CustomFieldDecimal] = 9999.123
-- , [CustomFieldPickListString] = 'BBB'
-- , [CustomFieldPickListNum] = '2'
WHERE [Id] = 6455
Add Tags to an exising workitem. [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItems
SET Tags = 'newtag1; newtag2'
WHERE Id = 6455
Delete a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM WorkItems WHERE Id = 7455
Delete work items match with Wiql Query. [Read more...]
Where 1=1
WITH(Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems Where [System.TeamProject]=''MyProject'' AND ([System.Id]=6469 OR [System.Id]=6468) ')
Update work items match with Wiql Query. [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItems
Set Title='New Title - Updated on <<FUN_NOW>>'
Where 1=1
WITH(Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems Where [System.TeamProject]=''MyProject'' AND ([System.Id]=6469 OR [System.Id]=6468) ')
Get all comments for all work items [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItemComments
Get all comments for a work item [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItemComments
WHERE WorkItemId=6455
Get a comment by Id for a work item [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM WorkItemComments
WHERE WorkItemId=6455 and Id=5283490
Query work items using Wiql. [Read more...]
This example shows how to use WIQL language to query Azure DevOps WorkItems. To learn more about WIQL Syntax you can refer this link
, Title
, Description
, CreatedDate
, Url
FROM WorkItems
--WHERE Id=5283490 -- get just one comment for specific WorkItem Id
WITH(Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting'' and [System.Id]=6455 ORDER BY [System.Id] DESC')
Query work items using Wiql (with #DirectSQL Tag). [Read more...]
This example shows how to use WIQL language to query Azure DevOps WorkItems using #DirectSQL pre processor to invoke server side query engine. This one is same as previous example except simplified SQL. To learn more about WIQL Syntax you can refer this link
#DirectSQL SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting'' and [System.Id]=6455 ORDER BY [System.Id] DESC')
Query Sprint Hours by Team Member - Esimated vs Actual Completed [Read more...]
This query shows how to query total time spent by team members during a specific Sprint (i.e. Iteration Path). This query only works if your team is updating Original Estimate and Completed Hours on work item after they are done with the task.
IterationPath as Sprint
, AssignedToUniqueName as AssignedTo
, SUM(OriginalEstimate) as OriginalHours_Total
, SUM(RemainingWork) as RemainingWork_Total
, SUM(CompletedWork) as CompletedHours_Total
FROM WorkItems
GROUP BY IterationPath,AssignedToUniqueName
--//On Preview UI Change [Max Rows] to use more sample rows - else it will use only 100 rows
,Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.IterationPath] UNDER ''ProductTesting\Sprint 1'' and State IN(''Resolved'', ''Closed'')'
--Use below to query all sprints for this Product
--,Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.IterationPath] UNDER ''ProductTesting\'' and State IN(''Resolved'', ''Closed'')'
Read more than 20000 work items (UNION ALL). [Read more...]
By default Azure DevOps API returns max 20000 items. If you want more than 20000 items then you can try below technique. Run enire query at once. Basically it creates many temp table each consisting 20000 rows each and then in final query we do UNION ALL
SELECT * INTO #t1 FROM WorkItems WITH(Project='ProductTesting', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id]>=1 and [System.Id]<20000');
SELECT * INTO #t2 FROM WorkItems WITH(Project='ProductTesting', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id]>=20000 and [System.Id]<40000');
SELECT * INTO #t3 FROM WorkItems WITH(Project='ProductTesting', Query='SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.Id]>=40000 and [System.Id]<60000');
--//add more temp tables above and update UNION ALL too
Query work item comments using Wiql. [Read more...]
, WorkItemId
, Text
, RenderedText
, Format
, CreatedDate
, CreatedByUniqueName
, CreatedById
, CreatedByDisplayName
, ModifiedDate
, ModifiedByUniqueName
, ModifiedById
, ModifiedByDisplayName
, Url
FROM WorkItemComments
--WHERE Id=5283490 -- get just one comment for specific WorkItem Id
WITH(Query='SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject]=''ProductTesting'' and [System.Id]=6455 ORDER BY [System.Id] DESC')
Create work item comment [Read more...]
INSERT INTO WorkItemComments(WorkItemId, Text)
VALUES(6455, 'Adding <strong>html comment</strong> - created on <<FUN_NOW>>')
Update work item comment [Read more...]
UPDATE WorkItemComments
SET Text='Updating <strong>html comment</strong> - updated on <<FUN_NOW>>'
Where WorkItemId=6455 and Id=5284411
Delete a specific work item by its Id. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM WorkItemComments WHERE WorkItemId=6455 and Id=5284411
Upload file (attachment). [Read more...]
FROM generic_request
RequestContentTypeCode='ApplicationOctetStream', --//Binary upload
--Headers='Content-Type: application/octet-stream', --//same as above
Meta='id:string(100);url:string(500)' --response columns you like to display
Add link to an exising WorkItem (add attachment as reference link). [Read more...]
If you know the attachment file URL you can use that in below query and attach a link to an exising WorkItem
FROM generic_request
Headers='Content-Type: application/json-patch+json',
Meta='id:int; fields.System.Title:string; fields.System.State:string; fields.System.WorkItemType:string; relations:string(4000)',
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/System.History",
"value": "Adding the necessary spec"
"op": "add",
"path": "/relations/-",
"value": {
"rel": "AttachedFile",
"url": "",
"attributes": {
"comment": "Error screenshot"
Get a list of projects associated with your Azure DevOps organization. [Read more...]
Get specific columns from a list of projects associated with your Azure DevOps organization. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, Name, Description, Url, State, Revision, Visibility, LastUpdateTime FROM Projects
Get details about a specific project by its Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Projects WHERE Id='a80fb082-f7c4-4345-911d-1c05ad1b1fc9'
Create a new project for your organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO Projects (Name, Abbreviation, Description, SourceControlType, Visibility)
('My New Project', 'MNP',
'The system we use for implementing point-of-service walk-in payment systems.',
'Git', 'private')
Update an existing project for your organization by referencing its Id. [Read more...]
UPDATE Projects SET Description = 'The system we use for implementing point-of-service walk-in payment systems and phone payments.'
WHERE Id='1be9ccef-45d7-4574-af67-7dc6c0699b6a'
Delete the specified project from your organization. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM Projects WHERE Id='85kd1641-5555-49b1-9c5e-22c22a61d4c4'
Get a list of all teams associated with your organization and default project. [Read more...]
Get a list of all teams associated with your organization and the specified project Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Teams WITH (Project='841e1641-325d-49b1-9c5e-22c11a61d4c4')
Get specific columns of a list of all teams associated with your organization and default project. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, Name, ProjectId, ProjectName, Url, Description, IdentityUrl FROM Teams
Get details about a specific team within your default project by its team Id. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM Teams WHERE Id='a0aa750f-1550-44af-a056-223696077df6'
Create a team within the default project for the organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO Teams (Name, Description) VALUES
('PosProject Team', 'This is the team who will be working on the Point of Service project.')
Create a team within the specified project for the organization. [Read more...]
INSERT INTO Teams (Name, Description) VALUES
('PosProject Team', 'This is the team who will be working on the Point of Service project.')
WITH (ProjectId='85kd1641-5555-49b1-9c5e-22c22a61d4c4')
Update a team within the default project for the organization by its team Id. [Read more...]
UPDATE Teams SET Name = 'PointOfServiceProject Team' WHERE Id='8djr4d07-5555-5555-9552-0b6d7je99w7f'
Delete the specified team by its Id. [Read more...]
DELETE FROM Teams WHERE Id='8djr4d07-5555-5555-9552-0b6d7je99w7f'
Get a list of audit records for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM AuditRecords
Get specific columns from a list of audit records for the organization. [Read more...]
SELECT Id, CorrelationId, ActivityId, ActorCUID, ActorUserId, AuthenticationMechanism,
Timestamp, ScopeType, ScopeDisplayName, ScopeId, IpAddress, UserAgent, ActionId, ProjectId, ProjectName,
ProcessTemplate, ProjectVisibility, StartTime, EndTime, BatchSize, EventSummary, Details, Area, Category,
CategoryDisplayName, ActorDisplayName, ActorImageUrl FROM AuditRecords
Get a list of predefined queries [Read more...]
SELECT * FROM get_queries
Get workitems for a predefiended query id [Read more...]
If you created a shared query for team or your private query then you can get result of that by query id
SELECT * FROM get_workitems_by_query_id
Query='e5150e18-1323-485d-8937-6991bf09ab1c' --see get_queries endpoint
, Project='Odbc'