How to install / uninstall / activate PowerPack from command line (Silent installation)

Home Page Forums FAQs – SSIS Tips and Tricks How to install / uninstall / activate PowerPack from command line (Silent installation)

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    This post will cover how to automate installation / uninstall / license activation from command line or script (e.g. PowerShell / DOS / Python script). We will use SSIS PowerPack as an example but same applies to ODBC PowerPack too.

    Silent Installation from Command line

    MSI installer supports many command line options to perform automated install / uninstall.


    msiexec /i  "c:\downloads\ssispowerpack_64bit.msi" /q  /L*V "C:\downloads\install-pp-log.txt"


    msiexec /x  "c:\downloads\ssispowerpack_64bit.msi" /q  /L*V! "C:\downloads\uninstall-pp-log.txt"

    Using PowerShell Script


    Write-Host "Installing PowerPack..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    & "msiexec.exe" /i "c:\downloads\ssispowerpack_64bit.msi" /quiet /L*V "C:\test\install-pp-log.txt" | Out-Null


    Write-Host "Un-Installing PowerPack..." -ForegroundColor Cyan 
    & "msiexec.exe" /x  "c:\downloads\ssispowerpack_64bit.msi" /q  /L*V! "C:\downloads\uninstall-pp-log.txt" | Out-Null

    Register / Unregister License from Command line

    Once Product is installed and if you like activate / de-activate license from command line then use below command.


      -p | --product {SSISPowerPack | ODBCPowerPack | ZappyShell}
      -r | --register [your_license_code] 
      -u | --unregister
      -i | --info
      -l | --logfile [file_path]

    -r = Register the product with purchased license key or trial extension key
    -u = Unregister all active license keys for specified product type (-p [product_code] )
    -i = Display all active license information for current system.

    Register license

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZappySys\SSIS PowerPack (64 bit)\LicenseManager.exe" -p SSISPowerPack --register "lgGAAO0QmCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWSxczM="

    Register license (log result in file)

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZappySys\SSIS PowerPack (64 bit)\LicenseManager.exe" -p SSISPowerPack --register "lgGAAO0QmCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWSxczM=" --logfile "c:\temp\powerpack_register_log.txt"

    If you like deactivate license from command line after installation then use below command.

    Unregister license (Log info on console)

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZappySys\SSIS PowerPack (64 bit)\LicenseManager.exe" -p SSISPowerPack --unregister

    Unregister license (Log info to file)

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\ZappySys\SSIS PowerPack (64 bit)\LicenseManager.exe" -p SSISPowerPack --unregister --logfile "c:\temp\powerpack_un_register_log.txt"

    How to configure the proxy during the silent installation of the License Manager.

    Within your installation script, you have the option to specify the designated path for storing custom configurations, such as proxy settings. The XML file follows a specific format, and you can leverage tools like PowerShell or other scripting languages to populate this XML with your custom content.

    PowerShell Example: Creating Custom Setting File (For Proxy) during silent installation

    Now let’s look at a more advanced scenario. There will be a time when you have to set Proxy information to allow License Registration or Annual Subscription License Activation without any manual work. If you have a Proxy server need and you like to set it like below in your PowerShell Script. If you use a different scripting language then you can do similar file write operations in your preferred scripting language too (e.g Python)

    Call the below code before the activation command line mentioned in the previous section.

    $xml=('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <LcSettings xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    	<LicenseFolder />
    		<ProxyPassword>Password1234</ProxyPassword />
    #Write-Host $xml
    #Run below as Admin else it will fail
    Set-Content -Path "C:\ProgramData\ZappySys\settings.xml" -Value $xml
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