SSIS MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task

MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task can be used to execute ad-hoc commands for MongoDB (e.g. DDL statements such as Create/Drop collection, DML statements such as Insert, Update, Delete or Run JavaScript and shell commands.)

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In this tutorial we will see how to Create, Insert and Get Collection using MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task, ZappySys provides high performance drag and drop connectors for MongoDB Integration. MongoDB doesn’t have SQL Like query language so sometime you may feel odd…But has native JSON like Query language. No worry if you stumble upon how to query various things in MongoDB.. Its different but not too hard to learn.
  1. First of all, MongoDB installed for MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task.
  2. Download and Install SSIS PowerPack from here (Skip this if you already did).
  3. Open Visual Studio and create new SSIS Package Project.
  4. In visual studio just Drag and Drop ZS MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task in design panel.
    MongoDB execute command - Drag and Drop
  5. Now, we need MongoDB Connection.
  6. Right click on Connection Managers Panel to Create MongoDB Connection, and Context Menu will appear, Select New Connection from the Context Menu.
    MongoDB execute command - insert JSON document into MongoDB
  7. Select ZS-MongoDB from the Connection Managers list and Click on Add Button.
    SSIS MongoDB Create Connection
  8. Now, in Connection Manager you will get by default Host name if you have already installed MondoDB, just give your User Name, Password and Database Name and hit on Test Connection and then click OK.
    SSIS MongoDB Create Connection

How to Create Collection(Table) using MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task.

  1. Double click on MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task to configure it.
  2. Select MongoDB Connection, Click on View Examples and Select Collection [Create]: Create New Collection, Replace Database and Table Name.
     scope: 'table',
     db: 'admin',
     table: 'NewCollectionName',
     command: 'create'
    SSIS MongoDB Create Connection
  3. Click on Test / Preview to see Data Preview.
  4. Click on OK button to save configure setting UI.

How to Insert Document(Data) using MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task.

  1. Double click on MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task to configure it.
  2. Furthermore, you can Insert Document using MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task with few Steps. Click here for examples.
    SSIS MongoDB Insert Connection
  3. Click on Test / Preview to run or execute.
  4. Click on OK button to save configure setting UI.

How to get table list using MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task.

  1. Double click on MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task to configure it.
  2. Here, you can get table list.
     scope: 'database',
     db: 'local',
     command: 'getCollectionNames'
    MongoDB get table list as recordset variable (Used with ForEachLoop)
  3. Click on Test / Preview to run or execute.
  4. Click on OK button to save configure setting UI.

How to get Document(Data) using MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task.

  1. Double click on MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task to configure it.
  2. If you wish to get Documents like Where condition then you may use below code. Calling EVAL command requires special permission so make sure you setup permission so MongoDB user can call db.runCommand ( {EVAL command} ).
    MongoDB call server side JavaScript

How to get Document(Data) with JSON Filter Expression using MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task.

  1. Double click on MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task to configure it.
  2. Now lets see, how to Filter output using JSON Path MongoDB ExecuteSQL Task support supplying filter expression (JSON Path) to extract specific data from output.

    For that you must specify filter property in command and Support for saving FullResultset as dataset (e.g. select * from mycollection) can be stored as recordset (can be used with ForEachLoop container task for looping click here)
    Example for JSON Filter Path.
     scope: 'database',
     command: 'eval',
     filter: '$.result[*].CustomerID',
     code: 'function() 
                var varCountry="USA";
                return db.Customers.find({Country: varCountry }).limit(2).toArray()
    Getting MongoDB command output as rowset (ADO dataset) rather than JSON and filter data using JSONPath
  3. Click on Test / Preview to see Data Preview.
  4. Click on OK button to save configure setting UI.


Property Name Description
ResultsetType ResultSet Type. It can be None, FullResultset or SingleValue. When FullResultset is specified then you have to store result in Object type variable. Full result is DataTable. SingleValue is Object datatype

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
None [0] None
FullResultset [1] FullResultset
SingleValue [2] SingleValue
RawResult [4] RawResult
CommandType Source of SQL Statement. It can be DirectValue or Variable

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Table [0] Collection Command
Database [1] Database Command
Server [2] Server Command
SqlStatementSourceType Source of SQL Statement. It can be DirectValue or Variable

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
DirectValue [0] DirectValue
Variable [1] Variable
ResultsetVariable Variable name which will store Full resultset ( DataTable) or single value of result. Variable type must be object datatype if storing full resultset
Timeout Command timeout in second. 0 means no command timeout
SqlStatementSource If SqlSourceType=DirectValue then this property holds SQL Statement.
SqlStatementVariable If SqlSourceType=Variable then this property holds Variable name which where SQL statement is stored
Connection Connection where you want to execute sql command

Available Options (Use numeric value listed in bracket if you have to define expression on this property (for dynamic behavior).

Option Description
Normal [0] Normal
Medium [1] Medium
Detailed [2] Detailed
Debugging [3] Debugging
PrefixTimestamp When you enable this property it will prefix timestamp before Log messages.

Setting UI

MongoDb ExecuteSQL Task - Setting UI
MongoDb ExecuteSQL Task - Setting UI


DB [Drop]: Drop database

This example shows how to drop MongoDB database (if database not found then error is raised).
 scope: 'database',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 command: 'drop'

DB [DropSafe]: Drop database if exists

This example shows how to drop MongoDB database if exists (if database not found then task succeed).
 scope: 'database',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 command: 'dropSafe'

DB [GetCollectionNames]: Get collection names

This example shows how to get collection names.
 scope: 'database',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 command: 'getCollectionNames'

DB [GetStats]: Get database statistics

This example shows how to fetch database statistics.
 scope: 'database',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 command: 'getStats'

DB [Eval]: Evaluate JavaScript

This example shows how to execute simple or complex multiline JavaScript code at server side.
 scope: 'database',
 command: 'eval',
 code: 'function() 
        var varCountry="USA";
        return db.Customers.find({Country: varCountry }).limit(2).toArray()

DB [Eval]: Using custom JSONPath Filter expression

This example shows how to execute any custom function or query and supply JSONPath expression to extract data from JSON Output. To test below you should set ResultType=FullResultset and click Test
 scope: 'database',
 command: 'eval',
 filter: '$.result[*].price',
 code: 'function() 
        return db.MongodbSSISTest.find().toArray()

DB [Eval]: Call function

This example shows how to call simple inbuilt or user defined function. If its user defined function then it must be created before you call in system.js collection (Read more about creating function in mongodb)
 scope: 'database',
 command: 'eval',
 args: { code: 'db.hostInfo()' } 

Collection [Create]: Create new collection

This example shows how to create new MongoDB collection (e.g. Table). If collection is already found then error is raised.
 scope: 'table',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 table: 'YourNewCollectionName',
 command: 'create'

Collection [CreateSafe]: Create new collection if not found

This example shows how to create new MongoDB collection if not found. If collection already exists then command is ignored.
 scope: 'table',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 table: 'YourNewCollectionName',
 command: 'createSafe'

Collection [Drop]: Drop collection

This example shows how to drop MongoDB collection (e.g. Table). If collection is not found then error is raised.
 scope: 'table',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'drop'

Collection [DropSafe]: Drop collection if exits

This example shows how to drop MongoDB collection if exists. If collection does not exist then command is ignored.
 scope: 'table',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'dropSafe'

Collection [Count]: Count records

This example shows how to count total records for specific MongoDB collection.
 scope: 'table',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'count'

Collection [Count]: Count records with condition

This example shows how to count total records with certain condition(s) for specific MongoDB collection.
 scope: 'table',
 db: 'YourDatabaseName',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'count',
 args: { 
        query: { $or : [{country:'USA'},{country:'UK'}] } 

Collection [Insert]: Insert document

This example shows how to insert new document into specific MongoDB collection.
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'insert',
        _id : 1,
        CustomerID : 'ALFKI',
        CompanyName : 'Company 1',
        RegistrationDate : ISODate('2001-01-01T00:00:00'),
        ContactName : 'Maria1 Anders',
        'Contact Title' : 'Sales Representative',
        AddressInfo : { Address1: 'Obere Str. 57',City: 'Newyork',State: 'NY' } ,
	    Tags : ['aa','bb','cc']

Collection [Insert]: Insert multiple documents

This example shows how to insert multiple documents into MongoDB collection. This technique can be used to call any MongoDB Shell command
  scope : 'database',
  db : 'MyDB',
  command : 'eval',
  args : {
    code : 'db.MyCollection.insert( [ {row:1,name:"AA"}, {row:2,name:"BB"} ] )'

Collection [Update]: Update existing document

This example shows how to update document/property of document (e.g. Update AdressInfo of customer document).
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'update',
        AddressInfo : { Address1: 'Obere Str. 58',City: 'Redmond',State: 'WA' }
 query: {_id : 1}

Collection [Update]: Use of update modifier (Insert to array using $push)

This example shows how to use update modifiers. For example use of $push modifier will insert new value to array inside your existing document. For more information about update modifiers check and to learn more about array modifier check
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'update',
 /*Check this link for more info on $push operator */
 doc: { $push: { Tags: 'dd' } },
 query: {RecID : 1}

Collection [Upsert]: Modify existing document with Upsert

This example shows how to If upsert is true and no document matches the query criteria, update() inserts a single document. The update creates the new document with either: •The fields and values of the {update} parameter if the {update} parameter contains only field and value pairs, or •The fields and values of both the {query} and {update} parameters if the {update} parameter contains update operator expressions. The update creates a base document from the equality clauses in the {query} parameter, and then applies the update expressions from the {update} parameter. If upsert is true and there are documents that match the query criteria, update() performs an update.
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'upsert',
        AddressInfo : { Country:'USA' }
 query: {_id : 1}

Collection [Save]: Save document (Upsert by _id)

If the document contains an _id field, then the save() method is equivalent to an update with the upsert option set to true and the query predicate on the _id field. If _id filed is missing then save() is similar to insert()
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'insert',
        _id : 1,
        CustomerID : 'ALFKI',
        CompanyName : 'Company 1-Updated',
        RegistrationDate : ISODate('2001-01-01T00:00:00'),
        ContactName : 'Maria1 Anders',
        'Contact Title' : 'Sales Representative',
        AddressInfo : { Address1: 'Obere Str. 57',City: 'Newyork',State: 'NY' } ,
	    Tags : ['aa','bb','cc']

Collection [Find]: Find records (with condition)

This example shows how to count total records with certain condition(s) for specific MongoDB collection.
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'find',
 args: { 
        query: { $or : [{country:'USA'},{country:'UK'}] } 

Collection [Find]: Fetch all records

This example shows how to fetch all records for specified MongoDB collection.
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'find'

Collection [Custom]: Fetch records using SQL query

This example shows how to use familiar SQL Query language to extract data from MongoDB collection. SQL query is translated to MongoDB Native query automatically so you don't have to learn MongoDB JSON Style query language.
SELECT top 10 * 
FROM Customer 
WHERE Country IN ('USA', 'Germany') AND CompanyName LIKE 'C%' 

Collection [Remove]: Remove records (with condition)

This example shows how to remove records from MongoDB collection based on certain condition(s).
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'remove',
    query: { $or : [{country:'USA'},{country:'UK'}] } 

Collection [RemoveAll]: Remove all records (Truncate table)

This example shows how to remove all records for specified MongoDB collection.
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'removeAll'

Collection [GetStats]: Get collection statistics

This example shows how to fetch collection statistics.
 scope: 'table',
 table: 'YourCollectionName',
 command: 'getStats'

See Also


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