Shopify Connector
Version: 1

EndPoint Update an Order




Updates an existing order. [API Help]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
Id Order Id YES The ID of the order to be updated.

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_I8 0 False
BillingAddressLine1 DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLine2 DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCity DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCompany DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCountry DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressFirstName DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLastName DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressPhone DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressProvince DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressZip DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressName DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressProvinceCode DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCountryCode DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLatitude DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLongitude DT_WSTR 255 False
BrowserIp DT_WSTR 255 False
BuyerAcceptsMarketing DT_BOOL 0 False
LineItems DT_WSTR 4000 True
CancelReason DT_WSTR 255 False
CancelledAt DT_WSTR 255 False
CartToken DT_WSTR 255 False
CheckoutToken DT_WSTR 255 False
ClientDetailsAcceptLanguage DT_WSTR 255 False
ClientDetailsBrowserHeight DT_I4 0 False
ClientDetailsBrowserIp DT_WSTR 255 False
ClientDetailsBrowserWidth DT_I4 0 False
ClientDetailsSessionHash DT_WSTR 255 False
ClientDetailsUserAgent DT_WSTR 255 False
ClosedAt DT_WSTR 255 False
CompanyId DT_I8 0 False
CompanyLocationId DT_I8 0 False
CreatedAt DT_WSTR 255 False
Currency DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDiscounts DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDiscountsShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDiscountsShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDiscountsPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDiscountsPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDutiesShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDutiesShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDutiesPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalDutiesPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalPrice DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalPriceShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalPriceShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalPricePresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalPricePresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentSubtotalPrice DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentSubtotalPriceShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentSubtotalPriceShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentSubtotalPricePresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentSubtotalPricePresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalTax DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalTaxShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalTaxShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalTaxPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
CurrentTotalTaxPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
CustomerId DT_I8 0 False
CustomerLocale DT_WSTR 255 False
Email DT_WSTR 255 False
EstimatedTaxes DT_BOOL 0 False
FinancialStatus DT_WSTR 255 False
FulfillmentStatus DT_WSTR 255 False
LandingSite DT_WSTR 255 False
LocationId DT_I8 0 False
MerchantOfRecordAppId DT_I8 0 False
Name DT_WSTR 255 False
Note DT_NTEXT 0 False
Number DT_I4 0 False
OrderNumber DT_I4 0 False
OriginalTotalDutiesShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
OriginalTotalDutiesShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
OriginalTotalDutiesPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
OriginalTotalDutiesPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
PaymentTermsAmount DT_DECIMAL 0 False
PaymentTermsCurrency DT_WSTR 255 False
PaymentTermsName DT_WSTR 255 False
PaymentTermsType DT_WSTR 255 False
PaymentTermsDueInDays DT_I4 0 False
Phone DT_WSTR 255 False
PresentmentCurrency DT_WSTR 255 False
ProcessedAt DT_WSTR 255 False
ProcessingMethod DT_WSTR 255 False
ReferringSite DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLine1 DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLine2 DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCity DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCompany DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCountry DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressFirstName DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLastName DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressPhone DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressProvince DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressZip DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressName DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressProvinceCode DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCountryCode DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLatitude DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLongitude DT_WSTR 255 False
SourceName DT_WSTR 255 False
SourceIdentifier DT_WSTR 255 False
SourceUrl DT_WSTR 255 False
SubtotalPrice DT_DECIMAL 0 False
SubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
SubtotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
SubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
SubtotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
Tags DT_NTEXT 0 False
TaxesIncluded DT_BOOL 0 False
Test DT_BOOL 0 False
Token DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalDiscounts DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalDiscountsSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalDiscountsSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalLineItemsPrice DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalLineItemsPriceSetShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalLineItemsPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalLineItemsPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalLineItemsPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalOutstanding DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalPrice DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalPriceSetShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalShippingPriceSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalShippingPriceSetPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalShippingPriceSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalTax DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalTaxSetShopMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalTaxSetShopMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyAmount DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalTaxSetPresentmentMoneyCurrencyCode DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalTipReceived DT_WSTR 255 False
TotalWeight DT_DECIMAL 0 False
UpdatedAt DT_WSTR 255 False
UserId DT_I8 0 False
OrderStatusUrl DT_WSTR 255 False

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_I8 0 False
BillingAddressLine1 DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLine2 DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCity DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCompany DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCountry DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressFirstName DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLastName DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressPhone DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressProvince DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressZip DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressName DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressProvinceCode DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressCountryCode DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLatitude DT_WSTR 255 False
BillingAddressLongitude DT_WSTR 255 False
BuyerAcceptsMarketing DT_BOOL 0 False
LineItems DT_NTEXT 0 True
CustomerId DT_I8 0 False
Email DT_WSTR 255 False
EstimatedTaxes DT_BOOL 0 False
FinancialStatus DT_WSTR 255 False
FulfillmentStatus DT_WSTR 255 False
LocationId DT_I8 0 False
MerchantOfRecordAppId DT_I8 0 False
Name DT_WSTR 255 False
Note DT_NTEXT 0 False
Phone DT_WSTR 255 False
Currency DT_WSTR 255 False
PresentmentCurrency DT_WSTR 255 False
ProcessedAt DT_WSTR 255 False
ReferringSite DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLine1 DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLine2 DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCity DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCompany DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCountry DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressFirstName DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLastName DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressPhone DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressProvince DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressZip DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressName DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressProvinceCode DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressCountryCode DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLatitude DT_WSTR 255 False
ShippingAddressLongitude DT_WSTR 255 False
SourceName DT_WSTR 255 False
SourceIdentifier DT_WSTR 255 False
SourceUrl DT_WSTR 255 False
Tags DT_NTEXT 0 False
TaxesIncluded DT_BOOL 0 False
TotalWeight DT_DECIMAL 0 False
UserId DT_I8 0 False
InventoryBehaviour DT_WSTR 255 False
SendReceipt DT_BOOL 0 False
SendFulfillmentReceipt DT_BOOL 0 False