Shopify Connector
Version: 2

EndPoints for Shopify Connector

On this page you will see possible API actions you can perform with Shopify connector. We will refer this as API EndPoint or just EndPoint.

Label Name Description
Get Customers get_customers Gets a list of customers. [API reference]
Get Customer get_customer Gets a specific customer. [API reference]
Create a Customer post_customer Creates a new customer. [API reference]
Update a Customer put_customer Updates an existing customer. [API reference]
Delete a Customer delete_customer Deletes a specific customer. [API reference]
Get Orders get_orders Gets a list of orders by status, date and other search criteria. By default only Open orders returned. Change Status parameter to any to get all orders. [API reference]
Get Order get_order Gets a specific order. [API reference]
Create an Order post_order Creates a new order. [API reference]
Update an Order put_order Updates an existing order. [API reference]
Delete an Order delete_order Deletes a specific order. [API reference]
Get Order Items get_order_items Gets a list of line items for all orders or the specified order(s). [API reference]
Get Products get_products Gets a list of products. [API reference]
Get Product get_product Gets a specific product. [API reference]
Get Products Count get_products_count Retrieve a products count. [API reference]
Get Orders Count get_orders_count Retrieve a orders count. [API reference]
Get Product Variants get_product_variants Gets a list of products with their variants. [API reference]
Update a Product Variant put_product_variant Updates an existing product variant. [API reference]
Create a Product Variant post_product_variant Creates a new product variant. [API reference]
Create a Product post_product Creates a new product. [API reference]
Update a Product put_product Updates an existing product. [API reference]
Delete a product delete_product Deletes a specific product. [API reference]
Delete a product variant delete_product_variant Deletes a specific product variant. [API reference]
Get Payouts get_payouts Retrieves a list of all payouts ordered by payout date, with the most recent being first. Requires following permissions shopify_payments_payouts, shopify_payments for API Token. [API reference]
Get Locations get_locations Gets a list of locations. [API reference]
Get Location get_location Gets a specific location. [API reference]
Create a Location post_location Creates a new location. [API reference]
Update a Location put_location Updates an existing location. [API reference]
Delete a Location delete_location Deletes a specific location. [API reference]
Get Inventory Items get_inventory_items Gets a list of inventory items. Each Product Variant has Inventory Item Id .. Its one to one relationship with Product Variant and Inventory Item. Query get_product_variants to get InventoryItemId and use as Id in this endpoint. [API reference]
Get Inventory Levels get_inventory_levels Gets inventory level for a specific location and inventory item. [API reference]
Update Inventory Levels put_inventory_level
Insert Inventory Levels post_inventory_level
Get Inventory Item get_inventory_item Gets a specific inventory item. [API reference]
Update Inventory Item put_inventory_item
Generic Request generic_request This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.
Generic Request (Bulk Write) generic_request_bulk_write This is a generic endpoint for bulk write purpose. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.