Shopify Connector
Version: 1

EndPoint Create a Product Variant




Creates a new product variant. [API Help]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
Id Product Id YES The ID of the product for which you like to create a new variant.

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_I8 0 False
ProductId DT_I8 0 False
Title DT_WSTR 100 False
Sku DT_WSTR 500 False
Price DT_WSTR 100 False
CompareAtPrice DT_WSTR 100 False
Position DT_I4 0 False
Option1 DT_WSTR 500 False
Option2 DT_WSTR 500 False
Option3 DT_WSTR 500 False
CreatedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
UpdatedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
Taxable DT_BOOL 0 False
InventoryItemId DT_I8 0 False
InventoryQuantity DT_I4 0 False
OldInventoryQuantity DT_I4 0 False
InventoryPolicy DT_WSTR 50 False
InventoryManagement DT_WSTR 100 False
FulfillmentService DT_WSTR 100 False
Barcode DT_WSTR 500 False
Grams DT_I4 0 False
ImageId DT_WSTR 500 False
Weight DT_R8 0 False
WeightUnit DT_WSTR 50 False
RequiresShipping DT_BOOL 0 False
AdminGraphqlApiId DT_WSTR 500 False
PresentmentPrices DT_WSTR 4000 False

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_I8 0 False
ProductId DT_I8 0 False
Title DT_WSTR 500 False
Price DT_WSTR 100 False
Sku DT_WSTR 500 False
Position DT_I4 0 False
InventoryPolicy DT_WSTR 50 False
CompareAtPrice DT_WSTR 100 False
FulfillmentService DT_WSTR 100 False
InventoryManagement DT_WSTR 100 False
Option1 DT_WSTR 500 False
Option2 DT_WSTR 500 False
Option3 DT_WSTR 500 False
Taxable DT_BOOL 0 False
Barcode DT_WSTR 500 False
Grams DT_I4 0 False
ImageId DT_WSTR 500 False
Weight DT_R8 0 False
WeightUnit DT_WSTR 50 False
InventoryItemId DT_I8 0 False
InventoryQuantity DT_I4 0 False
OldInventoryQuantity DT_I4 0 False
RequiresShipping DT_BOOL 0 False
AdminGraphqlApiId DT_WSTR 500 False
ProductId DT_WSTR 1000 False