Shopify Connector
Version: 1

EndPoint Get Customers




Gets a list of customers. [API reference]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
ids Customer Id(s) - Comma separated NO Restrict results to records specified by a comma-separated list of IDs. Max IDs per request controlled by BatchSize property (found in PaginationParams)
since_id Since Customer Id NO Restrict results to those created after the specified customer ID.
created_at_max Created Before NO
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
Restrict results to customers created before a specified date. (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47). Supported options are the following: now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3 days from month start)
created_at_min Created After NO
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
Restrict results to customers created after a specified date. (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47). Supported options are the following: now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3 days from month start)
updated_at_max Updated Before NO
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
Restrict results to customers last updated before a specified date. (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47). Supported options are the following: now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3 days from month start)
updated_at_min Updated After NO
Option Value
today today
yesterday yesterday
monthstart monthstart
monthend monthend
yearstart yearstart
yearend yearend
weekstart weekstart
weekend weekend
yearstart-1y yearstart-1y
yearend-1y yearend-1y
monthstart-1d monthstart-1d
monthend+1d monthend+1d
Restrict results to customers last updated after a specified date. (format: 2014-04-25T16:15:47). Supported options are the following: now|today|yesterday|weekstart|weekend|monthstart|monthend|yearstart|yearend and supported intervals for add/subtract are ms|s|sec|min|h|hour|y|year|d|day|m|month|y|year. Example monthstart-3d (subtract 3 days from month start)
limit Page Size NO The maximum number of records to show.
fields Only Fields to Show NO
Option Value
id id
email email
accepts_marketing accepts_marketing
created_at created_at
updated_at updated_at
first_name first_name
last_name last_name
orders_count orders_count
state state
total_spent total_spent
last_order_id last_order_id
note note
verified_email verified_email
multipass_identifier multipass_identifier
tax_exempt tax_exempt
tags tags
last_order_name last_order_name
currency currency
phone phone
accepts_marketing_updated_at accepts_marketing_updated_at
marketing_opt_in_level marketing_opt_in_level
sms_marketing_consent sms_marketing_consent
admin_graphql_api_id admin_graphql_api_id
Limit data retrieval to only the selected customer-related fields.

Output Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
Id DT_I8 bigint False
Email DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
AcceptsMarketing DT_BOOL bit False
CreatedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
UpdatedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
FirstName DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
LastName DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
OrdersCount DT_I4 int False
State DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
TotalSpent DT_WSTR nvarchar(50) 50 False
LastOrderId DT_I8 bigint False
Note DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
VerifiedEmail DT_BOOL bit False
MultipassIdentifier DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
TaxExempt DT_BOOL bit False
TaxExemptions DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 True
Tags DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
LastOrderName DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
Currency DT_WSTR nvarchar(20) 20 False
Phone DT_WSTR nvarchar(30) 30 False
AcceptsMarketingUpdatedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
MarketingOptInLevel DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
SMSMarketingConsent DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
AdminGraphQLApiId DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressId DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressCustomerId DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressFirstName DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressLastName DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressCompany DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressAddress1 DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressAddress2 DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressCity DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressProvince DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressCountry DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressZip DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressPhone DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressName DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressProvinceCode DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressCountryCode DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
DefaultAddressCountryName DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
EmailMarketingConsentState DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
EmailMarketingConsentOptInLevel DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
EmailMarketingConsentUpdatedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False

Input Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
CustomerId DT_I8 bigint False
Required columns that you need to supply are bolded.