Google BigQuery Connector
Version: 12

EndPoints for Google BigQuery Connector

On this page you will see possible API actions you can perform with Google BigQuery connector. We will refer this as API EndPoint or just EndPoint.

Label Name Description
Read Data using SQL Query -OR- Execute Script (i.e. CREATE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) get_query Runs a BigQuery SQL query synchronously and returns query results if the query completes within a specified timeout [API reference]
Read Table Rows read_table_data Gets the specified table resource by table ID. This method does not return the data in the table, it only returns the table resource, which describes the structure of this table. [API reference]
[$parent.tableReference.datasetId$].[$parent.tableReference.tableId$] get_[$parent.tableReference.datasetId$]_[$parent.tableReference.tableId$] Read data from [$parent.tableReference.datasetId$].[$parent.tableReference.tableId$] for project . [API reference]
List Projects list_projects Lists Projects that the caller has permission on and satisfy the specified filter. [API reference]
List Datasets list_datasets Lists all BigQuery datasets in the specified project to which the user has been granted the READER dataset role. [API reference]
Create Dataset post_dataset Creates a new empty dataset. [API reference]
Delete Dataset delete_dataset Deletes the dataset specified by the datasetId value. Before you can delete a dataset, you must delete all its tables, either manually or by specifying deleteContents. Immediately after deletion, you can create another dataset with the same name. [API reference]
Delete Table delete_table Deletes the dataset specified by the datasetId value. Before you can delete a dataset, you must delete all its tables, either manually or by specifying deleteContents. Immediately after deletion, you can create another dataset with the same name. [API reference]
List Tables list_tables Lists BigQuery Tables for the specified project / dataset to which the user has been granted the READER dataset role. [API reference]
Get Query Schema (From SQL) get_query_schema Runs a BigQuery SQL query synchronously and returns query schema [API reference]
Get Table Schema get_table_schema Gets the specified table resource by table ID. This method does not return the data in the table, it only returns the table resource, which describes the structure of this table. [API reference]
insert_table_data insert_table_data
post_[$parent.tableReference.datasetId$]_[$parent.tableReference.tableId$] post_[$parent.tableReference.datasetId$]_[$parent.tableReference.tableId$]
Generic Request generic_request This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.
Generic Request (Bulk Write) generic_request_bulk_write This is a generic endpoint for bulk write purpose. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.