Zoom Connector
Version: 1

EndPoint List Meeting Registrants




A host or a user with admin permission can require registration for a Zoom meeting. Use this API to list users that have registered for a meeting. [API Help]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
UserId UserId YES Only Used to list Meetings in the UI
MeetingId MeetingId YES The Meeting ID for which you want to get details.
page_size PageSize NO

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
id DT_WSTR 255 False
first_name DT_WSTR 255 False
last_name DT_WSTR 255 False
email DT_WSTR 255 False
address DT_WSTR 255 False
city DT_WSTR 100 False
country DT_WSTR 100 False
zip DT_WSTR 100 False
state DT_WSTR 100 False
phone DT_WSTR 100 False
industry DT_WSTR 100 False
org DT_WSTR 255 False
job_title DT_WSTR 255 False
purchasing_time_frame DT_WSTR 255 False
role_in_purchase_process DT_WSTR 255 False
no_of_employees DT_WSTR 255 False
comments DT_WSTR 4000 False
custom_questions DT_NTEXT 0 False
status DT_WSTR 100 False
create_time DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
join_url DT_WSTR 2000 False

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.