Zoom Connector
Version: 1

EndPoint Get Meeting By Id




The Meeting Id or email address of the user. For user-level apps, pass the me value. [API reference]


Parameter Label Required Options Description
MeetingId MeetingId YES The Meeting ID for which you want to get details.

Output Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
id DT_I8 bigint False
host_id DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
host_email DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
assistant_id DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
topic DT_WSTR nvarchar(400) 400 False
type DT_I8 bigint False
status DT_WSTR nvarchar(30) 30 False
timezone DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
agenda DT_NTEXT nvarchar(MAX) False
created_at DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
start_url DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
join_url DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
registration_url DT_WSTR nvarchar(500) 500 False
password DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
h323_password DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
pstn_password DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False
encrypted_password DT_WSTR nvarchar(400) 400 False
occurrences DT_NTEXT nvarchar(MAX) False
settings_host_video DT_BOOL bit False
settings_participant_video DT_BOOL bit False
settings_cn_meeting DT_BOOL bit False
settings_in_meeting DT_BOOL bit False
settings_join_before_host DT_BOOL bit False
settings_jbh_time DT_I8 bigint False
settings_mute_upon_entry DT_BOOL bit False
settings_watermark DT_BOOL bit False
settings_use_pmi DT_BOOL bit False
settings_approval_type DT_I8 bigint False
settings_registration_type DT_I8 bigint False
settings_audio DT_WSTR nvarchar(16) 16 False
settings_auto_recording DT_WSTR nvarchar(20) 20 False
settings_enforce_login DT_BOOL bit False
settings_enforce_login_domains DT_WSTR nvarchar(255) 255 False
settings_alternative_hosts DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
settings_alternative_host_update_polls DT_BOOL bit False
settings_close_registration DT_BOOL bit False
settings_show_share_button DT_BOOL bit False
settings_allow_multiple_devices DT_BOOL bit False
settings_registrants_confirmation_email DT_BOOL bit False
settings_waiting_room DT_BOOL bit False
settings_request_permission_to_unmute_participants DT_BOOL bit False
settings_global_dial_in_countries DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
settings_global_dial_in_numbers DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
settings_registrants_email_notification DT_BOOL bit False
settings_meeting_authentication DT_BOOL bit False
settings_encryption_type DT_WSTR nvarchar(76) 76 False
settings_approved_or_denied_countries_or_regions_enable DT_BOOL bit False
settings_breakout_room_enable DT_BOOL bit False
settings_alternative_hosts_email_notification DT_BOOL bit False
settings_device_testing DT_BOOL bit False
settings_focus_mode DT_BOOL bit False
settings_private_meeting DT_BOOL bit False
settings_email_notification DT_BOOL bit False
recurrence_type DT_I8 bigint False
recurrence_repeat_interval DT_I8 bigint False
recurrence_end_date_time DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
pre_schedule DT_BOOL bit False
uuid DT_WSTR nvarchar(100) 100 False

Input Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.