Zoom Connector
Version: 1

Authentication :: OAuth Authentication [OAuth]


OAuth App must be created under Admin Console > Channel > API > Settings. [API Help..]


Perform the following steps to get the Zoom OAuth credentials (i.e. Client ID and Client Secret)

  1. Go to Zoom Marketplace Portal and sign in there.
  2. Once you successfully login then select "Build App" option from Develop dropdown from top left on the page.
  3. Click on Create button of OAuth panel section of page.
  4. Enter the name for your application and choose app type (Recommneded "Account-Level App") option for your API
  5. Then proceed with clicking Create button.
  6. In Redirect URL for OAuth enter this https://zappysys.com/oauth as Redirect URI and add it to allow lists.
  7. Copy Client ID and Client Secret here and paste it into Connection Manager Required Paramters section in respective place holders
  8. Add appropiate scopes from the Scopes menu option to the right side of page for your API as below :
    • meeting:read;
    • meeting:write;
    • user:read;
    • user:write;
    • user_info:read;
    • meeting:read:admin;
    • chat_channel:read;
    • chat_channel:write;
    • chat_contact:read;
    • chat_message:read;
    • chat_message:write;
    • contact:read;
    • pac:read;
    • pac:write;
    • phone:read;
    • phone:write
    • phone_call_control:read;
    • phone_call_control:write;
    • phone_call_log:read;
    • phone_call_log:write;
    • phone_e911:read;
    • phone_recording:read;
    • phone_recording:write;
    • phone_sms:read;
    • phone_sms:write;
    • phone_voicemail:read;
    • phone_voicemail:write;
    • recording:read;
    • recording:write;
    • tsp:read
    • tsp:write;
    • user:read;
    • user:write;
    • user_info:read;
    • user_zak:read;
    • webinar:read;
    • webinar:write
  9. Click Generate Token button on Connection Manager UI to generate tokens.
  10. That's it!


Parameter Label Required Options Description Help
ClientId ClientId YES
ClientSecret ClientSecret YES
Scope Scope NO
Option Value
meeting:read meeting:read
meeting:write meeting:write
user:read user:read
user:write user:write
user_info:read user_info:read
meeting:read:admin meeting:read:admin
chat_channel:read chat_channel:read
chat_channel:write chat_channel:write
chat_contact:read chat_contact:read
chat_message:read chat_message:read
chat_message:write chat_message:write
contact:read contact:read
pac:read pac:read
pac:write pac:write
phone:read phone:read
phone:write phone_call_control:read phone:write phone_call_control:read
phone_call_control:write phone_call_control:write
phone_call_log:read phone_call_log:read
phone_call_log:write phone_call_log:write
phone_e911:read phone_e911:read
phone_recording:read phone_recording:read
phone_recording:write phone_recording:write
phone_sms:read phone_sms:read
phone_sms:write phone_sms:write
phone_voicemail:read phone_voicemail:read
phone_voicemail:write phone_voicemail:write
recording:read recording:read
recording:write recording:write
tsp:read tsp:write tsp:read tsp:write
user_zak:read user_zak:read
webinar:read webinar:read
webinar:write webinar:write
RedirectUrl RedirectUrl YES
TokenUrl TokenUrl YES
AuthorizationUrl AuthorizationUrl YES
RetryMode RetryMode NO
Option Value
None None
RetryAny RetryAny
RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch RetryWhenStatusCodeMatch
RetryStatusCodeList RetryStatusCodeList NO
RetryCountMax RetryCountMax NO
RetryMultiplyWaitTime RetryMultiplyWaitTime NO