Authentication :: OAuth Authentication [OAuth]
OAuth App must be created under Admin Console > Channel > API > Settings.
Perform the following steps to get the Zoom OAuth credentials (i.e. Client ID and Client Secret)
- Go to Zoom Marketplace Portal and sign in there.
- Once you successfully login then select "Build App" option from Develop dropdown from top left on the page.
- Click on Create button of OAuth panel section of page.
- Enter the name for your application and choose app type (Recommneded "Account-Level App") option for your API
- Then proceed with clicking Create button.
- In Redirect URL for OAuth enter this as Redirect URI and add it to allow lists.
- Copy Client ID and Client Secret here and paste it into Connection Manager Required Paramters section in respective place holders
- Add appropiate scopes from the Scopes menu option to the right side of page for your API as below :
- meeting:read;
- meeting:write;
- user:read;
- user:write;
- user_info:read;
- meeting:read:admin;
- chat_channel:read;
- chat_channel:write;
- chat_contact:read;
- chat_message:read;
- chat_message:write;
- contact:read;
- pac:read;
- pac:write;
- phone:read;
- phone:write
- phone_call_control:read;
- phone_call_control:write;
- phone_call_log:read;
- phone_call_log:write;
- phone_e911:read;
- phone_recording:read;
- phone_recording:write;
- phone_sms:read;
- phone_sms:write;
- phone_voicemail:read;
- phone_voicemail:write;
- recording:read;
- recording:write;
- tsp:read
- tsp:write;
- user:read;
- user:write;
- user_info:read;
- user_zak:read;
- webinar:read;
- webinar:write
- Click Generate Token button on Connection Manager UI to generate tokens.
- That's it!