Smartsheet Connector
Version: 2





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Parameter Label Required Options Description
AllowPartialSuccess Allow Partial Success (Default=False) NO
Option Value
false false
true true
When specified with a value of true, enables partial success for this bulk operation. See Partial Success for more information.
OverrideValidation Override Validation (Default=False) NO
Option Value
false false
true true
You may use the query string parameter overrideValidation with a value of true to allow a cell value outside of the validation limits. You must specify strict with a value of false to bypass value type checking.

Output Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
Id DT_I8 bigint False
CreatedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
ModifiedAt DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
CreatedAtLocalTime DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
ModifiedAtLocalTime DT_DBTIMESTAMP datetime False
RowNumber DT_I4 int False
BatchMessage DT_WSTR nvarchar(4000) 4000 False
BatchFailedItems DT_NTEXT nvarchar(MAX) False
BatchResultCode DT_I4 int False
Version DT_I4 int False
HttpStatusCode DT_I4 int False
PrevRowId DT_I8 bigint False

Input Columns

Label Data Type (SSIS) Data Type (SQL) Length Raw Description
[$parent.title$] DT_WSTR nvarchar(2000) 2000 True
==Checkbox Columns === DT_BOOL bit True
Id DT_I8 bigint False Row ID
Required columns that you need to supply are bolded.