Smartsheet Connector
Version: 1

EndPoints for Smartsheet Connector

On this page you will see possible API actions you can perform with Smartsheet connector. We will refer this as API EndPoint or just EndPoint.

Label Name Description
Search (cell data or other object types) search Get a list of search result object. [API Help..]
List Sheets get_sheets Get a list of Sheets. [API Help..]
Get Sheet Fields get_sheet_fields Get Sheet fields by Sheet ID. [API Help..]
Get Sheet Rows get_sheet_rows Get Sheet rows by Sheet ID. [API Help..]
Get Sheet Row by ID(s) get_sheet_rows_by_ids Get a Sheet by ID(s). [API Help..]
Delete Sheet Rows delete_sheet_rows Delete rows from a Sheet by row IDs. [API Help..]
Add Sheet Rows add_sheet_rows Add rows to a Sheet.
update_sheet_rows update_sheet_rows
Export Sheet (to PDF, Excel, CSV file) export_sheet Export Sheet to CSV, Excel or PDF file. [API Help..]
Export Report (to PDF, Excel, CSV file) export_report Export Report to CSV, Excel or PDF file. [API Help..]
Send Report via Email (EXCEL, PDF, or PDF_GANTT format) send_report_email Sends the report as a Excel / PDF attachment via email to the designated recipients. [API Help..]
Send Sheet via Email (EXCEL, PDF, or PDF_GANTT format) send_sheet_email Sends the sheet as a Excel / PDF attachment via email to the designated recipients. [API Help..]
List Reports get_reports Get a list of reports. [API Help..]
List Contacts get_contacts Get a list of contacts. [API Help..]
List Groups get_groups Get a list of groups. [API Help..]
Get Contacts get_contact Gets the specified contact. [API Help..]
Generic Request generic_request This is generic endpoint. Use this endpoint when some actions are not implemented by connector. Just enter partial URL (Required), Body, Method, Header etc. Most parameters are optional except URL.