Jira Connector
Version: 11

Release Notes

On this page you can find what's new in Jira Connector.
Date Description
2025-03-10 Fix - Fix OAuth malformed HTML instructions inside "Notes" element.
2025-01-15 New - Added read/write support for Team field type (Value listed in customfield_NNN_id and customfield_NNN_name fields).
2024-12-04 New - Added read/write support for User field type (value listed in customfield_NNN_accountId and customfield_NNN_email fields).
2024-12-04 Fix - Adjusted BatchSize to 50 (Was 100) to prevent error when calling Bulk Issue Insert (create_issues). You may get error - No more than 50 issues can be created in a single request.
2024-12-04 New - Added an example - how to continue on a specific error message.
2024-12-04 New - Added DefaultServiceUrl to set default Service URL on UI when user selects OAuth Connection Type.
2024-12-04 Fix - Around 20-25% Performance improvement for Comments Table Read Operation (Reduced last request by adding PagingMaxRowsExpr).
2024-12-04 Fix - CustomColumnsRegex is not working correctly.
2024-12-04 New - Added images in OAuth authentication instructions
2024-10-30 New - Added Groups, ApplicationRoles Tables
2024-10-30 New - Added Insert/Update/Delete operation for Comment Table
2024-10-30 Fix - Comments table may not return more than 50 comments per each Issue
2024-10-30 Fix - Issues / Users tables return one less row due to pagination issue
2024-10-30 Fix - Projects pagination not working (Max 50 projects returned)
2024-10-03 Fix - Create new issue with Labels fails (Its not treated as Raw fragment)
2024-10-03 New - Allow to use Formatted Comment (Raw JSON) in create_worklog or update_worklog operations
2024-10-03 New - Add Environment and EnvironmentFormatted columns (Environment was null in Get Issues)
2024-10-03 New - Change BodyContentText, Description, Comment datatype to DT_NTEXT from DT_WSTR in get_issues and get_worklogs endpoints to allow larger tahn 2000 chars in ETL tools like SSIS
2024-10-03 New - Change Environment datatype to DT_NTEXT from DT_WSTR in create_issues and update_issues endpoints to allow larger tahn 2000 chars in ETL tools like SSIS
2024-10-03 New - Change Labels to DT_WSTR rather than DT_NTEXT in get_issues endpoint
2024-10-03 New - Allow to Update/Insert formatted values for Custom Paragraph (TextArea) Field (e.g. DescriptionFormatted)
2024-10-03 New - Add new AggregateProgressPercent feild in get_issues endpoint.
2024-10-03 Fix - Clicking on [Show Advanced Parameters] checkbox throws error for Fields table / endpoint - Invalid ConnectionString format.
2024-10-03 Fix - Change Custom Paragraph fields (e.g. Long Summary) to DT_NTEXT (more than 2000 chars) so ETL tools like SSIS works fine for longer string.
2024-10-03 Fix - Encode value used for textarea field INSERT / UPDATE (i.e. Description) - If you include double quote, new line, tab, slash etc in value error parsing JSON.
2024-10-03 Fix - Improved Speed for metadata fetch (added UseRawCache to avoid multiple API calls).
2024-10-03 Fix - Some fields like DueDate detected as datetime (i.e. DT_DATE) rather than date (i.e. DT_DBDATE - without time part). DT_DATE can return date and time both. Use DT_DBDATE if field should just return date (no time part)
2024-10-03 Fix - BREAKING: Improve Speed by reducing number of unused columns from the output (e.g. customfields_value only needed for option fields, customfields_values only needed for array fields, customfields_text only needed for paragraph fields). After this change some of the unsed columns from your ETL Mappings / Reporting tools may be removed or throw error about column is missing, just ignore that warning / error becuase these unwanted columns were always set as null. Refresh your metadata and you will see number of custom field columns reduced drastically from you mappings.
2024-10-03 New - Allow to Update/Insert raw values for Custom Paragraph (TextArea) Field (e.g. set customfield_1234_text = 'your long description').
2024-10-03 New - Allow to Update/Insert raw values for Custom Option / Array / User / Team Field (e.g. Radio / Checkboxes / List Multiselect). (e.g. set customfield_1234 = '[{"value":"AA"}, {"value":"BB"}]').
2024-10-03 New - Allow to Update/Insert value for Custom Option Field (Dropdown / Radio) by value or option id. To update by Option entry id use customfield_nnnnn_value='BBB' and to update by id customfield_nnnnn_id = '100023').
2024-07-12 New - Add option to Continue on 404 Error (Record not found) on UPDATE / DELETE operations
2024-07-12 New - Updated many examples
2024-07-12 New - Add JQL Parameter examples and dropdown options
2024-07-12 Fix - Added support for Id field in WHERE clause for SELECT / DELETE / UPDATE operations (now you can call FROM YourTable WHERE Id=1234).
2024-07-12 Fix - Some fields (e.g. Summary) are too small for ETL tools like SSIS.
2024-04-25 New - Added option to use PAT (Personal Access Token) for Authentication rather than userid / password.
2024-04-19 New - Added option to choose custom domain in service URL.
2023-07-13 New - Custom fields not listed correctly after you select them.
2023-05-23 New - Added support for OAuth.
2023-05-23 New - Added Lookup Support for Issues so now you can search by many Keys.
2023-05-23 New - Improved speed for Issues table by changing maxResults to 100 and use PagingMaxRowsExpr to detect total rows (one less request in pagination).
2022-05-02 New - Added new endpoints get_custom_fields, get_custom_field_contexts and get_custom_field_option_for_context.
2022-02-28 New - Added new endpoints get_changelogs, get_changelog_details and get_changelogs_by_ids.
2022-02-28 New - Updated the Issue table [WorkRatio] column data type to String as it contains long number value (e.g.9117xxxxxxxxxxx2983).
2022-02-21 New - Added customfield value support for single / multi value fields. For multi select you can see comma separated values now.
2021-03-29 New - Initial version