Jira Connector
Version: 6

Release Notes

On this page you can find what's new in Jira Connector.
Date Description
2023-07-13 New - Custom fields not listed correctly after you select them.
2023-05-23 New - Added support for OAuth.
2023-05-23 New - Added Lookup Support for Issues so now you can search by many Keys.
2023-05-23 New - Improved speed by changing maxResults to 100 and use PagingMaxRowsExpr to detect total rows (one less request in pagination).
2022-05-02 New - Added new endpoints get_custom_fields, get_custom_field_contexts and get_custom_field_option_for_context.
2022-02-28 New - Added new endpoints get_changelogs, get_changelog_details and get_changelogs_by_ids.
2022-02-28 New - Updated the Issue table [WorkRatio] column data type to String as it contains long number value (e.g.9117xxxxxxxxxxx2983).
2022-02-21 New - Added customfield value support for single / multi value fields. For multi select you can see comma separated values now.
2021-03-29 New - Initial version