EndPoint Read Issues
Parameter | Label | Required | Options | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SearchBy | Search by | NO |
Project | Project | NO |
JQL | JQL | NO |
Key | Issue Key(s) or Ids - Comma Separated (PRJA-10,PRJA-13) | NO |
CustomColumnsRegex | CustomColumnsRegex | NO |
Output Columns
Label | DataType | Length | Raw | Description |
Id | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
Key | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ProjectKey | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ProjectName | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
StatusName | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
Summary | DT_WSTR | 2000 | False | |
Created | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
Updated | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
Description | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | Join formatted text blocks using space separator (new lines will be lost) |
DescriptionFormatted | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
CreatorAccountId | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
CreatorEmailAddress | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
ReporterAccountId | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
ReporterEmailAddress | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
AssigneeAccountId | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
AssigneeEmailAddress | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
ResolutionId | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
ResolutionDescription | DT_WSTR | 4000 | False | |
ResolutionName | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
Resolution | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
TimespentInSeconds | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
DueDate | DT_DBDATE | 0 | False | |
Expand | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
StatusCategoryChangeDate | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
Self | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
IssueTypeSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
IssueTypeId | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
IssueTypeDescription | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
IssueTypeIconUrl | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
IssueTypeName | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
IssueTypeSubtask | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
IssueTypeAvatarId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
IssueTypeEntityId | DT_GUID | 0 | False | |
IssueTypeHierarchyLevel | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
ProjectSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ProjectId | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
ProjectTypeKey | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
ProjectSimplified | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
ProjectAvatarUrls48x48 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ProjectAvatarUrls24x24 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ProjectAvatarUrls16x16 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ProjectAvatarUrls32x32 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
FixVersions | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
AggregateTimespentInSeconds | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
ResolutionDate | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
WorkRatio | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
WatchesSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
WatchesWatchCount | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
WatchesIsWatching | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
LastViewed | DT_DBTIMESTAMP | 0 | False | |
PrioritySelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
PriorityIconUrl | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
PriorityName | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
PriorityId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
Labels | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
AggregateTimeOriginalEstimate | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
TimeEstimate | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
Versions | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
IssueLinks | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
AssigneeSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
AssigneeAvatarUrls48x48 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
AssigneeAvatarUrls24x24 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
AssigneeAvatarUrls16x16 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
AssigneeAvatarUrls32x32 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
AssigneeDisplayName | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
AssigneeActive | DT_BOOL | 32 | False | |
AssigneeTimeZone | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
AssigneeAccountType | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
StatusSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
StatusDescription | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
StatusIconUrl | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
StatusId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
StatusCategorySelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
StatusCategoryId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
StatusCategoryKey | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
StatusCategoryColorName | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
StatusCategoryName | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Components | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
TimeOriginalEstimate | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
DescriptionVersion | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
DescriptionType | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
Security | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
AggregateTimeEstimate | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
CreatorSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
CreatorAvatarUrls48x48 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
CreatorAvatarUrls24x24 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
CreatorAvatarUrls16x16 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
CreatorAvatarUrls32x32 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
CreatorDisplayName | DT_WSTR | 200 | False | |
CreatorActive | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
CreatorTimeZone | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
CreatorAccountType | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
Subtasks | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
ReporterSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ReporterAvatarUrls48x48 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ReporterAvatarUrls24x24 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ReporterAvatarUrls16x16 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ReporterAvatarUrls32x32 | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ReporterDisplayName | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
ReporterActive | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
ReporterTimeZone | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
ReporterAccountType | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
AggregateProgressPercent | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
AggregateProgressInSeconds | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
AggregateProgressTotalInSeconds | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
Environment | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | Join formatted text blocks using space separator (new lines will be lost) |
EnvironmentFormatted | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | |
ProgressInSeconds | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
ProgressTotalInSeconds | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
VotesSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
Votes | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
HasVoted | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
ParentId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
ParentKey | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ParentSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ParentSummary | DT_WSTR | 2000 | False | |
ParentStatusSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ParentStatusDescription | DT_WSTR | 2000 | False | |
ParentStatusIconUrl | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ParentStatusName | DT_WSTR | 100 | False | |
ParentStatusId | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
ParentStatusCategorySelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ParentStatusCategoryId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
ParentStatusCategoryKey | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ParentStatusCategoryColorName | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ParentStatusCategoryName | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ParentprioritySelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ParentpriorityIconUrl | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ParentpriorityName | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ParentpriorityId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeId | DT_I8 | 0 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeDescription | DT_WSTR | 2000 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeIconUrl | DT_WSTR | 500 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeName | DT_WSTR | 50 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeSubtask | DT_BOOL | 0 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeAvatarId | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeEntityId | DT_GUID | 0 | False | |
ParentIssueTypeHierarchyLevel | DT_I4 | 0 | False | |
Assignee | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
ResolutionSelf | DT_WSTR | 150 | False | |
[$parent.key$] | DT_WSTR | 2000 | False | [$parent.name$] |
[$parent.key$]_value | DT_WSTR | 2000 | False | [$parent.name$]_value |
[$parent.key$]_id | DT_WSTR | 20 | False | [$parent.name$]_id |
[$parent.key$]_values | DT_WSTR | 2000 | False | [$parent.name$]_values |
[$parent.key$]_text | DT_NTEXT | 0 | False | [$parent.name$]_text Join formatted text blocks using space separator (new lines will be lost) |
Input Columns
Label | DataType | Length | Raw | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime. |