Jira Connector
Version: 6

EndPoint Read Issues




No description available


Parameter Label Required Options Description
SearchBy Search by NO
Option Value
Project Project
Key Key
Project Project NO Specify a project to search issues for
JQL JQL NO Use JQL to use an advanced mode of searching [API Help..]
Key Issue Key(s) or Ids - Comma Separated (PRJA-10,PRJA-13) NO Use comma separated IDs or Keys for Issues. 1000 ids max or JIRA internal limit for Payload.
CustomColumnsRegex CustomColumnsRegex NO Enter regular expression for custom columns which you like to output. Use Pipe to type keys (internal names for columns). You can use Regex too (e.g. field_100\d+ )

Output Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
Id DT_I8 0 False
Key DT_WSTR 50 False
Expand DT_WSTR 150 False
StatusCategoryChangeDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
Self DT_WSTR 150 False
IssueTypeSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
IssueTypeId DT_I8 0 False
IssueTypeDescription DT_NTEXT 0 False
IssueTypeIconUrl DT_WSTR 150 False
IssueTypeName DT_WSTR 100 False
IssueTypeSubtask DT_BOOL 0 False
IssueTypeAvatarId DT_I4 0 False
IssueTypeEntityId DT_GUID 0 False
IssueTypeHierarchyLevel DT_I4 0 False
TimespentInSeconds DT_I8 0 False
ProjectSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ProjectId DT_I8 0 False
ProjectKey DT_WSTR 50 False
ProjectName DT_WSTR 100 False
ProjectTypeKey DT_WSTR 100 False
ProjectSimplified DT_BOOL 0 False
ProjectAvatarUrls48x48 DT_WSTR 500 False
ProjectAvatarUrls24x24 DT_WSTR 500 False
ProjectAvatarUrls16x16 DT_WSTR 500 False
ProjectAvatarUrls32x32 DT_WSTR 500 False
FixVersions DT_NTEXT 0 False
AggregateTimespentInSeconds DT_I8 0 False
Resolution DT_NTEXT 0 False
ResolutionDate DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
WorkRatio DT_WSTR 100 False
WatchesSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
WatchesWatchCount DT_I4 0 False
WatchesIsWatching DT_BOOL 0 False
LastViewed DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
Created DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
PrioritySelf DT_WSTR 150 False
PriorityIconUrl DT_WSTR 150 False
PriorityName DT_WSTR 100 False
PriorityId DT_I4 0 False
Labels DT_NTEXT 0 False
AggregateTimeOriginalEstimate DT_WSTR 50 False
TimeEstimate DT_WSTR 50 False
Versions DT_NTEXT 0 False
IssueLinks DT_NTEXT 0 False
AssigneeSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
AssigneeAccountId DT_WSTR 100 False
AssigneeEmailAddress DT_WSTR 100 False
AssigneeAvatarUrls48x48 DT_WSTR 500 False
AssigneeAvatarUrls24x24 DT_WSTR 500 False
AssigneeAvatarUrls16x16 DT_WSTR 500 False
AssigneeAvatarUrls32x32 DT_WSTR 500 False
AssigneeDisplayName DT_WSTR 100 False
AssigneeActive DT_BOOL 32 False
AssigneeTimeZone DT_WSTR 100 False
AssigneeAccountType DT_WSTR 100 False
Updated DT_DBTIMESTAMP 0 False
StatusSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
StatusDescription DT_WSTR 150 False
StatusIconUrl DT_WSTR 150 False
StatusName DT_WSTR 100 False
StatusId DT_I4 0 False
StatusCategorySelf DT_WSTR 150 False
StatusCategoryId DT_I4 0 False
StatusCategoryKey DT_WSTR 100 False
StatusCategoryColorName DT_WSTR 100 False
StatusCategoryName DT_WSTR 100 False
Components DT_NTEXT 0 False
TimeOriginalEstimate DT_WSTR 50 False
DescriptionVersion DT_I4 0 False
DescriptionType DT_WSTR 50 False
DescriptionFormatted DT_NTEXT 0 False
Description DT_WSTR 4000 False
Security DT_WSTR 150 False
AggregateTimeEstimate DT_I8 0 False
Summary DT_WSTR 150 False
CreatorSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
CreatorAccountId DT_WSTR 100 False
CreatorEmailAddress DT_WSTR 100 False
CreatorAvatarUrls48x48 DT_WSTR 500 False
CreatorAvatarUrls24x24 DT_WSTR 500 False
CreatorAvatarUrls16x16 DT_WSTR 500 False
CreatorAvatarUrls32x32 DT_WSTR 500 False
CreatorDisplayName DT_WSTR 200 False
CreatorActive DT_BOOL 0 False
CreatorTimeZone DT_WSTR 100 False
CreatorAccountType DT_WSTR 100 False
Subtasks DT_NTEXT 0 False
ReporterSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ReporterAccountId DT_WSTR 100 False
ReporterEmailAddress DT_WSTR 100 False
ReporterAvatarUrls48x48 DT_WSTR 500 False
ReporterAvatarUrls24x24 DT_WSTR 500 False
ReporterAvatarUrls16x16 DT_WSTR 500 False
ReporterAvatarUrls32x32 DT_WSTR 500 False
ReporterDisplayName DT_WSTR 100 False
ReporterActive DT_BOOL 0 False
ReporterTimeZone DT_WSTR 100 False
ReporterAccountType DT_WSTR 100 False
AggregateProgressInSeconds DT_I8 0 False
AggregateProgressTotalInSeconds DT_I8 0 False
Environment DT_WSTR 2000 False
DueDate DT_DATE 0 False
ProgressInSeconds DT_I8 0 False
ProgressTotalInSeconds DT_I8 0 False
VotesSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
Votes DT_I4 0 False
HasVoted DT_BOOL 0 False
ParentId DT_I4 0 False
ParentKey DT_WSTR 50 False
ParentSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ParentSummary DT_WSTR 500 False
ParentStatusSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ParentStatusDescription DT_WSTR 500 False
ParentStatusIconUrl DT_WSTR 500 False
ParentStatusName DT_WSTR 100 False
ParentStatusId DT_I8 0 False
ParentStatusCategorySelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ParentStatusCategoryId DT_I4 0 False
ParentStatusCategoryKey DT_WSTR 50 False
ParentStatusCategoryColorName DT_WSTR 50 False
ParentStatusCategoryName DT_WSTR 50 False
ParentprioritySelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ParentpriorityIconUrl DT_WSTR 500 False
ParentpriorityName DT_WSTR 50 False
ParentpriorityId DT_I4 0 False
ParentIssueTypeSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ParentIssueTypeId DT_I8 0 False
ParentIssueTypeDescription DT_WSTR 500 False
ParentIssueTypeIconUrl DT_WSTR 500 False
ParentIssueTypeName DT_WSTR 50 False
ParentIssueTypeSubtask DT_BOOL 0 False
ParentIssueTypeAvatarId DT_I4 0 False
ParentIssueTypeEntityId DT_GUID 0 False
ParentIssueTypeHierarchyLevel DT_I4 0 False
Assignee DT_WSTR 150 False
ResolutionSelf DT_WSTR 150 False
ResolutionId DT_I8 0 False
ResolutionDescription DT_WSTR 500 False
ResolutionName DT_WSTR 50 False
[$parent.key$] DT_WSTR 2000 False [$parent.name$]
[$parent.key$]_value DT_WSTR 2000 False [$parent.name$]_value
[$parent.key$]_values DT_WSTR 2000 False [$parent.name$]_values
[$parent.key$]_text DT_WSTR 2000 False [$parent.name$]_text

Input Columns

Label DataType Length Raw Description
There are no Static columns defined for this endpoint. This endpoint detects columns dynamically at runtime.