Jira Connector
Version: 6

Authentication :: OAuth based Authentication [OAuth]


OAuth App must be created in Atlassian Developer Console. It is found at https://developer.atlassian.com/console/myapps/ [API Help..]


Firstly, login into your Atlassian account and then create Jira application:

  1. Go to Atlassian Developer area.
  2. Click Create app and select OAuth 2.0 (3LO) integration app to create an OAuth app.
  3. Give your app a name, accept the terms and hit Create.
  4. Then hit App details panel and copy paste Client ID and Secret into the API Connection Manager configuration grid into the proper places.
  5. Then go back and click Permissions panel to enable permissions/scopes for your application. You can enable them all.
  6. Go back again to application settings and click Authorization panel.
  7. Click Configure button and in Callback URL enter your own Callback URL or simply enter https://zappysys.com/oauth if you don't have one.
  8. Use this same Callback URL (Return URL) in a API Connection Manager configuration grid.
  9. In API Connection Manager enter one or more of these scopes (read more about available scopes) into Scopes property:
    1. offline_access (a must)
    2. read:jira-user
    3. read:jira-work
    4. write:jira-work
    5. manage:jira-project
    6. manage:jira-configuration
  10. Also configure your company's Subdomain in the properties grid.
  11. Click Generate Token to generate tokens.
  12. That's it!


Parameter Label Required Options Description Help
ClientId ClientId YES
ClientSecret ClientSecret YES
Scope Scope YES
Option Value
offline_access offline_access
read:jira-user read:jira-user
read:jira-work read:jira-work
write:jira-work write:jira-work
manage:jira-project manage:jira-project
manage:jira-configuration manage:jira-configuration
manage:jira-webhook manage:jira-webhook
Permissions you want to use. API Help
ReturnUrl ReturnUrl YES
OrganizationId Organization Id (Select after clicking [Generate Token]) YES Your company's Alphanumeric ID (e.g. c66xxx-xxx-xxx). This is obtained by calling GET
CustomColumnsRegex Custom Columns for output (Select after clicking [Generate Token]) NO Enter regular expression for custom columns which you like to output. Use Pipe to type keys (internal names for columns). You can use Regex too (e.g. field_100\d+ )