Jira Connector
Version: 11

Authentication Personal Access Token (PAT) Authentication


No description available [API reference]


Follow official Atlassian instructions on how to create a PAT (Personal Access Token) for JIRA


Parameter Label Required Default value Options Description
Subdomain Subdomain YES Your company's Atlassian subdomain. Subdomain parameter is ignored this if you choose custom domain in service URL
Password Token (PAT Bearer Token) YES Get your Personal Access Token by following steps listed here https://confluence.atlassian.com/enterprise/using-personal-access-tokens-1026032365.html
CustomColumnsRegex CustomColumnsRegex Enter regular expression for custom columns which you like to output. Use Pipe to type multiple column names (must use key - internal names for columns e.g. customfield_10004). You can use Regex too (e.g. field_100\d+ ). This filter is only applied for those fields which has flag custom=true.