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SSIS Timer Task

Timer Task can be used to add absolute or relative delay (up to days, hours, minutes or seconds) during your execution anywhere in the package.

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In this section you will learn how to pause execution of your package by adding specified delay time. in few clicks.
  1. From the SSIS toolbox drag ZS Timer Task on the designer surface.
  2. Double click on the task to configure it.
  3. On the setting UI select [Wait for Relative time (this is by default selected)] and then enter desired seconds to wait.
  4. Click OK to save UI settings.
  5. Execute the package and you will see once Timer Task starts executing it will wait for specified time you enter on the setting UI.


Property Name Description
Mode This option determines mode of operation

Available Options

  • Relative (default) : Wait for exact time specified in the form of days-hours-minutes-second. Wait time is calculated from the start time of Timer Task.

  • Absolute : Wait until specified date/time is reached

TimerSeconds Seconds to wait (Not applicable if Wait Mode is Absolute)
TimerMinutes Minutes to wait (Not applicable if Wait Mode is Absolute)
TimerHours Hours to wait (Not applicable if Wait Mode is Absolute)
TimerDays Days to wait (Not applicable if Wait Mode is Absolute)
TimerDateTime Exact datetime until timer task should wait. This option is only applicable if you selected Absolute Mode and ReadDateTimeFromVariable is False
ReadDateTimeFromVariable Specifies how to read Absolute DateTime value. If this is False then it will read value from TimerDateTime property else it will read from variable specified by TimerDateTimeVariable property
TimerDateTimeVariable Variable name which holds exact datetime until timer task should wait. This option is only applicable if you selected Absolute Mode and ReadDateTimeFromVariable is True
LoggingMode Determines logging detail level. Available options are Normal, Medium, Detailed, Debugging


Settings UI


Articles / Tutorials

Click here to see all articles for [SSIS Timer Task] category
How to delay SSIS execution using Timer Task

How to delay SSIS execution using Timer Task

Sometimes we need to delay task in SSIS and there is no simple way to do it. In this article, we will show a simple free task to do it. We will delay 1 minute a task and then we will show how to delay until a specific day and time.   How to delay SSIS tasks […]

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